COM5603 - Dissertation

Offering Academic Unit
Department of Media and Communication
Credit Units
Course Duration
One Semester
(Maximum Duration: 3 semesters (Summer Term, Semester A & Semester B).
After which, no further extension is permitted.) (Dissertation-type)
Course Offering Term*:
Not offering in current academic year

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

This course is designed to allow students to demonstrate their abilities to carry out independent research and project involving original research and to develop expertise in a chosen area of media and communication through the application of theories and techniques they have learned in the coursework. The research may be quantitative or qualitative in nature but must include original inquiry and analysis in addition to a review of the literature. In undertaking the dissertation, students take initiatives and demonstrate intellectual achievements through their work reflecting the understanding of the subject matter, and of the theories and professional skills being applied. 

Students will also develop and demonstrate the ability to present the result of the investigation in a precise and persuasive manner in the form of a dissertation.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 100%

There are four stages in the dissertation:

1. Approval of the dissertation title (Normal Completion Week: 2)

2. Approval of an interim report (by supervisor) (Normal Completion Week: 6) 

3. Approval of the completed draft (by supervisor) (Normal Completion Week: 11)

4. Submission of the completed dissertation (Normal Completion Week: 13)

The dissertation will have a reasonable length in accordance with the specific research project, usually 10,000 to 15,000 words of main text (excluding figures, tables and references). The main text may be supplemented by appendices.

The written dissertation will be evaluated independently by the supervisor and by a second assessor, who will also be a member of academic staff of the department. The two assessors will each mark to a maximum of 45%, giving a total maximum mark of 90% for the written dissertation. Of the remaining 10% mark for the dissertation course, the quality and timeliness of the interim report will account for 5% and continuous assessment by the supervisor will account for 5%.

The dissertation as a whole will be assessed on the following criteria:

- Project management: ability to plan, monitor and maintain a viable work schedule.

- Dissertation scope: the extent to which it addresses issues and problems of the chosen subject area, and hence the worth of the topic.

- Standard of execution: the quality of the work done including (where appropriate) literature review, the evaluation and execution of research methodology, analysis, design, implementation, depth and validity of conclusions.

- Dissertation goal attainment: success in meeting the criteria and achieving the objectives.

- Quality and clarity of the written presentation: success in communicating the conduct and results of the work by the quality and clarity of the written report.

- Style: follow an academic style strictly in writing the dissertation

- In addition, each student may be required to make an oral presentation of the dissertation. The oral presentation will not be graded. It will be used to confirm that the work presented in the written dissertation was that of the student, to clarify points of concern in the written dissertation, and to moderate individual marks across the student cohort. The presentation shall normally last for 30 minutes.

Detailed Course Information
