Page 35 - Annual_Report_2015_2016
P. 35

Transformation of community-based elderly care:                   社區安老系統轉型 
improving the continuum of elderly services at                    提升仁愛堂的安老護理服務
Yan Oi Tong
Chairman of Wofoo Group Dr Joseph Lee Chung-tak has               主席李宗德博士的支持,開展社區安老系
made a donation to support a project of Professor Chan            統轉型計劃。計劃將透過推行風險評估服
You-hua Frank, Head of Department of Management                   務和轉型安老護理服務,協助仁愛堂加強
Sciences. Through implementation of risk assessment service       鑑辨新界西地區有高風險健康問題的長
and service transformation, the project helps to improve          者,並就長者的個別需要提供適切支援,
the delivery of elderly care services at Yan Oi Tong. With        從而提升其安老護理服務,長遠能減少長
the aim of enabling aging-in-community and minimizing             者的入院率和使用長期護理服務的申請,
hospital admission and long-term care institutionalisation, the   達致「社區安老」的目標。計劃不但有助
project identifies high-risk elderly in the community of New      建立一套風險評估服務和商業智能模式,
Territories West and offers efficient response. It is expected    讓醫療和社會服務提供者向有高風險健康
to help create a risk assessment service model and a business     問題的長者提供更完善的服務,更有助重
intelligence framework, which will enable medical and social      組安老護理服務,促進醫療和社會服務融
care providers to better serve the elderly with high-risk health  合。計劃預期有1,600名居住於新界西地
problem and foster integration of medical and social care         區的長者受惠。
across the elderly care continuum. It is estimated that a total
of 1,600 elderly in the neighbourhood of New Territories West
will benefit from the project.

I fully agree with CityU’s vision, particularly on the pursuit of innovation                 Annual Report 2015–2016 年報
and professional excellence; the donation would help CityU to foster
teaching and research, and support needy students.


                                                               Dr Yeung Kin-man, JP

                                         Member of Board of Governors, CityU Foundation



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