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Advanced Robotic VR System Teleoperates Robots for COVID-19 Swab Tests

Dr YU Xinge
Dr YU Xinge
TDr YU Xinge's research team
Dr YU Xinge's research team
2 MAR 2022

Dr YU Xinge and his research team have developed an innovative human-machine interface system, Robotic VR, in which teleoperated robots can imitate the user’s actions and perform complicated tasks. This technology demonstrates the potential for conducting COVID-19 swab tests and nursing patients with infectious diseases.

Robotic VR is based on skin-integrated electronics that interface with the human body for wireless motion, capturing the haptic feedback through the internet, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

The research study was published in Science Advances under the title “Electronic Skin as Wireless Human Machine Interfaces for Robotic VR”.

Press coverage:
(27 JUL 2022) 【創科導航】人機介面系統雛型 [TVB]
(23 MAR 2022) Robots lend a helping hand [China Daily Hong Kong Edition]
(3 MAR 2022) CityU Researchers Co-Develop Advanced Robotic VR System [Open Gov Asia]
(3 MAR 2022) 【醫學科技】城大研Robotic VR 模仿人體動作助新冠採樣 [Health Concept]
(3 MAR 2022) 城大研電子皮膚 VR遙控採樣 [Hong Kong Economic Journal]
(3 MAR 2022) 城大研人機介面系統 冀助採樣 [Hong Kong Economic Times]
(3 MAR 2022) 城大研人機介面操作系統 遙控機械人採樣測新冠 [Oriental Daily]
(3 MAR 2022) 城大HMI遙控機械人 協助採樣減染疫風險 [Sing Tao Daily]
(3 MAR 2022) 城大研發 遙控機械人為染疫者採樣 [Ta Kung Pao]
(2 MAR 2022) CityU’s advanced robotic VR system teleoperates robots for COVID-19 swab tests [CityU NewsCentre]
(2 MAR 2022) 城大研先進人機介面操作系統 冀可遙控為檢測進行採樣 [Headline Daily]
(2 MAR 2022) 先進遙控機械人介面操作系統 城大研發採樣新冠病毒複雜任務 [Taiwan News]
(2 MAR 2022) 【疫下科研】城大研發遙控機械人模仿動作 可做新冠病毒採樣及照顧患者 [Topick]

Last modified on 28 July, 2022