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Joint Scientific Experiments in Outer Space

Joint Scientific Experiments in Outer Space
Joint Scientific Experiments in Outer Space
3 MAY 2023

CityU signed a collaboration agreement with the China Resources Research Institute of Science and Technology and Shenzhou Space Biotechnology Group to commence joint scientific experiments in outer space. The first project was sending dLhCG, a joint repair material developed Prof. WANG Dongan and his research team, to outer space for undergoing six months of research experiments. It aims to investigate the potential impact of microgravity and radiation in outer space on the repair efficacy of dLhCG.

Press coverage:
(22 May 2023) 城大軟骨植入物太空實驗 研修復效能影響 [Ming Pao Daily News]
(22 May 2023) 城大研關節修復材料 升空做實驗 [Sing Tao Daily]
(22 May 2023) 實測軟骨修復 推進太空醫學 [Wen Wei Po]
(4 May 2023) 城大與華潤科學研究院等 簽協議合作太空科研 [Sky Post]
(4 May 2023) 華潤航天生物夥兩大學做太空實驗 [Wen Wei Po]
(3 May 2023) 城大與華潤研究院及航天生物簽署合作協議 攜手推動太空科研實驗 [Bastille Post]
(3 May 2023) 城大研發關節修復材料 將隨天舟六號上太空站做實驗 [HK01]
(3 May 2023) 城大與華潤科學研究院等簽合作協議 [Hong Kong Economic Journal]
(3 May 2023) 城大與華潤研究院等簽合作協議 攜手推展太空科研項目 [Orange News]
(3 May 2023) 城大與華潤研究院等簽合作協議 攜手推展太空科研項目 []

Last modified on 23 May, 2023