Page 31 - Annual_Report_2015_2016
P. 31

Advancing Excellence in Education                               教研卓越並進
and Research
Institute for Advanced Study champions bold research
CityU’s new Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) was launched     22日舉行,標誌本港學術研究發展邁進新
on 22 November 2015, marking a new phase in the                 階段。高等研究院將積極推動創新研究,
promotion of innovative research in Hong Kong. One of the       回應現今全球面對的重要挑戰。同類型
few such centres in the region, IAS assembles leading scholars  研究所在亞太地區為數不多。城大高等
to address critical global challenges today. It aspires to be   研究院矢志促進科技發展與創新,以發展
an international centre of excellence for the advancement       為卓越國際研究中心為目標。研究院的
of technology and innovation. The interdisciplinary team of     研究團隊由來自不同領域的國際知名的
world-renowned scholars and researchers includes Nobel          專家學者組成,包括多位諾貝爾獎得主與
laureates and members of various national academies.            國家級院士。

Inauguration of Institute for Advanced Study.

                                                                                      Annual Report 2015–2016 年報

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