Master of Arts in Language Studies
Master of Arts in Language Studies
Award Title
Master of Arts in Language Studies
Offering Academic Unit
Department of Linguistics and Translation
Mode of Study
Combined mode

Normal Period of Study

- 1 year (full-time)
- 2 years (part-time/combined mode)

Maximum Period of Study

- 2.5 years (full-time)
- 5 years (part-time/combined mode)

Credit Units Required for Graduation


Programme Aims

The programme aims to

1. provide students with an understanding of the nature of language with which to explore the various ways it impacts on society and culture in the context of Hong Kong;

2. create a framework that allows students the option to focus on a particular aspect of language and its interaction with a particular societal / cultural process, be it the structure of language, language and translation and interpretation, and applications of language studies; and sharpen the students’ intellect to enable them to function more effectively as language professionals.

Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)

Upon successful completion of this Programme, students should be able to:

1. Analyze the structure and use of language in different social/ cultural contexts.
2. Reflect critically on the nature of language, and the issues of language in its actual use.
3. Apply effective communication skills in their work places in their role as language professionals.
4. Formulate generalizations on the processes and strategies involved in making discoveries in their respective fields of specialization.
5. (For students in the stream of general linguistics) analyze the structure of language, generate innovative linguistic analyses; reflect critically on the social, cultural and psychological aspects of language use, and apply such knowledge in their work.
6. (For students in the stream of corpus and empirical linguistics) apply a range of conceptual skills, with a focus on the corpus and latest empirical tools, to enhance students’ ability and efficiency in generating creative solutions to language tasks and to reflect critically on the multifaceted issues involved in the application of language studies.
7. (For students in the stream of pedagogical linguistics) apply a range of concepts and skills to language learning and its related pedagogical applications, and to enhance students the ability to be exposed to language acquisition and teaching in global contexts.
8. (For students in the stream of translation & interpretation) apply a range of conceptual tools and skills learned to enhance their ability in generating creative solutions to translation and interpretation tasks, and reflect critically on the multifaceted issues involved in translation and interpretation.

Programme Requirements

1. Programme Core Courses (6-9 credit units)

6 credit units: students choose LT6582 Capstone Project OR
9 credit units: students choose LT6580 Master’s Project

Group A (choose either)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
LT5903Language and its Applications3
LT5904Language and Culture in Society3

Group B (choose either)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
LT6580Master's Project6*
LT6582Capstone Project3*

2. Stream Core Courses (9 credit units)

Stream I: General Linguistics
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
LT5401Phonetics and Phonology3
LT5402Syntax and Morphology3
LT5403Semantics and Discourse3

Stream II: Corpus and Empirical Linguistics
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
LT5406Psycholinguistics3For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BALLA/ BAMDCM/ BATVB under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT5411Computational Linguistics3
LT5421Corpus Linguistics3

Stream III: Pedagogical Linguistics
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
LT5407Research Methodology for Applied Linguistics3For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BALLA/ BAMDCM/ BATVB under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT5451Pedagogical Grammar: Chinese and English3^,@
LT5458Computer-Assisted Language Learning3

Stream IV: Translation & Interpretation
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
LT5603Theory of Translation3*
LT5604Translation Methodology3*
LT5605Interpretation Methodology3*

3. Stream Electives Courses (9 credit units)
Students are required to take 3 courses from their respective stream cluster.

Cluster A: General Linguistics
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
LT5417Language Universals and Linguistic Typology3
LT5431Functional Approaches to Syntax3
LT5454Grammar of Chinese3^,@
LT5456Text Linguistics3
LT6422Advanced Topics in Semantics3
LT6423Advanced Topics in Syntax3
LT5457Computational Lexicography3
LT5411Computational Linguistics3
LT5458Computer-Assisted Language Learning3
LT5510Contrastive Studies of Chinese and English Grammar3
LT5421Corpus Linguistics3
LT5416Historical Linguistics3For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BALLA under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT5432Lexical Semantics3For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BALLA/ BAMDCM/ BATVB under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT5451Pedagogical Grammar: Chinese and English3^,@
LT5406Psycholinguistics3For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BALLA/ BAMDCM/ BATVB under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT5407Research Methodology for Applied Linguistics3For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BALLA/ BAMDCM/ BATVB under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT5408Sociolinguistics3For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BALLA under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT5430Special Topics in Linguistics3
LT5409Systemic Functional Linguistics3
LT5413Philosophy of Language3
LT5462Social Approaches to Language in Education3
LT5199Professional Internship3#

Cluster B: Corpus and Empirical Linguistics
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
LT5432Lexical Semantics3For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BALLA/ BAMDCM/ BATVB under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT5422Neurocognition of Language3
LT5459Terminology and Translation3For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BATI under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT6421Advanced Topics in Corpus and Empirical Linguistics3
LT5458Computer-Assisted Language Learning3
LT5457Computational Lexicography3
LT5431Functional Approaches to Syntax3
LT5451Pedagogical Grammar: Chinese and English3^,@
LT5401Phonetics and Phonology3
LT5407Research Methodology for Applied Linguistics3For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BALLA/ BAMDCM/ BATVB under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT5403Semantics and Discourse3
LT5402Syntax and Morphology3
LT5408Sociolinguistics3For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BALLA under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT5417Language Universals and Linguistic Typology3
LT5454Grammar of Chinese3^,@
LT5456Text Linguistics3
LT5510Contrastive Studies of Chinese and English Grammar3
LT5413Philosophy of Language3
LT5462Social Approaches to Language in Education3
LT5199Professional Internship3#

Cluster C: Pedagogical Linguistics

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
LT5412Language Teaching3
LT5418Second Language Pronunciation Acquisition: from Theory to Practice3
LT5452Learning and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language3^,@
LT5460Studies of Second Language Acquisition3
LT5461Cognition and Language Differences3
LT5411Computational Linguistics3
LT5421Corpus Linguistics3
LT5431Functional Approaches to Syntax3
LT5420Language Arts and Literature3
LT5432Lexical Semantics3For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BALLA/ BAMDCM/ BATVB under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT5401Phonetics and Phonology3
LT5406Psycholinguistics3For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BALLA/ BAMDCM/ BATVB under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT5403Semantics and Discourse3
LT5408Sociolinguistics3For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BALLA under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT5402Syntax and Morphology3
LT5453The Cantonese Language: Pronunciation, Lexicon and Grammar3%,@
LT5454Grammar of Chinese3^,@
LT5462Social Approaches to Language in Education3
LT5510Contrastive Studies of Chinese and English Grammar3
LT5413Philosophy of Language3
LT5199Professional Internship3#

Cluster D: Translation and Interpretation

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
LT5606Translating Cultures3
LT5601Stylistics and Translation3*
LT5617Bilingual Reading and Writing for Translators3*
For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BATI under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT5627Advanced Interpreting3*
LT5621Language and Literature in Translation3*
LT5633Performance and Translation3*
For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BATI under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT5626Translation and Comparative Literature3*
For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BATI under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT5630Special Topics in Translation and Interpretation3*
For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BATI under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT6505Legal Translation3*
LT6514Advanced Legal Translation3*
LT5421Corpus Linguistics3
LT5628Human-Machine Interactive Translation3*
LT5451Pedagogical Grammar: Chinese and English3^,@
LT5459Terminology and Translation3For CityU Talents Programme only: To be transferred from BATI under Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme
LT5456Text Linguistics3
LT5413Philosophy of Language3
LT5199Professional Internship3#

4. Free Elective Courses: (3-6 credit units)

3 credit units: students choose LT6580 Master’s Project which counts for 6 credit units
(Students are free to choose any one 3-credit unit course offered for the MA Language Studies programme.)

6 credit units: students choose LT6582 Capstone Project which counts for 3 credit units
(Students are free to choose any two 3-credit unit courses offered for the MA Language Studies programme.)

Medium of Instruction and Assessment

^ Medium of instruction is English, supplemented with Putonghua.
% Medium of instruction is English, supplemented with Cantonese.
@ Medium of assessment is English, supplemented with Chinese.
* English is the main medium of instruction and assessment, supplemented with Chinese (Cantonese/Putonghua) in situations where English-Chinese translation and interpretation or Chinese linguistic data/texts is involved.
# English is the medium of instruction on campus and assessment; English and/or Chinese may be required by individual internship partners.

Part III    Accreditation by Professional / Statutory Bodies 

Part IV  Additional Information

Intermediate Awards

Required Courses

Total Credits

Postgraduate Diploma in Language Studies

深造文憑 (語言研究)

Fulfill the stream core requirements (3 courses/ 9 credit units) and elective requirements (5 courses, at least 3 should be taken from one’s respective stream cluster).


Postgraduate Certificate in Language Studies+

深造證書 (語言研究)+

any four 3 credit unit courses


+ The stream designation is not available to graduates of Postgraduate Certificate.