Page 29 - Annual_Report_2015_2016
P. 29

The second project that brought CityU and NPM together         第二個由城大與故 宮 攜 手 籌 劃 的 項 目 為
was the “Giuseppe Castiglione – Lang Shining New Media        「藝域漫遊—郎世寧新媒體藝術展」,於
Art Exhibition” during April to July 2016. The exhibition      2016年4_7月舉行。展覽運用數碼科技
pioneered a fresh way of presenting historical paintings. It   呈現清代宮廷畫家郎世寧(1688 –1766)的
merges technology with creativity and art through digital      畫作及所處的時代,融會科技、創意與
means, highlighting the value of the Italian Jesuit Giuseppe   藝術,以全新方式展示古畫傑作,呈現了
Castiglione’s (1688 –1766) artworks and their historical       城大在創意媒體領域的優勢。
context. The exhibition accentuates CityU’s leadership in
the field of creative media.                                   這個展覽隨後移師意大利佛羅倫斯舉行,
This creative media artwork was then showcased in              城大創意媒體學院邵志飛講座教授及該院
Florence, Italy, the exhibition was co-organised by NPM        的其他藝術家,特別為這次於意大利的
and Basilica di Santa Croce. CityU’s Chair Professor Jeffrey   展覽創作了題為「探索郎世寧世界之花鳥
Shaw and other artists at the School of Creative Media         走獸」的新媒體作品。
developed a creative new media exhibit titled “Explore the
Flora and Fauna of Castiglione” for this exhibition.

                                                               (From left) Mr Herman Hu Shao-ming,
                                                               Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang, NPM Director
                                                               Fung Ming-chu and Professor Way Kuo
                                                               officiate at the grand opening of the



Officiating guests and representatives                                                                 Annual Report 2015–2016 年報
from CityU and NPM.


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