Page 30 - Annual_Report_2015_2016
P. 30

University’s Recent Developments

                                                  CityU, Tsinghua, UNECE agreement anticipates                    城大、清華及聯合國歐洲經委會合作
                                                  ‘One Belt One Road’                                             推動「一帶一路」計劃

                                                  CityU, Tsinghua University in Beijing and the United            城大、北京清華大學(清華)與聯合國歐
                                                  Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) signed           洲 經 濟 委 員 會( U N E C E )於 2 0 1 6 年 1 月
                                                  an agreement on 20 January 2016 in Geneva to advance            20日在日內瓦簽訂協議,共同推動中國
                                                  Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) within China’s One Belt     「 一 帶 一 路 」計 劃 中 的「 政 府 和 社 會 資 本
                                                  One Road initiative.                                            合作」(PPP)。
                                                  The initiative aims to strengthen connections between China    「一帶一路」計劃旨在利用陸路的絲綢之路
                                                  and Europe through Central and Western Asia along both          經濟帶以及海上的絲綢之路,通過中亞及
                                                  the land-based Silk Road Economic Belt and the ocean-based      西亞加強中國與歐洲的聯繫。有關計劃涉
                                                  Maritime Silk Road. It involves large amounts of investment     及大量基建投資,PPP可在調配資源方面
                                                  in infrastructure projects, in which the PPP will be vital in   發揮重要作用。
                                                  resource allocations.

City University of Hong Kong Foundation 香港城市大學基金The agreement was signed by (from left) Professor
              Horace Ip Ho-shing, Vice-President (Student Affairs),
              Mr Christian Friis Bach, UNECE Executive Secretary and
              Professor Yang Bin, Vice President of Tsinghua University.
              Christian Friis Bach先生及清華大學副校長楊斌教授代表

                    I am proud of CityU and I hope that I can show my recognition and
                    gratitude by my action.


                                                                                        Mr James Liu Ying-yin

                                                                       Member of Board of Governors, CityU Foundation
                                                                      Master of Business Administration (Executive) 2001



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