Page 20 - Annual_Report_2015_2016
P. 20

Report on the Foundation

                                                  CityU Industrial and Business Leaders Circle                城大工商業領袖協會

                                                  In order to solicit donation support and enhance            為拓展捐款來源和進一步加強城大與工商
                                                  connection and collaboration with various industrial and    業界和專業精英的合作交流,城大基金
                                                  commercial sectors, the CityU Industrial and Business       理事會於2016年4月通過成立「工商業領
                                                  Leaders Circle (“Leaders Circle”) has been set up in April  袖協會」。希望藉此平台凝聚業界精英,
                                                  2016 with endorsement from CityU Foundation’s Board of      與大學分享經驗和資源,支持教育,回饋
                                                  Governors. It provides a platform for closer partnership    社會。
                                                  by strengthening communications between the University
                                                  and industrial and business leaders.                        城大「工商業領袖協會」由一群資深業界
                                                  A Steering Committee comprising prominent industry          委員會聯席召集人為陳振東博士及張華強
                                                  and business leaders, was set up to drive and support the   博士,另外五位企業家亦應邀出任委員會
                                                  development of the Leaders Circle. Dr John Chan Chun-tung   成員。協會成立後廣獲支持,截至2016年
                                                  and Dr Jacky Cheung Wah-keung have kindly agreed to be      6月,協會共獲超過250萬港元捐款支持。
                                                  the Co-convenors of the Committee, while five prominent     除特別指定的捐款用途外,「工商業領袖
                                                  entrepreneurs were invited as Committee members. From       協 會 」所 籌 得 款 項 將 會 用 於 支 持 學 生
                                                  its launch up to June 2016, more than HK$2.5 million        發展,包括資助學生的創新創業計劃、
                                                  was solicited in support of the Leaders Circle. Except      獎學金與助學金、以及非本地交流及實習
                                                  donations with designated purposes specified by donors,     計劃等。
                                                  all funds raised by the Leaders Circle are used to support
                                                  student development activities, including innovation and
                                                  entrepreneurship projects, scholarships and bursaries,
                                                  and overseas exchanges and internship programmes.

City University of Hong Kong Foundation 香港城市大學基金      Dr John Chan Chun-tung,                   Dr Jacky Cheung Wah-keung,

                                                  Co-convenor of the Leaders Circle              Co-convenor of the Leaders Circle

                                                                       陳振東博士                                           張華強博士

                                                          工商業領袖協會聯席召集人                                    工商業領袖協會聯席召集人

                                                  I hope the establishment of the CityU         I am very honoured to be appointed
                                                  Industrial and Business Leaders Circle can    Co-convenor of the CityU Industrial and
                                                  strengthen the connection between the         Business Leaders Circle. I hope that more
                                                  University and industries in Hong Kong,       industry and business leaders who care about
                                                  foster the development and applications of    education and young people can join hands
                                                  technologies, and nurture future leaders for  with us to support CityU so that the University
                                                  various sectors.                              and its students can advance further.

                                                  我喜見城大成立「工商業領袖協會」,藉著深                          我獲邀擔任「工商業領袖協會」聯席召集人,

                                                  化工商界與大學的關係,加強科研發展的應                           感到非常榮幸,期望可協助召集更多關心

                  用和培育業界未來接班人。                                                                  教育及年輕人發展的工商界領袖聚首城大,
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