Global Business
Global Business
Degree / Award Title
Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Business
Offering Academic Unit
College of Business
Mode of Study

Aims of Major

The major aims to:
  1. Equip students with business knowledge by application-oriented teaching at an internationally competitive level;
  2. Prepare students to adapt and contribute in various working environments in China and global markets;
  3. Enable students to integrate business knowledge and broader skills to solve real business problems for multinationals;
  4. Develop students’ creative thinking, critical thinking and analytical ability;
  5. Enhance students’ language and communication skills in a global setting;
  6. Develop their leadership and teamwork ability with people from different cultures;
  7. Nurture students with a careful balance of intellectual, vocational and practical constituents making them a person with an inquiry mind, independent thinking, good work attitude and self-confidence.

Intended Learning Outcomes of Major (MILOs)

Upon successful completion of this major, students should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate key knowledge and skills in business related disciplines;
  2. Communicate effectively in English and Chinese;
  3. Apply creative and critical thinking in solving business related problems;
  4. Attain personal and team goals using individual and interpersonal skills;
  5. Demonstrate awareness of ethical and global issues in business;
  6. Analyze the political, legal, economic, and cultural aspects of the global business environment;
  7. Evaluate business practices and opportunities emerging from business operations in the global markets;
  8. Provide creative solutions to marketing and management problems arising from the evolving global business environment.

Degree Requirements

Requirements Normative 4-year
Advanced Standing I Advanced Standing II
Gateway Education requirement* 30 credit units --
College / School requirement* 42 credit units -- --
Major requirement

30 credit units

-- --
Free electives / Minor (if applicable) 18 credit units --
Minimum Graduation Requirement: 120 credit units N/A N/A
Maximum Credit Units Permitted: 144 credit units N/A N/A
* For details, please refer to the Curriculum Information Record for Common Requirements.

Additional Information

To nurture BBA Global Business students as global elites, students are required to complete two mandatory student exchanges, one in North America and another in Europe or in a country of student's choice.  This is a graduation requirement. Normally, the two exchanges will take place in Year 3 (BBAU4). Variations to this pattern will be handled on an exceptional basis by the programme leader.  In order to participate in an exchange, students must fulfill the requirements, including a minimum CGPA.  Students who fail to fulfill the exchange requirements will either have to defer their graduation (i.e. until such requirements are fulfilled) or will have to switch to a different major where there are no exchange requirements.

The graduation requirement of two mandatory student exchanges can also be met if students join the CityU/Columbia University Joint Degree Programme.