Page 34 - Annual_Report_2015_2016
P. 34

University’s Recent Developments

                                                  Academic expertise brings transformative                       學術專業推動社會發展
                                                  changes to society
                                                  Discovery of "memory ink” promises new hope for                促進記憶的藥物
                                                  patients with Alzheimer’s disease
                                                  The Charlie Lee Charitable Foundation has made a donation      研究獲李俊駒慈善基金捐款支持。是項研
                                                  to support the research of Professor He Jufang of Department   究取得顯著成果,為患有記憶衰退的病
                                                  of Biomedical Sciences. The research findings of Professor     人帶來新希望。研究顯示神經調節物質
                                                  He and his team has brought new hope for people who           「膽囊收縮素」能夠迅速把記憶寫入大腦皮
                                                  experience memory deficit as new drugs could be developed      層,在記憶形成過程中發揮關鍵作用。研究
                                                  to alleviate or even reverse the memory loss process caused    結果將有助研製新藥,減輕因衰老過程或
                                                  by aging or forms of dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease.     阿茲海默症等腦退化疾病而引起的記憶
                                                  It is found that a neuromodulator called cholecystokinin       衰退,甚至改善記憶。為擴大研究成果對
                                                  (CCK), plays a crucial role in memory formation by enabling    社會的影響,賀教授現正率領由城大及中
                                                  highly efficient memory writing in the neocortex. To expand    國科學院轄下的廣州生物醫藥與健康研究
                                                  the impact of the findings, Professor He is now directing a    院的藥物研發中心組成的聯合研究小組,
                                                  collaborative team between CityU and the Drug Discovery        研製有助記憶的膽囊收縮素激動劑,相信
                                                  Pipeline at the Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and         能為生物醫學研究領域帶來重大突破。
                                                  Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, for the development
                                                  of the memory drug CCK agonist - the “memory ink” which
                                                  is expected to constitute a significant breakthrough in the
                                                  study of biomedical sciences.

City University of Hong Kong Foundation 香港城市大學基金  Professor He Jufang leads a research on cross-modal learning.

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