Short Video Competition

City University of Hong Kong 30th Anniversary Short Video Competition


To commemorate the 30th Anniversary of City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK), we are thrilled to announce the launch of a short video competition. The competition is open to all members of the CityUHK community, including students, faculty, staff, and alumni, as well as young talent from secondary schools in Hong Kong and other cities in the Greater Bay Area. Our goal is to foster creativity, collaboration, and innovation, and to provide a platform for showcasing the diverse talents in our community. This initiative will not only encourage the sharing of compelling and impactful stories but also facilitate valuable connections and relationships across the CityUHK family and beyond. Join us in commemorating this significant milestone through the power of storytelling and creativity.

Competition Theme

The theme of the competition, "Bridges to Innovation and Stories of Connection", invites participants to explore and express the many ways in which creativity and/or connectivity play a role in education and personal growth. We seek narratives that demonstrate inventive thinking and the building of relationships within and beyond the CityUHK community. This is an opportunity to document and honour how CityUHK has been a catalyst for innovation and cultural connectivity and to imagine the future pathways that the brilliant young minds in our society may carve out in the realm of higher education.

Potential topics for consideration:

For CityUHK Groups

  1. Technological Innovations: Showcase a significant research project at CityUHK that has led to innovative solutions in technology, health, or the environment.
  2. Alumni Achievements: Document the inspiring journeys and achievements of CityUHK alumni who have made remarkable contributions to their fields.
  3. Cultural Exchange: Explore how CityUHK's international programmes have facilitated cultural connectivity and personal growth among students.
  4. Future Technologies: Imagine the future of education and technology. Create a speculative documentary featuring interviews with faculty about emerging technologies like AI and robotics in education at CityUHK.
  5. Community Outreach and Impact: Focus on how CityUHK connects with the local community through outreach programmes. Provide details of the benefits of these initiatives for both the community and the students involved.

For Secondary Student Groups

  1. School Projects Leading to Innovation: Highlight a project or initiative at your school that demonstrates innovative thinking, such as a new approach to learning or a community project that addresses a local issue.
  2. Inspiring Educators: Create a tribute video to a teacher or mentor who has inspired you to connect and grow. Discuss their teaching methods and how they have encouraged you to think differently or take on new challenges.
  3. Technology in Learning: Explore how technology is integrated into the learning experience at your school, showcasing examples of how it enhances education and supports student engagement.
  4. Future Technologies: Produce a video in which students share their visions for the future of education, discussing how technology can be implemented to enhance learning and bridge gaps in innovation.
  5. Personal Growth Stories: Tell personal stories of how school experiences (such as clubs, sports, or the arts) have helped you and/or your peers connect with others and grow personally and intellectually.
  6. CityUHK in your eyes: Tell a story about CityUHK that impresses you, such as its drive to embed innovation in education or its connection with the community.

These suggestions are meant to inspire participants, but they are not exhaustive. Participants are encouraged to explore other concepts and ideas that align with the competition's theme and resonate with them personally.


Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong

Groups and Eligibility

Group A: CityUHK group
This group includes current students, faculty members, staff and alumni of City University of Hong Kong. (*A maximum of one mentor is allowed to participate.)

Group B: Secondary school student group
This group includes current students from secondary schools aged 14 or above in Hong Kong and other cities in the Greater Bay Area. (*A maximum of one mentor is allowed to participate.)

Entrants may participate individually or as a team under the same group with no more than 5 members.

Awards and Prizes

In each of the two groups, there will be four award categories:

  • Winner: Cash prize HK$12,000
  • First runner-up: Cash prize HK$8,000
  • Second runner-up: Cash prize HK$6,000
  • Merit (4 prizes) : Cash prize HK$1,000

All participants will receive a certificate of participation.

Video Requirements

  • Length: 5 minutes or shorter
  • Languages: English, Cantonese, or Mandarin (English subtitles are required for all videos)
  • Resolution: Minimum of 1080p
  • File naming: Group number_Title of your work (Example: Group A_Science Innovation)
  • Screen ratio: Landscape, 16:9

At the end of the short film, all source materials (if applicable), including visuals, music, and sound clips taken from the internet or other sources, must be appropriately credited and attributed to their respective original creators, acknowledging their copyright ownership.

Assessment Criteria

  • Originality
  • Content
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Technical skills


The competition is free of charge.


  • Submission deadline: 31 August, 2024
  • Adjudication period: September to October 2024
  • Result announcement: November 2024 (exact date to be announced)

How to submit your work?

Upload your work to a platform of your choice (Google Drive, Dropbox, YouTube, etc.). Ensure that the content is accessible to anyone with the link, but it is not necessary to make the content publicly visible. Paste the link into the submission form and submit it along with the other required information.



* If my short video has been published on social media platforms like YouTube or TikTok before, is it still eligible?

No, all entries must be original works created by the applicant/team and must not have been publicly displayed or used in any other competition or on any platform. Also, the entries must not infringe on any intellectual property rights.

* What kinds of short videos do you accept?

All genres related to the theme will be accepted.

* Am I allowed to submit an updated link to the film after submission?

Yes, we will accept updated materials before the final deadline. To do so, we kindly request that you provide us with the updated short video link and any additional supplementary information prior to the contest's final deadline.

* Do I retain the rights to my short video?

Without prejudice to the Organiser's rights to the video entries submitted by the participants as provided in the “Terms & Conditions and privacy policy” below, the participants will retain all rights to their video entries, regardless of the final competition results.

* Can a team be composed of both secondary school students and CityUHK students?

No, that is not permitted. Secondary school students belong to Group B, while CityUHK students belong to Group A. Participants from different groups, such as Group B and Group A, cannot be on the same team.

* Can a team be formed with participants who are CityUHK students, CityUHK alumni, and CityUHK staff?

Yes, that is allowed. As long as the participants' identities fall under Group A, which includes current students, faculty, staff, and alumni, they can form a team and compete together in this competition.

* Can secondary school students from different grades/ schools form a team to compete together?

Yes, the team can be composed of secondary school students from various grades or schools if they meet the eligibility criteria under Group B.

* Is there a file size requirement for the video submissions?

No, there is no specific size requirement for the video files. However, we do require all submissions to meet the minimum resolution requirement to ensure the quality of the videos.

* Where can I find out if I have won a prize?

The winners will be notified directly via email. The list of winners will also be published on our website for public viewing.

* Whom can I contact if I have any questions?

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact

Terms & conditions and privacy policy

  • Entries must be the participants’ original works, and have not been published previously or submitted to other competitions, exhibitions or related events.
  • Entries containing any materials that are potentially obscene, indecent, violent, provocative, slanderous, controversial or otherwise inappropriate or any materials that may infringe intellectual property or proprietary rights of any third party will be disqualified.
  • Participants are solely responsible for ensuring that their entries do not infringe any intellectual property or proprietary rights of any third party. If the video entries contain materials where the intellectual property belongs to a third party or request permission during video recording, the participants should obtain the authorisation from the intellectual property right holder or corresponding venue owner. The participants may be requested to show their approval documents.
  • Participants shall ensure that all individuals who appear in the video entry should have given their informed consent and acknowledged that their images and audio may be edited, modified, used, distributed and broadcasted for the sole purpose of the competition.
  • Participants agree and undertake to accept and bear full legal and related responsibilities resulting from any possible breach of intellectual property rights in their entries and must indemnify the Organiser against any claims or liabilities resulting from such a breach.
  • Participants must ensure that the submitted information is true and accurate, and must not impersonate any third party.
  • For participants who are under 18 years old, their parents should provide their consent for their children's participation in the competition.
  • The Participants acknowledge and agree that the Organiser has the right to use any video entries submitted by the participants for publicity purposes at no cost, and has the authority to revise, translate, edit, use, adapt, copy or distribute wholly or partly the content of the video entries submitted by the participants, including on the internet or electronic marketing materials, without obtaining their prior consent.
  • By submitting an entry, the participant(s) are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions as the rules of the competition. The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify any participant who has violated the rules of the competition.
  • The Organiser reserves the right to amend the rules of the competition without prior notification.
  • The Organiser reserves the right to verify the winners and ask for proof of identity. Failure to provide the relevant identification documents may lead to the withdrawal of the prize entitlement.
  • City University of Hong Kong may, at its discretion, cancel, modify, or suspend the competition. Participants will not be entitled to any compensation as a consequence of such cancellation, modification, or suspension.
  • While there are four award categories, they will be awarded only if the submissions meet the standards and expectations set for each category. If no entry reaches the required level of excellence, there may not be a designated awardee for a specific award category.
  • The Organiser has the right to make final decisions in all matters relating to this competition, including the terms and conditions, prizes and other arrangements. In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions of the competition details, rules, terms, and conditions, the English version will prevail.
  • All personal information supplied by the participants for the competition is voluntary and will be treated as confidential. However, in the event that you do not provide such personal information, you will not be eligible for any awards or prizes. The personal information of participants will be used only for communication regarding submission, selection, and administrative matters. Names of participants of the winning entries will also be published on the Organiser’s website made available for public access.
  • In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to access and correct the personal data submitted. Personal data collected will be retained for no longer than is necessary. If you wish to obtain more information, please write to the Organiser.


Phone: (852) 3442 8677