VM1005 - Clinical Extra-mural Studies

Offering Academic Unit
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Credit Units
Course Duration
20 weeks in Years 5 and 6
VM1004 and all Year 5 courses (except for VM4301) with a grade of C or above
Course Offering Term*:
Semester A 2024/25, Semester B 2024/25, Summer 2025

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

The clinical EMS programme is a 20-week clinical educational partnership programme with the veterinary profession, government and industry. The programme is comprised of four 4-week and one 2-week elective placements and one core 2-week Public Health, Industry/Community placement servicing the livestock industries and/or public health. Apart from the core rotation, students can choose placements to suit their career interests.

This will occur in years 5 and 6 after students have received their formal clinical teaching in VM4114 Small Animal Clinical Studies 2, VM4115 Equine Medicine and Surgery, VM4116 Production Animal Clinical Studies, and VM4011 Veterinary Practice & Professional Studies 3. The six-week Pre-clinical EMS conducted in Year 4 acts as the preparatory phase for this course. Oversight of Clinical EMS will be provided by the JCC EMS Coordinator. At the EMS placement, one veterinarian will be the Placement Supervisor and will be the major point of contact for the JCC Pre-Clinical and Clinical EMS Coordinator and for the student. During Clinical EMS placements, the students will work under the day-to-day direction of the Placement Supervisor, who may also assign the student to work with other clinicians on a one-to-one basis.

With the permission of the owners, in accordance with the policy of the particular practice, and within the legal constraints of the Veterinary Surgeons' Registration Ordinance, students will participate in, under the close and direct supervision of a registered veterinary surgeon, the history taking, clinical examination, diagnosis, treatment, and surgery of animals and the recording of case data. Students will also familiarize themselves with the veterinary clinic/hospital design and business model, the services provided, pharmacy management, teamwork, professional behaviour, animal management, and patient record management systems.

Students will undertake their 20 weeks of Clinical EMS in two 2-week blocks and four 4-week blocks with each block being undertaken at school-approved external locations. Some of the establishments will be outside of Hong Kong. One of the two-week blocks will be undertaken at an approved public, industry, or community agency servicing the livestock industries and/or public health. The five remaining blocks of placements are elective placements chosen by the students in areas of their career interest. 

Both Pre-clinical EMS and Clinical EMS make a major contribution towards the development of the competencies, skills and attributes required by the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC) of veterinary graduates. It also contributes to the development of the general professional skills and attributes, practical and clinical competencies expected by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) of newly qualified graduates. Pre-clinical EMS and Clinical EMS will also contribute to the underpinning knowledge and understanding required by RCVS in relation to the development of effective interpersonal skills and an ethical approach to animals and veterinary practice.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 100%

1. Assessment Schedule

Students will maintain a reflective diary of experience to enable them to keep a record of the practical and clinical skills that they have acquired and developed both during EMS and during their clinical rotations. Students will also be required to submit activity logs of all cases in which they have participated in health care provision (e.g. vaccination), diagnosis and/or treatment of. The supervising veterinarian, in consultation with other veterinarians in the practice, will assess the performance of each student using a Student Clinical EMS Placement Supervisor Report Form. The EMS Coordinator will consider the contents of the activity log, reflective diary of experiences and the supervisor report form, and if they are unfavourable to the student, discuss the situation with the student before determining whether the student’s performance at the particular placement was unsatisfactory or not. A PASS grade will be appeared on a student's transcript for satisfactory performance, whereas an unsatisfactory performance requires that the particular category of placement be repeated.

2. Attendance Requirement

Students are required to attend each 2-week placement for a minimum of 9 days, and each 4-week placement for a minimum of 18 days. If students fail to meet the minimum attendance requirement, they are required to make up the days of absence at the placement practice.

Detailed Course Information
