SEE4215 - Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing

Offering Academic Unit
School of Energy and Environment
Credit Units
Course Duration
One Semester
Course Offering Term*:
Not offering in current academic year

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

Human beings perceive most of the information about their environment through their visual sense. Visual observation also plays a vital role in many aspects of science. To process photographic images, spectral images, videos and even 3-D visualizations, modern technology offers a range of multimedia soft- and hardware with applications in science and industry.

This course aims to lay down the basic knowledge of techniques used to acquire, process, analyze, and understand complex, high-dimensional data from the environment for scientific and technical exploration. This course provides the students with insights in spectral imaging systems, i.e. measurement systems that use two or more dimensions and different wavelengths (e.g. besides colour cameras also satellite measurements, radar instruments, etc.), and enables the student to process this kind of data sets to retrieve information for practical applications (e.g. tracking clouds in a satellite image sequence).

This course also aims at promoting students' skills in team work and project management through hands-on experience in a small group environment.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 50%
Examination: 50%
Examination Duration: 2 hours
To pass a course, a student must do ALL of the following:
1) obtain at least 30% of the total marks allocated towards continuous assessment (combination of assignments, pop quizzes, term paper, lab reports and/ or quiz, if applicable);
2) obtain at least 30% of the total marks allocated towards final examination (if applicable); and
3) meet the criteria listed in the section on Assessment Rubrics.
Detailed Course Information
