Page 21 - Annual_Report_2015_2016
P. 21

Campus visits foster links with community

To strengthen the University's relationship with business and industrial sectors, numerous campus visits
showcasing our cutting edge facilities and research outputs were coordinated.


The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong                    香港中華廠商聯合會代表到訪城大
Kong delegation visits CityU
                                                                  香 港 中 華 廠 商 聯 合 會( 廠 商 會 )會 長
A delegation of 22 members from The Chinese                       李秀恒博士率領該會成員一行共22人於
Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong (CMA), led by its         2015年7月27日到訪城大。校長郭位教授
President Dr Eddy Li Sau-hung, paid a visit to the University     感謝廠商會代表在百忙中抽空蒞臨。
on 27 July 2015. President Professor Way Kuo, extended his        他向代表團成員介紹大學各項最新發展,
welcome to members of CMA and thanked them for taking             並就廠商會多年來對城大的支持表示衷心
time out from their busy schedules. He also presented the         謝意。廠商會會長李博士期望廠商會與
latest university development to the delegation and expressed     城大能緊密合作,攜手為香港培育更多
his sincere appreciation for CMA’s support over the years. Dr Li  優秀人才。
was hopeful that there would be closer collaboration between
CMA and CityU in nurturing talent for
the community.

 Representatives from The Chinese                                                                         Annual Report 2015–2016 年報
 Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong
 visited CityU.                                                                                           19

Being an alumnus, I look forward to seeing the giving and caring culture to
be passed from generation to generation. The CityU Foundation is one of the
effective ways of maintaining the relationship between CityU and its alumni.


                                                                      Dr Peter Ho Ka-nam

                                              Member of Board of Governors, CityU Foundation
                                      Engineering Doctorate (Engineering Management) 2012

                                           Master of Science in Engineering Management 2007


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