SS5430 - Case Management and Practice

Offering Academic Unit
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Credit Units
Course Duration
One Semester
Course Offering Term*:
Not offering in current academic year

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

Case management is one of the fastest growing segments in the healthcare, eldercare and rehabilitation industries, with today's professional case managers working in a range of healthcare settings including hospitals, private practice, mental health, insurance, workers compensation, and managed care organizations. This course will provide a comprehensive learning experience designed to develop planning, critical thinking, and decision-making skills necessary for the day-to-day challenges in the role as a case manager. It also will support critical skill development and increase knowledge through relevant and action-oriented contents and activities that all Case Managers should know in a complex managed care system. It teaches students to allocate budget dollars to get the most out of available resources. The course also covers how to work collaboratively with clients, their families and their care providers, when they are confronted with life challenges situations and in need of community support.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 100%

AT1: Group Project Presentation on Case Management (30%)

Four students are encouraged to form into a team. The objective of the group project is to provide an opportunity for the students to apply their learning in the course into Case Management issues when applied in Hong Kong context. The group project will also promote their critical and innovative thinking abilities through the application of the Strength Based or Coordination Model on Case Management. Each group should continue to prepare your group proposal on the chosen issues of case management by conducting library search, consulting experts and discussion with your group members. Each group will present your proposal creatively and interactively to fellow students, possible service users, and a panel of multi-disciplinary experts.

AT2: Case Management Case Study (25%)

Two students will be arranged to take up an internship of 4 cases in 20 hours in an agency to integrate the skills and knowledge they learnt from the course to test their competence, as well as the application of integrative case management practice. An agency supervisor will be invited from the agency to supervise the case management practice to ensure the service quality. During the internship period, the agency is expected to invite the students to take part at the case conference for them to meet and work with cross disciplines for their cases.

AT3: Individual Paper (35%)

To write up an academic paper analyzing critically a case management issue with special focus on its implication and suggestions for adopting case management service in Hong Kong. Application of inter-disciplinary knowledge is expected. The case management issue can be the topic presented in his/her group project, or an issue the student identified through his/her learning.

AT4: Discussion (10%)

Students are expected to have active participation in raising questions, and contributing to reflective discussion during the course and after the presentations of their classmates, preparing themselves well by reading the prescribed readings, sharing their reflections/opinions and/or participating in the on-line discussion board of the CANVAS. Participation will be assessed on students' (i) willingness to express views; (ii) application of knowledge; (iii) logical thinking; and (iv) clarity in communication.

Detailed Course Information
