Page 36 - Annual_Report_2015_2016
P. 36

University’s Recent Developments

                                                  Creating Knowledge                                                創造知識

                                                  New and consolidated programmes to meet                           城大新設課程及整合學科滿足社會需求
                                                  emerging demand
                                                                                                                    城大自2016 –17學年開始將增設生物醫學
                                                  A new undergraduate programme in Biomedical Sciences and          本科生課程,校內的三所學院亦將推出
                                                  nine consolidated majors has been introduced at CityU starting    經整合的九項主修學科,以滿足學生及
                                                  in 2016–17. These are in response to demands from students        僱主的需求,並配合各領域的知識與技能
                                                  and employers, as well as current and projected developments      發展。新增課程強調將生物醫學的基礎
                                                  in knowledge and skills. The new programme emphasises             知識與診斷技能及各類先進技術相結合,
                                                  the integration of basic knowledge in biomedical sciences         讓學生了解人類各種疾患的病因,並熟知
                                                  with investigative skills and cutting-edge technologies. It will  其診斷技術及治療方法。
                                                  enable students to understand the causes, diagnoses and
                                                  treatments of human disorders and diseases.

City University of Hong Kong Foundation 香港城市大學基金  Enriching Student Learning Experience                             豐富學生的學習體驗

                                                  Raising funds for students’ early                                 為學生創新創業計劃籌募經費
                                                  entrepreneurship development
                                                                                                                    為配合大學策略發展方向 — 提倡校園的
                                                  To align with the strategical direction of the University         企業家精神,大學在年內推出不同輔助項
                                                  in promoting entrepreneurship, various initiatives were           目鼓勵學生創新創業。除提供專業意見指
                                                  launched in 2015 to encourage early development of                導以鞏固學生的營商理念外,大學亦提供
                                                  students’ entrepreneurial spirits. Mentorship and guidance        創業初期的起動基金支援,讓學生具創意
                                                  support for CityU students with innovative ideas are provided     的新產品或服務得以實踐。
                                                  to create a vehicle for knowledge transfer. Funding support
                                                  is also rendered to assist them in materialising new products     大學在年內積極向持份者及贊助人推介此
                                                  or services.                                                      創新創業計劃以募集捐款。連同城大基金
                                                  In order to secure donation support for development of            逾500萬港元,在創業起動期向學生提供
                                                  entrepreneurship among students, special effort was made          資助。在2015 –16年度,共有六支學生隊
                                                  during the year to introduce the concept to university            伍脫穎而出,各獲約20萬港元資助。城大
                                                  stakeholders and donors. The total donations solicited            希望藉此計劃激發學生的求知熱忱,培養
                                                  for this project in 2015–16, including the income of the          他們的創新能力,在校園內形成求知創新
                                                  Foundation Annual Dinner 2015, amounted to over HK$5              的風氣。
                                                  million. The funding is designated to support our students to
                                                  start their business in the pre-formation stage. A total of six
                                                  student start-up projects were awarded in 2015–16, each
                                                  with around HK$200,000 funding support. It is hoped that
                                                  the scheme will foster the culture of innovation and kindle
                                                  the passion for entrepreneurship among our students.

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