e-Certification is a web-based system developed by CityU to enable employers, employment agencies and educational institutions to verify electronically the following information:

  1. The academic award(s) obtained by a research postgraduate / professional doctorate / master's / bachelor's / associate degree holder (for Class of 2014 onwards), and/or
  2. The non-academic record(s) of a bachelor's degree holder (for 2019 cohort onwards).

By inputting the specific access code, the following information of a graduate can be viewed for your reference.

  • Name
  • Student Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Award details include Award Name, Graduation Date as well as Major, Minor and Classification (if applicable)
  • e-Certificate image (with watermark) (showing academic awards of a graduate from the Class of 2022 onwards)
  • Co-curricular Transcript image (showing non-academic records of a graduate for the 2019 cohort onwards)



The handling of personal data must comply with the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (https://www.pcpd.org.hk).