Page 28 - Annual_Report_2015_2016
P. 28

University’s Recent Developments

                                                  Strengthening Internationalisation                               加強國際化

                                                  Rising status                                                    排名節節上升

                                                  2015–2016 has been an extremely rewarding year for CityU as      城大在2015 – 2016年度成績斐然,在本地
                                                  we continued our rising trajectory locally and internationally.  及國際的學術排名持續上升。根據2016年
                                                  According to the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) University            Quacquarelli Symonds (QS)世界大學
                                                  Ranking 2016, CityU was ranked 7th in Asia and 4th in the        排名榜中,城大位居亞洲第七,在建校
                                                  world's top 50 universities under 50 years of age. It is also    未滿50年的全球50所最佳學府中位列
                                                  ranked 55th in the QS World University Rankings 2016–17.         第四。而在2016 –17年度全球大學排名榜

                                                  Outreach and partnership                                         拓展與協作

                                                  New media art exhibition — collaboration with                    與 臺 北 國 立 故 宮 博 物 院( 故 宮 )合 作
                                                  National Palace Museum (NPM)                                     展示新媒體創作

                                                  The first collaboration between CityU and NPM in Taipei          城大與故宮於2015年8至9月首次合作,
                                                  was the "Rebuilding the Tong-an Ships New Media Art              舉辦「同安‧潮—新媒體藝術展—同安船
                                                  Exhibition" during August to September 2015. This new            與張保仔的故事」,以嶄新的新媒體藝術
                                                  media art exhibition that brought to life sea-faring culture     手法,在香港重現十九世紀初東亞海上世
                                                  and the Qing Navy’s advancement during the 19th century          界以及清廷水師改革。這是故宮首次與香
                                                  was a unique collaboration between CityU and NPM. It             港的大學合作,是城大努力爭取的成果,
                                                  marked a milestone in cultural and art exchanges between         也是臺港兩地文化藝術交流的里程碑。
                                                  two places. The collaboration was the fruition of CityU’s
                                                  pro-active industry in recent years, and represents the
                                                  first-ever collaboration between a local university and NPM.

City University of Hong Kong Foundation 香港城市大學基金  Guests tour the exhibition after the opening ceremony.
                                                  嘉賓參觀「同安‧潮 — 新媒體藝術展」。

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