Add the CityUHK logo in your digital teaching materials so readers notice the files are created at CityUHK. You may also want to add a copyright statement on your work to remind students that they should not reproduce, publish, distribute or exploit your teaching materials without your permission.
List any third-party contents with titles and authors names under References / Sources.
Access Canvas Commons to search for additional contents to support your teaching [more details].
step 1 (write material) now click to step 2 (protect material) click to step 3 (release material)
click to extra step (monitor)
To preserve editability of distributed materials,
you are advised to convert documents such as Microsoft Office files to PDF files with watermarks. Then distribute the converted PDF files to students.
Contact the Digital Learning Support if you want to learn more about creating PDF files.
click to step 1 (write material) step 2 (protect material) now click to step 3 (release material)
click to extra step (monitor)
Be aware when handling copyright works......
The fair dealing exception allows you to use copyright works on Canvas with certain limitations. One of them is to ensure the work is kept online for not longer than 12 months. Visit our "Handling Copyright Works on Canvas" page for more details.
click to step 1 (write material) click to step 2 (protect material) step 3 (release material) now
click to extra step (monitor)
If you found that your materials have been posted on online platforms (e.g. Course Hero) without your consent......
You may raise a take-down request (*) to the support of the website. Please contact us if further assistance is needed.

(* note: For Course Hero, you may submit a takedown notice for copyright infringement.)
click to step 1 (write material) click to step 2 (protect material) click to step 3 (release material)
extra step (monitor) now

Course Hero

If you found that your materials have been posted on Course Hero without your consent, you may submit a DMCA-compliant take-down notice via email to

How to send a take-down notice

To begin the official take-down process for your copyrighted material in Course Hero, please provide a DMCA-compliant written communication which includes the items specified below.

  1. Describe the copyrighted work or list of works claimed to have been infringed.
  2. Provide the specific location of the infringing material, including its URL on Course Hero.
  3. Provide your contact information (name, address, phone number, and email address).
  4. Provide a statement that
    "I have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law."
  5. Provide one more statement that
    "The information in my letter is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner of the exclusive right to the identified work."
    "The information in my letter is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that I am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the exclusive right to the identified work."
  6. Provide a physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner or a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

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