MS4253 - Business Analytics Project

Offering Academic Unit
Department of Decision Analytics and Operations
Credit Units
Course Duration
One Semester
Course Offering Term*:
Not offering in current academic year

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

This course aims to

  • develop students' skills in translating a real problem into a problem statement from unstructured initial ideas, identifying the key issues, defining the scope of the problem and breaking down the work into a set of tasks to be accomplished systematically;
  • develop students' problem-solving skills in the business environment by providing them with techniques to break down the work into a set of tasks to be accomplished systematically;
  • develop students' analytic ability to integrate and apply the knowledge and quantitative skills, in particular business analytics, statistics and business intelligence techniques, gained in the programme to solve project problems;
  • develop students' ability in planning, conducting, managing and controlling their own projects;
  • provide students with the opportunity to develop their skills in presenting the findings of their own project and explaining the implications of the results in a verbal presentation and written report.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 100%

Students are reminded to observe the following work schedule: Week 5 Submit 3 copies of the project proposal to Department's office before 5:00 pm. (Any late submission will lead to a 20% reduction in marks for this assessment task as a penalty.) Week 14 Submit 2 hard copies of the final project report and 1 disk version to the Department's office before 12:00 noon. (Any late submission will lead to a 20% reduction in marks for this assessment task as a penalty To Be Arranged Oral presentation of the project. The exact time and date will be arranged by supervisors.

Detailed Course Information
