New Master of Science in Health Sciences and Management (MSHSM) students embarked on their academic journey with an engaging and informative orientation event held on 4 September 2023. The event, which took place on the first day of the academic year, began with a warm welcome from Prof. Yu Huang (Head, Department of Biomedical Sciences), followed by a comprehensive presentation by Prof. Mingliang He (Programme Leader) and Prof. Xi Yao (Deputy Programme Leader).
The department head extended a heartfelt greeting to the incoming MSHSM students, expressing excitement for their presence and the opportunities that lay ahead. The Programme Leader and Deputy Programme Leader then took the stage, providing a detailed overview of the MSHSM program, career prospects and project study guidelines. They emphasised the importance of the courses offered, research opportunities, and encouraged students to explore their interests.
Following the presentation, the new MSc students were taken on a laboratory tour, giving them a firsthand look at the state-of-the-art facilities and equipment available in the Biomedical Sciences (BMS) lab. Led by our experienced lab technical colleagues, the tour showcased safety protocols, ongoing research projects, and the potential for hands-on learning experiences.
The orientation event served as a valuable platform for the students to familiarise themselves with the programme, connect with faculty members, and establish connections with their peers. Equipped with knowledge, guidance, and a sense of community, the new MSHSM students are ready to embark on their academic endeavors with enthusiasm and confidence.