The 4th Asian Pacific Conference on Chemistry of Materials (APCCOM2023)

6-9 December 2023
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

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To submit an abstract to APCCOM2003

• Abstract should adhere to the style and formatting requirements in the template
• Abstract should not exceed one A4 page, including figure(s)/table(s) and references, with a maximum of 400 words for the main text.
• Main text should be with single line spacing.
• References should be in: Author list, Journal Year, Volume, Pages.
• Your biography (one paragraph with a headshot).
• The file name of the abstract should be in this format: APCCOM2023_Abstract_FirstName_Surname.docx
• Download the abstract template (click here)  
• Submission Deadline:15 November 2023
• Submission Website (click here)

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