Page 37 - Annual_Report_2015_2016
P. 37

More students joining global internships                       更多學生參加海外實習計劃

More than 80 students from CityU have secured valuable         逾 8 0 名 城 大 學 生 透 過「 全 球 實 習 工 作 計
non-local internship placements for the summer through         劃」獲取寶貴的暑期海外實習機會。全球
the Global Work Attachment Programme (GWAP). Set up            實習工作計劃於2015年由學生發展處的事
in 2015, GWAP is one of the flagship employability             業及領袖策劃中心推出,是加強學生就業
enhancement initiatives administered by CityU’s Career         能力的重要計劃之一。城大在柏林、慕尼
and Leadership Centre under Student Development Services.      黑、倫敦、上海、悉尼及東京六大城市共
Altogether CityU secured 110 global internship places in       取得110個全球實習生職位,學生的實習
six international cities - Berlin, Munich, London, Shanghai,   時間由八至十二周不等。
Sydney and Tokyo. Internships last between eight weeks
to twelve weeks each.

CityU students’ award-winning project finds                    城大學生自發籌組促進國際化活動獲
‘resonance’ with internationalisation                          教資會嘉許

A project initiated by international students from different   城大國際學生發起的一項活動計劃獲大學
backgrounds at CityU has been selected by the University       教育資助委員會(教資會)評為高教界學生
Grants Committee as the best sector-wide student-initiated     主導的最佳多元文化融合活動計劃。學生
project for encouraging multi-cultural integration. The        為此項名為「共鳴」的計劃籌辦的多項活
activities organised for the project, titled “Resonance”,      動,不但突顯世界大同的理想,而且體現
demonstrated CityU students’ innovative spirit and             了城大學生的創新精神和創造力,二者均
creativity, qualities emphasised in CityU’s unique Discovery-  為城大獨有的「重探索求創新」課程所着力
enriched Curriculum, as well as the University’s focus on      培養的品質。

                                                                The core members of “Resonance”.

                                                                                                   Annual Report 2015–2016 年報

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