Activities of CityUHK Tiger

List of activities of 2022/23

CityU Tiger Welcoming Ceremony 2022

19 September 2022
Venue: Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall, 5/F, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building; Zoom Webinar

Nearly 700 new elite Tiger students set to start on their future leadership path were welcomed at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) in a ceremony on 19 September.

It was an honour to have Professor Way Kuo (CityU President), Professor Christian Wagner (Provost), Professor Michael Yang (Vice-President of Research and Technology), Professor Johnny Ho (Acting Director of Knowledge Transfer Office), Professor Chan Chi Hou (Director of Talent and Education Development Office), Professor Kenneth Lo (Associate Director of Talent and Education Development Office), deans from colleges and schools, and department heads to welcome and congratulate the Tiger students.

President Kuo congratulated the young talent for being part of CityU Tiger. “Tiger students will participate in tailor-made courses and training under the guidance of world-class scholars to fully develop their individual talent and unique potential,” he said. “I hope these outstanding students will seize this opportunity and unleash the qualities like our University Mascot, the tiger, which is wise, vital, vigorous and proactive, becoming the elite of CityU and future leaders in society.”

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Pitching Skills Workshop I – Mindset Focus

7 October 2022
Venue: Active Learning Classroom (B5-117, YEUNG)

The Pitching Skills (Mindset Focus) workshop was held at the Active Learning Classroom by the Talent and Education Development Office (TED) on 7 October 2022. Tiger students learnt how to define problems, conduct tools and brainstorm business solutions. These skills are essential to selling an idea, building connections and expanding networks in the workplace as well as the business world. “It is a meaningful and great workshop about start-ups!” one of the tiger students remarked. 

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Featured Talk:10 Lessons I Learned from My Entrepreneurial Journey

19 October 2022
Mode: Online

Businesses should be driven to create meaning and not just money. Mr Eric Chen, CityU's distinguished alumnus who graduated from the College of Engineering, delivered an insightful sharing to students in hybrid mode. In his talk, Mr Chen shared his career path and ten lessons he learned from his entrepreneurial journey. Participants were given a glimpse into his company's operation, Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Group, using CityU’s patented technology, "transgenic fluorescent fish," invented by Professor Shuk Han Cheng. The talk was concluded with an interactive Q&A session. Mr Chen also shared his CityU school life and encouraged students to balance their academic studies with their extracurricular activities and participate more in competitions to meet like-minded peers. 

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Pitching Skills Workshop II – Skillset Focus

11 November, 2022
Venue: Active Learning Classroom (B5-117, YEUNG)

After formulating an effective way to define and analyze problems from the Pitching Skills Workshop I – Mindset Focus, tiger students consolidated their knowledge to apply the learnt communication model and mindset to conduct pitching in Workshop II. More practice on delivering ideas was addressed to brush up students’ presentation techniques. Tiger students particularly enjoyed practicing in pairs and were greatly stimulated by the memory retention model to understand pitching better. “I have enjoyed today's session and felt inspired to do something meaningful within the paradigm of business and start-ups,” one of the tiger students remarked.

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End-of-Semester Gathering 2022

Date: 21 December 2022 (Wed)
Venue: Lodge Bistro (G/F, CityU Lodge, Academic Exchange Building)
Mode: Face-to-face

Reaching the end of Semester A, Tigers were invited to join this afternoon tea gathering to share their university life with the Acting Provost, Prof Chan, and bond with their peers. 

All participants were required to present the negative Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) result upon arrival at the venue. Tigers enjoyed playing the networking games with happy faces and laughter throughout the event. Winners of the Bingo game were rewarded with the opportunity to join the Best Presenter Competition. By the end of the gathering, Tigers were introduced to explore upcoming featured activities in 2023.

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Free Professional Portrait-Taking Opportunity for Tigers

Date: 12-13 January 2023
Venue: Multifunction Room, 8/F, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building

The Talent and Education Development Office (TED) has provided free professional portrait-taking opportunities for Tiger students on January 12th and 13th. Tiger students were required to perform a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) on the shooting day and present their negative test results upon arrival at the venue.

During the two-day shooting, tiger students prepared two outfits on the shooting day: business and smart casual. They were highly impressed by the efficient shooting team, makeup artist and wholesome pleasant shooting ambience. The students greatly appreciated this rare portrait-taking opportunity as they could use their professional portrait photos to enhance their CVs and leave a positive impression on their prospective employers. At the event, Tiger students were encouraged by Prof. Lo, the Director of TED, to grasp the opportunities offered by TED.

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Ace an Interview

Date: 17 January 2023 (Tue)
Venue: Active Learning Classroom (B5-117, YEUNG)

Tiger students learned how to prepare for interviews to stand out from a pool of candidates in any kind of opportunities like scholarships, exchanges, or internships. Participants of the workshop also had a chance to practice during an interactive session, in addition to receiving explanations and examples of how to answer specific interview questions. The practice sessions not only helped the students gain new knowledge about building a solid CV and responding to interview questions concisely, but also provided an opportunity for them to network with their peers.

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CityU Tiger X HK Tech 300 IncuHub@Admiralty Site Visit & Startup Sharing

Date: 16 February 2023 (Thursday)
Venue: HK Tech 300 IncuHub, 8/F, United Centre, Admiralty, Hong Kong

The Talent and Education Development Office (TED) invited Tiger students to explore the HK Tech 300 IncuHub at Admiralty. An opening remark was delivered by Mr. Thomas Chan, the Technology Development Manager from the Knowledge Transfer Office. His insightful sharing covered the chances for CityU students to receive funding for their startups as well as the sequential process that must be followed. He encouraged the participants to think creatively and not to be afraid to come up with bold ideas. Next, Dr. Martin Zhu, a co-founder of i²Cool Limited, briefly introduced the "black technology" of refrigeration derived from the "special function" of ants and discussed his startup experience with the support of CityU professors and HK Tech 300. Lastly, Ms. Sunnie Lau, the Director of Smart City Research and Industry Collaboration from MIT HK Innovation Node, introduced their programme - Urban Technology Week 2023. She went to great lengths regarding the requirements and expectations for their programme and encouraged attendees to join it in the summer. At the end of the event, participants were divided into two groups to tour around IncuHub and gained a sense of the venue’s operation.

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Featured Talks: Research Sharing by CityU Tiger Students

Date: 22 February 2023 (Wed)
Venue: LT-17 Wong To Yick Tong Lecture Theatre (4/F, Purple Zone, Yeung Kin Man Academic Building)

Four outstanding CityU Tiger students shared their research journeys with the CityU community on February 22 and talked about the inspiration for their diverse research projects. Professor Kenneth LO, the Director of Talent and Education Development Office, welcomed the attendees and introduced the event’s host, Dr. LO Pik Kwan, from the Department of Chemistry.

The audience was captivated from the start of the event when Year 2 student Mr. Farrell HUNG from the Department of Electrical Engineering discussed his ongoing study about using a low-cost device to approach real-time pupillometry. Ms. MAO Yaxuan, a Year 3 student from the School of Creative Media, followed with an amazing talk which highlighted her passionate interest in human-robot interaction and offered realistic suggestions for like-minded peers to figure out their own research interests. Mr. QU Qingao, a Year 3 student from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, kept the audience fully engaged as he talked about his research project using haptic information to facilitate user engagement. Mr. SUN Songling, from the School of Energy and Environment, wrapped up the presentations by sharing his two years of dedicated experience at CityU’s Energy, Materials and Built Environmental Laboratory.

A lively question-and-answer session followed the Tiger’s presentations and concluded the event. The participants were inspired to take up research work early and learned relevant time management techniques and other important research skills from the Tiger speakers.

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Featured Talk: Hunting the 'Ghost' – My Research Stories Behind the Scenes

Date: 17 March 2023
Venue: Yeung LT-5 Mr and Mrs Lau Tat Chuen Lecture Theatre

‘Ghosts’ are all around us, and if you learn how to recognize them, your research will benefit.

That was the message from Dr Denver Li of the Department of Physics during his Featured Talk at an event arranged by the Talent and Education Development Office (TED). He was speaking to an overflowing crowd of CityU Tigers about ‘ghosts’ in his remarkable research journey. Dr Li, however, was not referring to flimsy, translucent phantoms like those popularized in movies. Rather, he meant being alert enough to recognize something of importance that would otherwise escape our attention or simply be discounted during the research process. ‘Ghost hunting’, he explained to his spellbound audience, includes perceiving how a careless mistake could lead to a ground-breaking discovery (like his own), or a sudden flash of insight (like his own about a material in electrochemistry), or a life-changing decision made during an unexpected career opportunity that can give fruitful second thoughts about one’s research (such as in his case). The audience was fascinated by Dr Li’s mini-course on ‘Ghost-Hunting 101’ and the importance of paying attention to details and spotting the ‘ghosts’ in our daily lives.

The talk was concluded with an interactive Question-and-Answer session, during which Dr Li offered great practical advice: Make self-reflection a habit; Look for the details; Ask yourself what are the solutions to your problems; Be bold and proactive.

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End-of-Semester Gathering – A Networking Occasion!

Date: 12 May 2023 (Friday)
Venue: Faculty Lounge (9/F, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Complex)

Tiger students celebrated the end of a successful semester by attending a networking event on May 12th. They were joined by Professor Kenneth Lo, Director of the Talent and Education Development Office (TED), and Professor Alvin Lai, Associate Director of TED. During the occasion, Tiger students had the opportunity to share their university experiences and summer plans while making valuable connections with their peers.

The participants enjoyed the friendly atmosphere and engaging activities, and were also informed about upcoming events for the summer. The gathering ended with a networking activity where students were invited to introduce themselves on stage, and votes were cast for "The Best Presenter" award. Overall, all the participants were pleased with the event and were looking forward to attending future activities.

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Professional Portrait-taking Session

Date: 31 May 2023 (Wednesday)
Venue: ALC, B5-117, YEUNG

TED organised a professional portrait-taking session in late May to help Tiger students make a strong impression on their professional profiles, including their Tiger profile, CV, and LinkedIn. Through this event, students had the opportunity to create a professional image in a photo shoot and receive guidance on posing and presenting themselves in front of the camera. This portrait-taking session is a regular event, so stay tuned for our next session if you also want to make a lasting impression and stand out from the crowd like your Tiger peers!

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Capture the Moment: A Hands-On Introduction to Photography

Tiger Mentor: Miss Lisa Rai
Date: 21 June 2023 (Wednesday)
Venue: ALC, B5-117, YEUNG

Tiger Mentor Miss Lisa Rai delivered enriching and captivating content through interactive, hands-on training and game sessions for the mentees. The participants thoroughly enjoyed the course and found it engaging and informative. One mentee remarked, “The hands-on practice and the game session were extremely helpful!” Thank you to everyone who participated and we look forward to bringing Tiger students more exciting crash courses in the future.

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3D Design for 3D Printing

Tiger Mentor: Mr Farrell HUNG
Date: 27 June 2023 (Tuesday)
Venue: ALC, B5-117, YEUNG

3D printing has become ubiquitous in our world, with the technology being used in various industries and creative fields. Our Tiger mentees had the valuable chance to delve into the world of 3D printing by using a powerful 3D design software - Autodesk Fusion 360. Mr Farrell Hung, our Tiger Mentor, provided the group with a basic understanding of 3D printing and hands-on instruction to create their own 3D models. One attendee remarked, “I really enjoyed the small-group learning environment because it facilitated better communication and knowledge exchange.” Overall, the session was a great success and equipped our Tiger mentees with the skills and knowledge to further explore the fascinating world of 3D printing.

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CityU Tiger X HKSTP: Guided Tour at Science Park

Interested in cutting-edge technology, innovation, and entrepreneurial opportunities? Would you like to know what kind of support is offered to you or your startup? Join us on an exciting half-day guided tour to the Science Park of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP)! This guided tour will explore the three significant facilities within the Science Park: Experience Centre, Robotics Catalysing Centre, and Incubation and Acceleration Centre, designed to inspire and equip you with the necessary skills to kickstart your startup journey. Through interactive learning, you will have the chance to engage with the HKSTP community and discover available resources to support your business ideas. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to develop your ideas and transform them into scalable ventures for incubation and commercialisation. Sign up now and embark on an exciting journey to the Science Park of HKSTP!

Date: 5 July 2023 (Wednesday) 
Time: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm 
Meeting point: Entrance of the Run Run Shaw Library, CityU at 2:00 pm
Transportation: Round trip chartered bus between CityU and HKSTP
Venue: Hong Kong Science Park (Pak Shek Kok, New Territories) 
Mode: Guided Tour



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CityU Tiger Crash Courses 101 - Korean 1-2-3: Let's Travel to Korea!

Tiger Mentor: Miss Chloe Chen Tsz Ching
Date: 13 July 2023 (Thursday)
Venue: ALC, B5-117, YEUNG

Led by Tiger Mentor Miss Chloe Chen, Tiger mentees were taken on a virtual tour of Seoul, starting from Incheon Airport to the bustling Myeong-dong shopping district, and finally to a traditional Korean restaurant to learn about the commonly-used words and phrases in Korea. Through interactive teaching methods like role-playing and group discussions, participants were able to learn in an engaging and immersive way. One participant expressed, "I found the interactive activities and the small class setting to be highly enjoyable."
If you are interested in learning a new language, stay tuned for our Tiger Crash Courses in the new academic year!

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CityU Tiger Crash Courses 101 - Web in a Snap – DIY Your Personal Website

Tiger Mentor: Mr Scott Sun Songling
Date: 22 July 2023 (Saturday)
Venue: ALC, B5-117, YEUNG

Creating your own personal website has never been easier with the help of our Tiger Mentor Mr. Scott Sun Songling. The hands-on challenges and guidance provided by Scott have enhanced the Tiger mentees’ understanding of how to build and customise a website. Thank you to all the participants, and we look forward to seeing you at our future Tiger Crash Courses!

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CityU Tiger Crash Courses 101 – 你[nei5]好[hou2]嗎[ma3]? Survival Cantonese for Non-Local Tigers

Tiger Mentor: Miss Elaine Shum Yik Ling
Date: 5 August 2023 (Sat)
Venue: ALC, B5-117, YEUNG

Tiger Mentor Miss Elaine Shum Yik Ling delivered an engaging Cantonese crash course to participants with tailor-made flashcards, interactive games and role-play opportunities. The course focused on practical skills such as ordering food in cha chaan teng (local diners), creating an immersive learning experience that enhanced students’ Cantonese proficiency while providing valuable cultural insights. This may be the last Tiger Crash Course of the summer, but we have many more exciting courses lined up for the upcoming academic year. Stay tuned!

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* All allocation is on a first-come-first-served basis. The content and schedules of all the workshops/activities mentioned are subject to change and available resources.