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35-gram Hopcopter Revolutionizes the Robotics Industry

35-gram Hopcopter Revolutionizes the Robotics Industry
10 APR 2024

Led by Prof. Pakpong CHIRARATTANANON, the research team has developed a 35-gram hybrid robot called Hopcopter. The Hopcopter can jump, fly, and spin with incredible speed and precision. The robot consists of a typical mini-quadcopter with a passive telescopic leg. This can provide energy-efficient movement to enhance mission duration and range. Besides, the Hopcopter uses its existing rotors to actuate in its airborne phase, unlike other hopping robot designs that depend on stance phase leg actuation.

The details of the research were published in Science Robotics under the title “An agile monopedal hopping quadcopter with synergistic hybrid locomotion”.

Press coverage:
(15 JUL 2024) 港城大研混合式彈跳機械人 跳躍速度每秒二點三八米 [Jornal Va Kio]
(15 JUL 2024) 城大創新彈跳機械人 移動力大升級 [Ta Kung Pao]
(14 JUL 2024) Leaping into innovation: CityUHK develops hybrid hopping robot with unrivalled mobility [CityUHK NewsCentre]
(14 JUL 2024) 港城大研混合式彈跳機械人 每秒2.38米躍速 [HKCNA]
(14 JUL 2024) 城大研發混合式彈跳機械人 具突破性移動力 [Hong Kong Commercial Daily]
(17 APR 2024) 6分の稼働時間を1時間に延長!「ぴょんぴょん跳ねる」ホッピングを装備したドローン []
(15 APR 2024) Hop to It []
(15 APR 2024) Hopcopter: Energieeffiziente Fortbewegung mit Federbein [heise online]
(14 APR 2024) This 35-gram Hopcopter Is Revolutionizing Robotics With Its Hops And Flight [Wonderful Engineering]
(12 APR 2024) Pogo Stick Microcopter Bounces off Floors and Walls [IEEE Spectrum]
(10 APR 2024) 35-gram Hopcopter revolutionizes robotics with its hops and flight [Interesting Engineer]

Last modified on 17 July 2024