Page 22 - Annual_Report_2015_2016
P. 22

Report on the Foundation

                                                  HKOMA delegation visits CityU                                               Mr Chow Tak-fung (front row 5th from right), Chairman of
                                                                                                                              Hong Kong Optical Manufacturers Association led a visit to
                                                  A delegation of 18 members from the Hong Kong Optical                       CityU.
                                                  Manufacturers Association (HKOMA), led by Mr David
                                                  Chow Tak-fung, Chairman of HKOMA and member of                              香港中華眼鏡製造廠商會會長周德豐先生(前排右五)帶領
                                                  the Board of Governors of CityU Foundation, visited CityU
                                                  on 20 October 2015. The delegation were presented an                        一眾會員參觀城大。
                                                  update on the development of the University, and visited
                                                  Plasma Laboratory, Centre for Smart Energy Conversion,
                                                  and Utilization Research, the “Pure Land–Inside the Mogao
                                                  Grottoes at Dunhuang” exhibition, and learnt about the
                                                  “bionic eyes” system developed by CityU faculty.


                                                  智能能源轉換及應用研究中心、「人間淨土 — 走進敦煌莫

City University of Hong Kong Foundation 香港城市大學基金  The Hong Kong Real Property Federation                                      香港房地產協會參觀城大
                                                  delegation visits CityU
                                                  On 4 May 2016, a delegation of 25 members from The                          25人在會長陳偉能先生及榮譽顧問兼城
                                                  Hong Kong Real Property Federation (HKRPF) visited CityU.                   大前顧問委員會成員陳家駒先生帶領下
                                                  They were led by Mr Anthony Chan, President of HKRPF                        到訪城大,了解大學的發展近況。同行包
                                                  and Mr Chan Ka-kui, Honorary Advisor of HKRPF and CityU                     括城大基金最高榮譽會長黃俊康先生。他
                                                  Former Court Member. The delegation, including Mr Wong                      們參觀了「人間淨土 — 走進敦煌莫高窟」
                                                  Chun-hong, Honorary Patron of CityU Foundation, received                    展覽、媒體與傳播系的數碼新聞中心和
                                                  an update on the latest development of the University,                      三維虛擬電視演播廳、毫米波國家重點實
                                                  visited the "Pure Land–Inside the Mogao Grottoes at                         驗室、黃翔羅許月伉儷講堂、以及「藝域
                                                  Dunhuang" exhibition, and toured the Omnimedia Digital                      漫遊 — 郎世寧新媒體藝術展」。
                                                  Newsroom and 3D-TV Virtual Studio in the Department
                                                  of Media and Communications, State Key Laboratory of
                                                  Millimeter Waves, Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall as well
                                                  as the "Giuseppe Castiglione–Lang Shining New Media
                                                  Art Exhibition".

20                                                                          Representatives from The Hong Kong Real Property
                                                                            Federation visited CityU.

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