Professor Linda Chelan LI
3442 9556
Director, Research Centre for Sustainable Hong Kong / Public Policy
Linda Li stresses the role of collaboration as well as conflict in understanding politics and public policy. A specialist in intergovernmental relations and Chinese government reforms, her award-winning piece published in Political Studies back in 1997 advocates an alternative analytical framework to enable observers to take note, and work towards, the occurrence of collaboration and compromise, amidst a general context of mutual distrust and conflict. Trained in political science and sociology, her works have straddled the politics of central-local relations in China, government reforms, rural public finance, equity education, civil society coalitions, and cross-border relations to explore the dynamics of institutional and agency change processes. She was educated in Hyong Kong schools before going to London where she earned a doctorate in political studies. She teaches political analysis theories and Chinese government and politics courses, and postgraduate research seminars. She is a regular commentator on Chinese and Hong Kong politics and public policy in the Hong Kong and international media.
She served as Associate Provost (Strategic Planning) of the University from September 2013 to September 2016.
  • H. Christoph Steinhardt, Linda Chelan Li & Yihong Jiang (2017): The Identity Shift in Hong Kong since 1997: Measurement and Explanation, Journal of Contemporary China, DOI: 10.1080/10670564.2018.1389030
  • Shirkers or Toilers? Local Strategic Action and Education Policy Under Fiscal Abundance, Journal of Contemporary China, 25, 102 (November 2016)
  • Rural Tax Reform in China: Policy Process and Institutional Change, London: Routledge, 2012 (hb), 2015 (pb).
  • (ed), Good Governance in Asia: Multiple Trajectories to Development, Routledge, 2015.
  • (ed), Administrative Reform in China ??Guangdong-Hong Kong Exploration and Inspiration, (with Ngok KL, Yue Fangmin and Liang Yuqing), Sun Yat-sen University Press, 2014.
Professor Henry Shu Hung Chung
3442 7807
Assistant Head and Professor / Electronic Engineering
  • Auditing
Professor Feng Lin
3442 7400
Acting Dean / Professor / School of Law
  • Administrative Litigation in the HKSAR: the System, Legislation and Cases (?Šé?港特?«è??¿åŒº?„è??¿è?讼ï??¶åº¦?ç?法ä?案ä???(in Chinese), Zhejiang University Press, 2011;
  • Foreign Relations, in Halsbury?™s Laws of Hong Kong, volume 30, 2nd edition, 2012, LexisNexis, Butterworths, pp. 177-469;
  • Chinese Constitutional Law, Sweet & Maxwell Asia, October 2000 (378 pages);
  • Hong Kong's Foreign Relations Law, in Halsbury?™s Laws of Hong Kong, Butterworths Asia, 1998 (published together with two other topics in the same volume in October 98), pp. 57-278;
  • Administrative Law Procedures and Remedies in China, Sweet & Maxwell, December 1996 (379 pages);
Professor. June Wang
3442 8707
Assistant Professor / Department of Public and International Affairs
Prof. Wang got her PhD from the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Hong Kong and has been working at her alma mater and National University of Singapore with research fellowships. Her main research interest focuses on urban transformation in Chinese cities, particularly on gentrification and culture-led urban regeneration. Recently, She has been working on neoliberalization in developmental states, starting from the case of Singapore. Before joining the academic field, She worked as architect and urban planner in Shanghai for couples of years.
  • Wang, J., Oakes, T., & Yang, Y. (Eds.). (2015). Making Cultural Cities in Asia: Mobility, assemblage, and the politics of aspirational urbanism. London Routledge.
  • Wang, J., & Li, S. (2011). The rhetoric and reality of culture-led urban regeneration - a comparison of Beijing and Shanghai, China. New York: Nova Science Publisher.
  • Lau, S. S. Y., Platten, A., Lau, T. E., & Wang, J. (Eds.). (2009). International Sustainable and Urban Regeneration: Case Studies and Lessons Learned 2008. Hong Kong: Hong Kong College of Technology.
  • Wang, June and Li Chen. (online first) "Guerrilla Warfare, Flagship Project: The Spatial Politics of Chinese Rock in Shenzhen?™s Post-Political Making of a Musical City." Geoforum. doi:
  • Wang, June. (online first) Relational Heritage Sovereignty: Authorisation, Territorialisation and the Making of the Silk Roads. Territory, Politics, Governance.
Professor Xiaohu Wang
3442 9616
Professor / Department of Public and International Affairs
WANG Xiaohu joined CityU in August 2011. Previously WANG was Professor of Public Administration at the University of Central Florida in the US. He has published extensively on topics of Financial Management, Performance Measurement, and Sustainability Management. His research is supported by national and regional organizations in the US such as the US Federal Government.
  • Financial Management in the Public Sector. 3rd edition New York: Routledge/M.E. Sharpe. 2014
  • Essential Statistics for Public Managers and Policy Analysts, 4th edition. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE and CQ Press. (With Evan Berman) Forthcoming
  • ?œLocal Government Strategies for Financing Energy Efficiency Initiatives.??American Review of Public Administration (with Cheol Liu and Christopher Hawkins). Forthcoming
  • ?œBuilding Network Implementation Capacity: Evidence from China?? International Public Management Journal. (with Kai Chen and Evan Berman). Forthcoming
  • ?œInstitutional Development and Budgetary Decision Making?”the case of Hong Kong?? General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grant Council of Hong Kong Government, HK $ 363,494. Principal Investigator. 2015-2017
Professor. Michael Chak Sham Wong
3442 7248
Associate Professor / Economics and Finance
Prof. Michael C S Wong is the EMBA director an Associate Professor of Finance at City University of Hong Kong, specializing on international banking, risk management and financial markets. He architected the first Basel-standard internal ratings-based (IRB) system in Hong Kong in 2003-2005 and wealth management due diligence models after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008. His risk management models are currently implemented by more than 25 regional and global financial institutions operating in Asia. Prof. Wong reviewed risk control and stress testing models for banking institutions, submitted independent risk assessment reports to company boards and regulators, and provided expert witness on legal disputes involving complex financial transactions. He served as a founding member of Global Association of Risk Professionals??(GARP) FRM Committee, an examiner of professional examinations of both Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute (HKSI) and Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB), a member of the Advisory Board of China Bond Rating in Beijing, a non-executive director of Bank of Communications Trustee, the founder of CT Risk Solutions, the Chairman of CTRISKS Rating, a member of Market Misconduct Tribunal in Hong Kong, and a member of Future Task Force of Hong Kong Insurance Authority. He obtained his postgraduate degrees from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Essex and University of Cambridge, and executive training at both UC Berkeley and MIT. Prof. Wong has 60+ academic works published and 1 US patent registered. His articles are included in leading academic journals, such as MIS Quarterly, the Journal of the Operational Research Society, the Journal of Futures Markets, the Journal of Forecasting and Omega. He was a long-serving director of MSc programs in Finance (1998-2015) at CityU and was granted university-wide Teaching Excellence Award by the university in1999.
  • Kyophilavong P., Shahbaz, M. Lamphayphan, T., Kim B. and Wong, M.C.S. (2018), "Are Devaluations Expansionary in Laos?", Global Business Review, forthcoming.
  • Kyophilavong, P., Wong, M.C.S., Souksavath, S. and Xiong, B. (2017), "Impacts of Trade Liberalization and China FDI on Laos: Evidence from the CGE model", Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, UK, 15, 3, 215-228.
  • Michael C S Wong, Stephen C Y Li, Anthony C T Ku (2015), "Impacts of Intellectual Capital on Profitability: An Analysis on Sector Variations in Hong Kong", Journal of US-China Public Administration, 12, 8, 614-626.
  • Wei Li, Michael C S Wong and Jovan Cenev (2015), "High Frequency Analysis of Macro News Releases on the Foreign Exchange Market: A Survey of Literature", Big Data Research, Elsevier, 2, 1, 33-48.
  • Batten, Jonathan, Peter Szilagyi and Michael C S Wong (2014), "Stock Market Spread Trading: Argentina and Brazil Stock Indices", Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, USA, May-June 2014, Vol 50, Suplement 3, 61-76.
Professor. Raymond Man Kong Wong
3442 8544
Associate Head (AC) / Associate Professor / Accountancy
  • Lo, A. W. Y. and R. M. K. Wong (September?“October 2016), "Silence is golden? Evidence from disclosing related-party transactions in China", Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Vol. 35, Iss. 5, pp. 540-564.
  • Wong, R. M. K., A. W. Y. Lo and M. Firth (June 2015), "Managing Discretionary Accruals and Book-tax Differences in Anticipation of Tax Rate Increases: Evidence from China.", Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, Vol. 26, Iss. 2, pp. 188-222.
  • Wong, R. M. K., J-B. Kim and A. W. Y. Lo (February 2015), "Are Related-party Sales Value-adding or Value-destroying? Evidence from China.", Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, Vol. 26, Iss. 1, pp. 1-38.
  • Firth, M., P. L. L. Mo and R. M. K. Wong (Fall 2014), "Auditors??Reporting Conservatism after Regulatory Sanctions: Evidence from China", Journal of International Accounting Research, Vol. 13, Iss. 2, pp. 1-24.
  • Firth, M., P. L. L. Mo and R. M. K. Wong (Spring 2012), "Auditors??Organizational Form, Legal Liability and Reporting Conservatism: Evidence from China", Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 29, Iss. 1, pp. 57-93.
Professor. William Chung
3442 7057
Associate Professor / Management Sciences
  • Zhou, G., Chung, W., Zhang, Y. (February 2014), "Measuring energy efficiency performance of China?™s transport sector: A data envelopment analysis approach.", Expert Systems with Applications, 41, 709-722.
  • Chung, W., Zhou, G., Yeung, I.M.H. (December 2013), "A study of energy efficiency of transport sector in China from 2003 to 2009", Applied Energy, 112, 1066-1077.
  • Chung, W., Yeung, I.M.H. (November 2013), "Attitudes of Hong Kong residents toward the Daya Bay nuclear power plant", Energy Policy, 62, 1172-1186.
  • Chung, W., Ip, C. Y., Kam, M. S. (July 2011), "A study of residential energy use in Hong Kong by decomposition analysis, 1990 ??2007", Applied Energy, 88, 5, 5180-5187.
  • Chung, W. (March 2011), "Review of building energy use performance benchmarking methodologies", Applied Energy, 88, 5, 1470-1479.
Professor. Sidney C M LEUNG
3442 7924
Associate Professor / Accountancy
Financial Accounting; Corporate Governance
  • Leung, Sidney; Parker, Lee; Courtis, John / Impression management through minimal narrative disclosure in annual reports. September 2015; In: British Accounting Review. Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 275-289
  • Richardson, Grant; Lanis, Roman; Leung, Sidney Chi-Moon / Corporate tax aggressiveness, outside directors, and debt policy: An empirical analysis. April 2014; In: Journal of Corporate Finance. Vol. 25, pp. 107-121
  • Hu, Fang; Leung, Sidney C.M. / Top management turnover, firm performance and government control: Evidence from China's listed state-owned enterprises. June 2012; In: International Journal of Accounting. Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 235-262
  • Leung, Sidney; Horwitz, Bertrand / Corporate governance and firm value during a financial crisis. May 2010; In: Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 459-481
  • Jaggi, Bikki; Leung, Sidney; Gul, Ferdinand / Family control, board independence and earnings management: Evidence based on Hong Kong firms. July 2009; In: Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 281-300
Professor. LUO Xiaowei
Assistant Professor / Architecture and Civil Engineering
Dr.Xiaowei Luo is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the City University of Hong Kong. Previously, he severed as a Post-doctoral position in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. He received his Ph.D. degree in Construction Engineering and Project Management from the University of Texas at Austin and his M.S degree in Construction Management from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. His primary research interests include Building Information Modeling, Construction Safety and Risk Management, Information Technology in Construction Project Management, Green and Intelligent Building. His current research projects focus on the development and deployment of information and sensing technologies to advance construction safety and efficiency as well as improve the quality and sustainability of construction projects. Professor. Luo has authored and coauthored numbers of refereed journal publications, conference articles and book chapters in the topics above. In addition, he has received several grants from various agencies including National Science Foundation of China, Research Grant Council in Hong Kong, and the Science and Technology Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality.
  • Chen, H., Luo, X., Ke, J.. (2018). Multisource Fusion Framework for Environment Learning?“Free Indoor Localization. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 32.
  • Kolar, Z., Chen, H., Luo, X.. (2018). Transfer learning and deep convolutional neural networks for safety guardrail detection in 2D images. Automation in Construction, 89, pp 58-70.
  • Luo,X., Leite, F., O?™Brien, W.J.. (2014). ?œLocation-Aware Sensor Data Error Impact on Autonomous Crane Safety Monitoring?? Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 29, SPECIAL ISSUE: 2013 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering.
  • Luo,X., O?™Brien, W.J., Leite, F., Goulet, J..(2014). ?œExploring Approaches to Improve the Performance of Autonomous Monitoring with Imperfect Data in Location-aware Wireless Sensor Networks?? Advance Engineering Informatics 28 (4), 287-296.
  • Luo, X., O?™Brien, W.J., Julien, C. (2011). "Comparative Evaluation of Received Signal Strength Index (RSSI)-based Indoor Localization Techniques for Construction Jobsites". Advanced Engineering Informatics, 25, pp. 355-363.
Professor. KWAN Chi Kin
3442 4532
Associate Professor / Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Social Work

  • Kwan, C.K. & Clift, S. (2018). Exploring the processes of change facilitated by musical activities on mental wellness. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy. 27(2). 142 - 157. doi:10.1080/08098131.2017.1363808
  • Kwan, C.K. , Baig, R.B. & Lo, K.C. (2018). Stressors and coping strategies of ethnic minority youth: Youth and mental health practitioners' perspectives. Children and Youth Services Review. 88. 497 - 503. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.04.002
  • Kwan, C.K. & Reuper, A. (2018). The relevance of social workers??personal experiences to their practices. The British Journal of Social Work. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcy017
Professor. Linda Yin-nor TJIA
Assistant Professor / Department of Public and International Affairs

Selected publications:
  • DONG YH, JAILLON LC, CHU P and POON CS (2015), Comparing carbon emissions of precast and cast-in-situ construction methods - a case study of high-rise private building, Journal of Construction and Building Materials, 99: 39-53.
  • JAILLON LC and POON CS (2014), Life cycle design and prefabrication in buildings: A review and case studies in Hong Kong, Automation in Construction, 39: 195-202.
  • JAILLON LC and POON CS (2009), The evolution of prefabricated residential building systems in Hong Kong - a review of the public and the private sectors, Automation in Construction, 18(3): 239-240.
  • JAILLON LC, POON CS and CHIANG YH (2009), Quantifying the Waste Reduction Potential of Using Prefabrication in Building Construction in Hong Kong, Waste Management, 29(1): 309-320.
  • JAILLON LC and POON CS (2008), Sustainable Construction Aspects of Using Prefabrication in Dense Urban Environment: A Hong Kong Case Study, Construction Management and Economics, 26(9): 953-966.
Professor Jian Ma
3442 8514
Professor / Department of Information Systems
Jian Ma is Professor in Department of Information Systems at City University of Hong Kong. He is specialised in the research areas of business intelligence, and research social networks. He has published over 150 journal articles with SCI H index 27. His applied research work has been widely used in government funding agencies (e.g. National Natural Science Foundation of China) and universities (e.g. University of Hong Kong). Jian Ma is also the founder of with the vision to connect people to research and innovate smarter.
Professor. Fen Lin
3442 8961
Associate Professor / Department of Media and Communication
Associate Vice-President (GS), Office of the Vice-President (Talent and International Strategy)
Fen Lin is an associate professor of media and communication in the City University of Hong Kong. She gained her PhD in sociology and M.S. in statistics at the University of Chicago, and her B.A in economics at Peking University. Her research interests include media and political communication in authoritarian regimes, social and cultural change in China, and state?“media relations and their impact on collective action. She has published in fields of sociology, media, law and China studies. She was a visiting professor at Columbia University (2017-18) and serve as Assistant Dean of Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies of the University since July 2019.
Professor. Yaxuan Qi
3442 9967
Associate Professor / Department of Economics and Finance
Yaxuan Qi received her PhD at the Rutgers University in New Jersey, United States. She obtained a BA in Economics at the Central University of Finance & Economics in Beijing, and a MA in Finance at the Renmin University of China . Prior to joining the Department of Economics and Finance at the City University of Hong Kong, she was an Associate Professor at the Department of Finance, Concordia University, Canada.
  • Liang, Claire; Qi, Yaxuan; Zhang, Rengong (Alex); Zhu, Haoran / Does Sunlight Kill Germs? Stock Market Listing and Workplace Safety. September 2022; In: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
  • Mansi, Sattar A.; Qi, Yaxuan; Wald, John K. / Bond covenants, bankruptcy risk, and the cost of debt. February 2021; In: Journal of Corporate Finance. Vol. 66
  • Qi, Yaxuan; Roth, Lukas; Wald, John / Creditor protection laws, debt financing, and corporate investment over the business cycle. May 2017; In: Journal of International Business Studies. Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 477-497
  • PALIA, Darius; QI, Yaxuan; WU, Yangru / Heterogeneous background risks and portfolio choice: Evidence from micro-level data. December 2014; In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. Vol. 46, No. 8, pp. 1687-1720
  • Qi, Yaxuan; Roth, Lukas; Wald, John K / How legal environments affect the use of bond covenants. February 2011; In: Journal of International Business Studies. Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 235-262
  • Kim, Dongcheol; Qi, Yaxuan / Accruals quality, stock returns, and macroeconomic conditions. May 2010; In: Accounting Review. Vol. 85, No. 3, pp. 937-978
  • Qi, Yaxuan; Roth, Lukas; Wald, John K. / Political rights and the cost of debt. February 2010; In: Journal of Financial Economics. Vol. 95, No. 2, pp. 202-226
  • Qi, Yaxuan; Wald, John / State laws and debt covenants. February 2008; In: Journal of Law and Economics. Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 179-207
Professor. Renaud Egreteau
3442 9967
Associate Professor / Department of Economics and Finance

PhD Sciences Po Paris (2006), MPhil Sciences Po Paris (2002), DULCO Hindi, INALCO Paris (2002), BSc. IEP Bordeaux (1999)

Research Interests/Areas

Democracy Studies
Civil-Military Relations
Parliament and Legislative Politics
Myanmar/Burma, India

Research Design for Social Sciences
Authoritarianism and Democracy
Political Change in Southeast Asia
Introduction to India
Study Tour to France/EU
  • Police Oversight and Parliament in Myanmar: A Study of the USDP Legislature (2011-2016)
  • Crafting Parliament in Myanmar's Disciplined Democracy (2011-2021)
  • The Inchoate Legislative Scrutiny of the Myanmar Police Forces: A Study of the USDP Legislature (2011-16)
  • A Disciplined Dissident - Aung San Suu Kyi as Opposition Backbencher (2012??016)
  • Parliamentary Questions and the Tentative Oversight of the Military in Myanmar
  • Why Veterans Lose: The Decline of Retired Military Officers in Myanmar?™s Post-Junta Elections
  • Parliamentary Life under the NLD
  • Foreign policy and international engagement: strategic realities, domestic priorities
Professor. Justin ROBERTSON
3442 6301
Associate Professor, Department of Public and International Affairs

BA Waterloo, MA Dalhousie, PhD Warwick

International Political Economy
Theories of International Relations
Asia and the World
Research Interests/Areas

Discipline: Political Science, International Relations
International Political Economy
Firms as Actors
US International Economic Relations
The Foreign-Domestic Divide in Emerging Markets

  • Making the Most of Guest Experts: Breakout Rooms, Interviews, and Student Discussants Robertson, J., 11 Jun 2022, (Online published) In: Journal of Political Science Education. 17 p.
  • Real time learning during and after the pandemic: how to productively use chat and polling Robertson, J., 6 May 2022, (Online published) In: Interactive Learning Environments. 12 p.
  • The Uneven Offshore World: Mauritius, India, and Africa in the Global Economy Robertson, J. & Tyrala, M., 25 Mar 2022, 1st ed. London: Routlegde. 196 p. (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics )
  • Global networks on the way up and the way down: lessons from the rise and fall of the Seychelles as an offshore financial centre ROBERTSON, J., Oct 2021, In: Global Networks. 21, 4, p. 631-652
  • Global financial networks confront headwinds: China?™s shifting offshore relationship with the British Virgin Islands Robertson, J., 2021, In: Pacific Review. 34, 2, p. 177??05
  • India?™s offshore pivot: the implications of a tougher approach towards Mauritius Robertson, J., 2019, In: Contemporary Politics. 25, 2, p. 236-254
  • Replica localization in East Asia: the case of the Asian hedge fund industry Robertson, J., 2018, In: Globalizations. 15, 3, p. 407-421
  • Emergent new finance: hedge funds and private equity funds in East Asia Robertson, J., 2017, In: Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy. 22, 4, p. 626-646
Professor. Ning LIU
3442 6597
Assistant Professor, Department of Public and International Affairs

Prof. Ning LIU is an Assistant Professor (with tenure track) in the Department of Public Policy at City University of Hong Kong. Research Interests/Areas
Government-Business Relations
Environmental Governance & Corporate Sustainability
Smart Government and Policy Innovations
  • Adapting to Climate Risks through Cross-Border Investments: Industrial Vulnerability and Smart City Resilience An, Y., Liu, N., Zhang, L. & Zheng, H., Sep 2022, In: Climatic Change. 174, 1-2, 10.
  • Seemingly bounded knowledge, trust, and public acceptance: How does citizen's environmental knowledge affect facility siting? Zhang, H., Zhou, L., Liu, N. & Zhang, L., 15 Oct 2022, In: Journal of Environmental Management. 320, 115941.
  • Enforcement officials' coping strategies in a changing regulatory environment Liu, N., Tang, S., Lo, C. W. & Zhan, X., Jun 2022, In: Public Administration. 100, 2, p. 408-426 19 p.
  • Submission of Comments on IFRS??Sustainability Exposure Drafts Mo, P., Li, L., Chung, W., Chan, H. M., Dong, L., Liu, N., Kwan, R. & 1 others, , Jun 2022, City University of Hong Kong, 8 p. (CSHK Working Papers; no. 14).
  • A replication of "an experimental test of the expectancy-disconfirmation theory of citizen satisfaction" Chen, W., Dong, B., Hsieh, C., Lee, M. J., Liu, N., Walker, R. M., Wang, Y. & 5 others, , 11 May 2022, (Online published) In: Public Administration. 14 p.
  • Experimental research in the Asia-Pacific region: review and assessment of regional capacity Chen, W., Dong, B., Hsieh, C., Liu, N., Walker, R. M., Wang, Y., Wen, B. & 2 others, , 2022, In: Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration. 44, 1, p. 4-25 23 p.
  • Institutional Intermediaries and Firm Choices in Response to Regulations Liu, N., Jun 2021, In: Academy of Management Journal. 64, 3, p. 981??007
  • Experimental Research Methodology in the Asia-Pacific: A Review and Research Agenda Chan, W., Dong, B., Hsieh, C. W., Liu, N., Walker, R. M., Wang, X., Wang, Y. & 3 others, , Dec 2020, (Presented).
  • Legal Professionalism and the Ethical Challenge for Legal Education: Insights from a Comparative Study of Future Lawyers in Greater China Wu, R. W., Lo, C. W. & Liu, N., Dec 2020, In: China Quarterly. 244, p. 1118-1139 22 p.
Professor. Nick H K OR
3442 6949
Assistant Professor, Department of Public and International Affairs

Nick Or is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Public and International Affairs at the CityU. Prior to that, Nick was a Research Fellow at the University of Southampton and a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Exeter.

Nick?™s research interests lie in the field of public policy, comparative politics and authoritarian regimes by drawing insights from behavioural and complexity sciences, using quantitative techniques and experimental methods. One main theme of his research examines the effects of regime transition and globalisation on policy agendas ??how policymakers allocate their attention to various policy issues such as the economy, health and education. He is also interested in studying how individuals and organisations process policy-related information as well as Hong Kong Politics. His works can be seen in Public Administration, Policy Studies Journal, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, British Journal of Social Psychology, and other journals.

Nick received his PhD in Politics from the University of Southampton. He is also a graduate of POL?™s longstanding and flagship graduate programme Master of Arts in Public Policy and Management (MAPPM). Prior to that, Nick obtained BSc in Physics from the University of Hong Kong. He also spent six years in the financial sector.
  • Pandemic vulnerability, policy feedback and support for immigration: Evidence from Asia Lee, S., Yuen, S., Or, N. H. K., Cheng, E. W. & Yue, R. P. H., 4 Mar 2022, (Online published) In: British Journal of Social Psychology. 20 p.
  • The Rise and Fall of Internet-based Mobilisation: A Study of Online Discussion Forum during Hong Kong's Anti-Extradition Bill Protests
  • Risk perceptions, anxiety and the future of international trade: a cross-national study of public trade preferences in Asia under COVID-19 Or, N. H. K., Cheng, E. W., Yue, R. P. H. & Yuen, S. W. H., Jun 2021, In: Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. 31, Supplement 1, p. 26??0
  • Examining the scaling and trend effects of performance graphics on citizen?™s attitudes: A survey experiment of time-series chart Or, N. H. K., Apr 2021, (Presented).
  • How Economic Globalisation Shapes Executive Speeches: The Dual Effects of Competition and Compensation in Western Democracies Or, N. H. K., 30 Mar 2021, (Presented).
  • Risk Perceptions, Policy Preferences and the Moderating Effect of Growth Trends on Scales: A Survey Experiment Or, N. H. K., 29 Mar 2021, (Presented).
  • Interest Groups and Agenda-Setting Or, N. H. K., 20 Jan 2021, (Online published) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs. Harris, P., Bitonti, A., Fleisher, C. S. & Binderkrantz, A. S. (eds.). Palgrave Macmillan
  • A tale of two city-states: A comparison of the state-led vs civil society-led responses to COVID-19 in Singapore and Hong Kong Yuen, S., Cheng, E. W., Or, N. H. K., Grépin, K., Fu, K., Yung, K. & Yue, R. P. H., 2021, In: Global Public Health. 16, 8-9, p. 1283-1303
Professor. Liang DONG
3442 6221
Assistant Professor, Department of Public and International Affairs

Prof. Dong Liang obtained his B.E. in Environmental engineering from Tsinghua University, China, and Ph.D. in Urban Environmental Studies from Nagoya University, Japan. Before joining City University, he worked in National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan, and Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), qLeiden University, Netherlands, in the field of industrial ecology, circular economy and low-carbon & eco-city planning.
  • Yuanping Wang, Hong Ren, Liang Dong*, Hung-Suck Park, Yuepeng Zhang, and Yanwei Xue, 2019. Smart solutions shape for sustainable low-carbon future: A review on smart cities and industrial parks in China. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 144, 103-117. (corresponding author)
  • Dong, L., Wang, Y., Scipioni, A., Park, H.-S., Ren, J., 2018. Recent progress on innovative urban infrastructures system towards sustainable resource management. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 128, 355-359.
  • Ren, J., Dong, L*., 2018. Evaluation of electricity supply sustainability and security: Multi-criteria decision analysis approach. Journal of Cleaner Production 172, 438-453. (corresponding author)
  • Long, Y., Dong, L.*, Yoshida, Y., Li Z.L, 2018. Evaluation of Energy-related Household Carbon Footprints in Metropolitan Areas of Japan. Ecological Modelling 377, 16-25. (corresponding author)
  • Hyeong-Woo Kim, Liang Dong, Seok Jung and Hung-Suck Park, 2018. The Role of the Eco-Industrial Park (EIP) at the National Economy: An Input-Output Analysis on Korea. Sustainability 10(12), 4545.
  • Ren, J., Dong L., and Sun L., 2018. Competitiveness Prioritization of Container Ports in Asia under the Background of China?™s Belt and Road Initiative. Transport Reviews 38 (4): 436-456.
  • Dong, L., et al., 2017. Highlighting regional eco-industrial development: Life cycle benefits of an urban industrial symbiosis and implications in China. Ecological Modelling 361, 164-176.
  • Liang Dong, et al., 2017. Material flows and resource productivity in China, South Korea and Japan from 1970 to 2008: A transitional perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production 141, 1164-1177.
  • Xiao Luo, Liang Dong*, et al., 2017. Factor Decomposition Analysis and Causal Mechanism Investigation on Urban Transport CO2 Emission: Comparative Study on Shanghai and Tokyo. Energy Policy 107, 658-668.(corresponding author)
  • Xiao Luo, Liang Dong*, et al., 2017. Analysis on Spatial-temporal Features of Taxis' Emissions from Big Data Informed Travel Patterns: A Case of Shanghai, China. Journal of Cleaner Production 142, 926-935. (corresponding author)
Professor. Kim KWOK
3442 5798
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Research Interests/Areas

Ethnic minorities
Immigrant economy
Gender and sexuality
Children and adolescents with special educational needs
Multicultural social work
  • Childhood emotional abuse and adolescent flourishing: A moderated mediation model of self-compassion and curiosity Kwok, S. Y. C. L., Gu, M. & Kwok, K., Jul 2022, In: Child Abuse and Neglect. 129, 105629.
  • Navigating Stigma and Discrimination: Experiences of Migrant Children with Special Needs and Their Families in Accessing Education and Healthcare in Hong Kong Kwok, K. & Kwok Lai, S. Y. C., May 2022, In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19, 10, 5929.
  • Navigating transprejudice: Chinese transgender students??experiences of sexuality education in Hong Kong Kwok, D. K. & Kwok, K., 4 Oct 2021, (Online published) In: Sex Education.
  • More than comfort and discomfort: Emotion work of parenting children with autism in Hong Kong Kwok, K. & Kwok, D. K., Nov 2020, In: Children and Youth Services Review. 118, 105456.
  • The moral economy of Asian migrant women in small business in Hong Kong Kwok, K., Mar 2020, In: Asian and Pacific Migration Journal. 29, 1, p. 101-123
  • ?œI am not getting your money?? boundary making and identities in immigrant economies in Hong Kong Kwok, K., 29 Nov 2019, In: Social Transformations in Chinese Societies. 15, 2, p. 114-128
  • Diverging opportunities: Chinese migrants in the transnational immigrant economy in Vienna Kwok, K., 2018, In: Journal of Chinese Overseas. 14, 2, p. 216-243
  • Multicultural social work practice and South Asian migrants in Hong Kong Kwok, K., Lee, K. & Law, K., 2018, In: China Journal of Social Work. 11, 1, p. 56-72
Professor. HU, Jinlian
3442 9549
Professor / Department of Biomedical Engineering
Educated in textile materials and received PhD from Manchester University, Professor Jinlian Hu is a faculty in Department of Biomedical Engineering of CityU and leads a Laboratory of Wearable Materials for Healthcare. She is a renowned scientist with industrial impact due to her unparalelled original academic research in smart materials for medical and textile applications. She won Fortune 500 such as Procter & Gamble and INVISTA (originally DuPont fibers, No. 1 in Textile Fibers) continuous trust with consecutive projects for developing sustainable products. Her technologies transferred to companies have improved industry competitiveness, thus she obtained the highest International Consultancy Awards two times and one Technology Transfer Award in HKPolyU where she worked for more than two decades. Professor Hu is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Hong Kong Institution of Textile and Apparel and the British Textile Institute. She is the founding chairman of the Hong Kong Health Science and Technology Park, the executive vice chairman of the Hong Kong Invention and Innovation Federation.
  • 1. HU, J.L*, Mohammad, I.Q and Sun, F.X, Wool can be cool: Water actuating wool knitwear for both hot and cold, Advanced Functional Materials, 2020 (adfm.202005033)
  • 2. Venkatesan, H., Chen, J., Liu, H., Liu, W., & Hu, J*. A Spider?Capture?Silk?Like Fiber with Extremely High?Volume Directional Water Collection. Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 2002437.
  • 3. Gu, L., Jiang, Y., & Hu, J*. Scalable Spider?Silk?Like Supertough Fibers using a Pseudoprotein Polymer. Advanced Materials, 2019, 31(48), 1904311.
  • 4. Hu, J.L.*; Wu, Y.; Zhang, C.L.; Tang, B.Z.; Chen, S.J. Self-adaptive water vapor permeability and its hydrogen bonding switches of bio-inspired polymer thin films. Materials Chemistry Frontiers 2017, 1, 2027-2030.
  • 5. Shi, S.; Zhu, K.K.; Chen, X.Y.; Hu, J.L.*; Zhang, L.N. Cross-linked cellulose membranes with robust mechanical property, self-adaptive breathability, and excellent biocompatibility. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2019, 7, 19799-19806.
Professor. Peter CHAN>
3442 4156
Associate Professor, School of Law

Peter C.H. CHAN is an Associate Professor at the City University of Hong Kong Law School. Peter is a fellow of the European Law Institute, a member of the International Association of Procedural Law, an Invited Fellow of the Maastricht European Private Law Institute, an Affiliated Member of the Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law (CCCL) at City University of Hong Kong, a Core Member of the Centre for Public Affairs and Law at City University of Hong Kong and a member of the Research School Ius Commune.

Research Interests/Areas

Law and Society
Empirical Legal Studies
Chinese Law
Comparative Civil Procedure

  • Kwai Hang Ng., Peter C.H. Chan (2021), What Gets Measured Gets Done: Metric Fixation and China's Experiment in Quantified Judging. 21st Century China Center. Research Paper No. 2021-07
  • Peter C.H. Chan, (2022), Are Chinese Courts Pro-Labor or Pro-Employer, University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 43(2), 281-371
  • Hao Jiang and Peter C.H. Chan (2022), The Rule Against Recovery of Pure Economic Loss in China: A Misconceived Doctrine, Tulane Law Review 96, 261-292
  • Peter C.H. Chan and Huina Xiao (2021), A Typology of Judicial Liability for Error in Chinese Courts, Hong Kong Law Journal 51(1), 309-337
  • Peter C.H. Chan (2019) Do the 'Haves' Come Out Ahead in Chinese Grassroots Courts? - Rural Land Disputes Between Married-Out Women and Village Collectives, Hastings Law Journal 71(1), 1-78, 2019 (Lead Article).
Professor. Xiaoling ZHANG>
Professor, Faculty of Architecture, University of Hong Kong

Professor Zhang is a Full Professor with the Department of Real Estate and Construction, Faculty of Architecture and has a joint appointment with Institute for Climate and Carbon Neutrality (ICCN), at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). She received B.B.A in Business Administration, M.S. in Resource Management, and PhD. in Engineering Management and Economics (Hong Kong). In 2022, Prof. Zhang has been listed as Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher in Cross-Field. She has also been listed as Stanford’s top 2% most highly cited scientists in Environmental Engineering Field since 2020. Prof. Zhang’s research is primarily centered around understanding the intricate relationship between humans and the built environment, with a focus on tackling significant challenges such as urban and industrial ecology, energy, pollution, and the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs). Initially, her research delved into areas such as green building, real estate, and enterprise-scale sustainability. And in recent years, her research interests have shifted towards exploring affordable yet effective ‘net zero?technologies and systems, including renewable energy systems and clean energy technologies.

Research Interests/Areas

Basic research underpinning sustainability science and engineering management
Energy and decarbonization pathways, along with computational models, synthesize climate change, economics, ecology, and energy systems
Data science-driven research on ESG and carbon neutrality at enterprises and industries scales
Sustainability and circularity in production and consumption systems
Global and local urbanization and land use change: theoretical critiques, processes, drivers, and consequences

  • Satellite monitoring of shrinking cities on the globe and containment solutions Zhai, W., Jiang, Z., Meng, X., Zhang, X*., Zhao, M. & Long, Y*., 17 Jun 2022, In: iScience. 25, 6, 104411.
  • Urbanization can benefit agricultural production with large-scale farming in China Wang, S#., Bai, X#., Zhang, X#., Reis, S., Chen, D., Xu, J. & Gu, B., Mar 2021, In: Nature Food. 2, 3, p. 183-191
  • Urbanization in the Anthropocene: inaugural npj Urban Sustainability Elmqvist, T., Acuto, M., Anderson, P., Larsen, L., McPhearson, T. & Zhang, X., 2021, In: npj Urban Sustainability. 1, 7.
  • A deep learning model for short-term power load and probability density forecasting Guo, Z., Zhou, K., Zhang, X. & Yang, S., 1 Oct 2018, In: Energy. 160, p. 1186-1200
  • The China Carbon Watch (CCW) system: A rapid accounting of household carbon emissions in China at the provincial level Du, M., Zhang, X*., Xia, L., Cao, L., Zhang, Z., Zhang, L., Zheng, H., & 1 others, Mar 2022, In: Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 155, 111825.
Dr. Wen BO>
+853 8822 8323
Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Macau

Bo WEN currently holds the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Government and Public Administration at the University of Macau (UM), focusing on public management and institutional analysis. Before joining UM, Prof. Wen was an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in the Department of Public and International Affairs (formerly known as the Department of Public Policy) at the City University of Hong Kong (CityU). Prof. Wen pursued his education at the University of Southern California (USC), earning a Ph.D. in public policy and management. He also holds a master's degree in public policy from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and a bachelor's degree in mass communication and journalism from Shenzhen University (SZU). Prof. Wen's research is featured in esteemed SSCI, SCI, and CSSCI journals. He has contributed award-winning original articles, commentaries, review papers, and book chapters across various disciplines, including political science, applied economics, human-computer interaction, organizational behavior, regulatory governance, and China studies. Beyond his academic accomplishments, Prof. Wen has demonstrated success in securing extramural grants. He serves as the Principal Investigator (PI) for an NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China) project and as a Co-Investigator (Co-I) for GRF (General Research Funds of Hong Kong) and SIRG (Strategic Interdisciplinary Research) projects.

Research Interests/Areas

Organization Theory and Behavior
Public Personnel Management
Policy Implementation
Chinese Politics
Regulatory Governance
Civic Engagement

  • Ding, F.#, Wen, B.*, & Shon, J. (2023). Frontline Bureaucratic Attitude toward Administrative Integration: Does Organizational Configuration Matter? Administration & Society. Online first (DOI: 10.1177/00953997231165995). [SSCI-listed #: Public Administration, 18/49]
  • Tao, L.#, Liang, H., Wen, B., & Huang, T. (2022). Between Nature and Nurture: The Genetic Overlap between Psychological Attributes and Selection into Public Service Employment. Public Administration Review. Online first (DOI: 10.1111/puar.13582). [SSCI-listed #: Public Administration, 2/49]
  • Li, M., Wen, B.*, & Hsieh, C. W. (2022). Understanding the Role Reward Types Play in Linking Public Service Motivation to Task Satisfaction: Evidence from An Experiment in China. International Public Management Journal, 25(2), 300-319. [SSCI-listed #: Public Administration, 20/49]
  • Chen, W., Dong, B.#, Hsieh, C. W., Lee, M. J., Liu, N., Walker, R. M., Wang, Y.#, Wen, B., Wen, W.#, Wu, P., Wu, X.#, & Zhang, J. (2022). A Replication of “An Experimental Test of the Expectancy-Disconfirmation Theory of Citizen Satisfaction? Public Administration. Online first (DOI: 10.1111/padm.12860). [SSCI-listed #: Public Administration, 11/49]
  • Wen, B.*, & Tao, L.# (2022). Public Service Motivation in the Chinese Context: Theory Construction and Workplace Consequences . Advances in Psychological Science , 30(2), 239-254. [CSSCI-listed #: Psychology, 2/7]
Dr. Yuqing LIANG>
Assistant Professor, School of Government, Shenzhen University

Dr. Liang graduated from Public Policy Department of City University of Hong Kong. She now is an assistant professor in School of Government,Shenzhen University. Her research interests are the politics of China, local government reforms in China, and the collaboration of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. She has published dozens of Chinese and English articles in journals such as "Public Administration Review," "Asian Politics & Policy," and "Sustainability". Dr. Liang has participated in the publication and writing of several books. Shen has hosted and participated in several research projects in Guangdong Province, Shenzhen City, and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Research Interests/Areas

Reform on digital local government
Regional Development in Guangdong, Hong Kong and China
Power List Reform

  • Xiao Liang, Yuqing, Liang,Implementing water policies in China: A policy cycle analysis of the sponge city program using two case studies? sustainability,12, 2020.06, SSCI Q2
  • LIANG Yuqing, MA Weihong,How does path dependence facilitate reform?-- The Case of the Mega-ministry Reform in Shunde District, Guangdong Province, China, Asian Politics & Policy (1943-0787) ,Vol9(2) pp.186-201,2017.04, ???????C?
Professor. Ho Mun CHAN
Retired Associate Professor / Public and International Affairs
Chan Ho-mun is retired Associate Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Public And International Affairs, City University of Hong Kong. His BA and MPhil are from the University of Hong Kong in philosophy, his MSc from the University of Sussex in knowledge-based systems, and his PhD in philosophy and cognitive science from the University of Minnesota. His publications have focused on comparative social and political philosophy, applied and comparative ethics, end-of-life decision making, and the problem of rationality. He is currently a Co-Vice Chairman of the Clinical Ethics Committee of the Hospital Authority in Hong Kong and chairs its Working Group on Advance Directives.
  • Whose decision? Whose practice? Journal of Medical Ethics, 2015 Sep; 41(9): 735-6..
  • "End-of-life Decision Making in Hong Kong: The Appeal of Shared Decision Making Model", in Ruiping Fan (ed.), Family-oriented Informed Consent, Dordrecht: Springer 2015, pp. 149-167 (with Doris MW Tse, KH Hung, Julian Cheuk-Ling Lai, and Chun Kit Chui)
  • ?œThe Role of Philosophy in Social Policy and Research: A Case Study of Hong Kong and some other Chinese Societies?? in M. Izuhara (ed.), Handbook on East Asian Social Policy, 2013, pp. 309-33.
  • ?œPrevention vs Treatment in Hong Kong: Constrained Utilitarianism with a Chinese Character?? in Prevention vs. Treatment: Philosophical, Empirical and Cultural Reflections, edited by Halley S. Faust and Paul T. Menzel, November 2012, Ch. 16, pp. 363-379.
  • ?œWhose Responsibility? Marginalization of Personal Responsibility and Moral Character?? in Linda Li (ed.), Towards Responsible Government in East Asia: Trajectories, Intentions and Meanings, London & New York: Routledge, 2009.
Professor. Pranab Panday
Professor and Former Chair / Department of Public Administration, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Pranab Kumar Panday, PhD, is a Professor at the Department of Public Administration, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, and an Adjunct Professor at Central Queensland University, Australia. He was a Senior Fulbright Fellow at the Department of Development Sociology, Cornell University, USA, in 2012. He earned his PhD from the City University of Hong Kong and his MPhil from the University of Bergen, Norway. Panday's main areas of research include public policy, social movements, NGOs, public sector management, governance, and gender studies.

He has authored 14 books and approximately 50 international journal articles. His major book publications include Women's Political Participation in Bangladesh: Institutional Reforms, Actors and Outcomes (Springer, 2013), Women Empowerment in South Asia: NGO Interventions and Agency Building in Bangladesh (Routledge, 2016), Reforming Urban Governance in Bangladesh: The City Corporation (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), Strengthening Local Governance in Bangladesh: Reforms, Participation, and Accountability (Springer, 2018; with Mst. Shuvra Chowdhury), Government and NGOs in South Asia: Local Collaboration in Bangladesh (Routledge, 2019; with M. J. H. Jahangir), The Face of Urbanization and Urban Poverty in Bangladesh: Explaining the Slum Development Initiatives in the Light of Global Experiences (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), Gender Responsive Budgeting in South Asia: Experience of Bangladeshi Local Governance (Routledge; with Shuvra Chowdhury), and Citizen Charter and Local Service Delivery in Bangladesh, (UK: Palgrave Macmillan?with Shuvra Chowdhury). In his 27-year academic career, he has discharged several administrative responsibilities.

He chaired the Department of Public Administration and served as an additional director of the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at the University of Rajshahi. He was also in charge of the University of Rajshahi's Public Relations Office. He was an elected member of the syndicate of the University of Rajshahi and an elected general secretary of the Rajshahi University Teachers?Association.

Dr. Jerry Zhang
Adjunct Professor, College of Business

Dr Zhang is a veteran senior executive in the asset management sector, with senior leadership appointments at China Orient Asset Management (International) ,CITIC Capital , Deutsch Bank, Goldman Sachs and Salomon Smith Barney . He is currently an adjunct professor of CityU, College of Business (EMBA program)