We cannot arrange waiting room settings / video recording settings (e.g. without our faces) on our own
Zoom attendance report requires a great amount of manual effort to translate from 'duration (minutes)' to percentage
Complex and complicated for editing recordings in Zoom and then uploading them to Panopto
Inconvenient to log in to Canvas to reply to email notifications of student messages
Changes in Quizzes have not always been highlighted and have led to wasting a lot of time in identifying problems with student access to the answers
Canvas offers many functions but pathetically failed on the most basic aspect of what teachers would need, Blackboard is a bit better
There needs to be greater support to help with setting up and monitoring online exams
Part-time lecturers do not have access as full-time colleagues in the CityUHK library, so difficult to obtain materials while teaching off campus
Is it possible to grade question by question in SpeedGrader? Can we have an extra button next to each question in SpeedGrader?
Documents/videos to explain the different feedback tools we have (SpeedGrader and Turnitin Feedback Studio) and how to access them
Documents/videos teaching colleagues the limitations associated with different settings of assignments, e.g. allow resubmission after due date
The future world (workplace, social life, networking...) will be hybrid so our learning should be hybrid and we should equip our students with these skills
We can continue to use some online tools, even if we will go back to face-to-face classroom teaching
Hope interactive functions in Zoom like polling and chat will still be there in one way or another
Dispense with online exams ASAP
Develop a way to check attendance and students' attention