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National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Schemes 2024 Funding Results

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Schemes 2024 Funding Results
29 AUG 2024

Congratulations to Prof. FU Bing on being awarded the Young Scientists Fund with the project titled "活細菌單分子成像與追踪揭示CpxA/CpxR信號傳導中的動態互作機制及與耐藥性的聯繫". Dr. HOU Chaojian, who is under Prof. LI Shuaicheng’s team, was also awarded the fund via Shenzhen Research Institute with his project titled “面向靶向氫氣治療的磁控微機器人集成系統電解供氫機制研究”.

The Young Scientists Fund supports young scientists to freely choose their research topics within the funding scope of NSFC to conduct basic research, fosters the ability of young scientists to undertake research projects independently and do creative research, stimulates the innovative thinking of young scientists and trains backup talents for basic research.

Last modified on 13 September 2024