Pioneering into the future with science and technology with CityUHK

Groundbreaking research advanced by CityUHK experts in green energy and sustainability will feature in a new five-part TV series, "Pioneering into the future with science and technology with CityUHK" filmed in partnership with TVB. The full schedule is printed below.




  • First run: TVB Jade - Channel 81 (10:00 & 19:30, every Saturday, starting from 15 Jun)
  • Re-run: TVB News - Channel 83 (09:55 & 13:40, every Monday, starting from 17 Jun)
  • Re-run: TVB Plus - Channel 82 (14:15 & 18:30, every Thursday, starting from 20 Jun)


  • TVB Pearl - Channel 84 (20:30, every Sunday, starting from 16 Jun to 14 Jul)


  • TVB Pearl - Channel 84 (20:30, Monday to Friday, starting from 15 to 19 Jul)

Episode 3

The challenge of sustainability is of global concern. In the third episode, we delve into CityUHK's commitment to confronting global sustainability challenges by transforming world-class research into practical applications. One remarkable example is Professor Zhu Zonglong and his team from the Department of Chemistry, who have taken significant strides in improving the effectiveness of perovskite solar cells, a breakthrough that propels clean energy generation forward. Additionally, Professor Steven Wang, Associate Vice-President (Resources Planning), and his team have tackled the global freshwater crisis by ingeniously transforming water and electricity from the air into nutrients for crops.

Episode 2

The second episode, which spotlights another innovative initiative, the Academy of Innovation, features Professor Michael Yang, Senior Vice-President (Innovation and Enterprise), discussing how CityUHK has sparked our students’ entrepreneurial plus CityUHK alumni, Dr Martin Zhu, co-founder of i2Cool, a successful start-up supported by our flagship innovation and entrepreneurship programme, HK Tech 300, highlighting his entrepreneurship journey.

Episode 1

In the first episode, CityUHK's President Freddy Boey will share his insights on our newly established Institute of Digital Medicine. This pioneering regional initiative is set to explore sustainable medical solutions for tackling future pandemics through collaboration with scientists, innovators, investors, industry and the government.