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Intelligent Patient Transfer Robot Developed for Care Homes

Intelligent Patient Transfer Robot Developed for Care Homes
Intelligent Patient Transfer Robot Developed for Care Homes
29 JAN 2021

Albacastor Technology Limited, a start-up co-founded by Mr. Henry Wah Shing LAM, current PhD graduate of BME, and MNE graduates Mr. Peter Wing Hong CHEUNG and Tsz Lung CHAN, invented an intelligent patient transfer robot – “Horizon”. It could facilitate the transfer of patients between beds with an aim to help reduce healthcare manpower. The trial “Horizon” will be used in a local care home soon. They will also establish the home edition in the next stage.

Earlier, the invention won the Community Engagement Award in the Blue Innovation Challenge 2020. The competition aims to create a platform where start-ups and social enterprises can demonstrate their creative ideas and solutions to challenge the status quo of the financial industry.

Press coverage:
(12 Sep 2022) 過床機械人助搬運病患 [Hong Kong Economic Journal]
(29 Jan 2021) 本地團隊研發過床機械人 冀減輕護理人員工作量 []
(29 Jan 2021) 城大生研 輪椅機械人 助長者上落床 [Oriental Daily News]
(29 Jan 2021) 城大生研智能機械椅 助長者自行上落牀 獲30萬資助 冀兩年內推出 [Sing Tao Daily]
(29 Jan 2021) 變形輪椅助長者殘疾人士 便利出入 [Hong Kong Economic Times]
(29 Jan 2021) 城大生研發 護理機械人助長者「過床」 [Ta Kung Pao]
(29 Jan 2021) 城大畢業生研輪椅機械人 助長者「過床」 最快兩年後推出市場 [HK01]
(29 Jan 2021) 城大生研智能機械椅 助長者自行上落牀 [Bastillepost]
(29 Jan 2021) 將想法變現實 香港城大工學院畢業生研發輪椅機器人 [hkcna]

Last modified on 13 September, 2022