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Research Students Received HKMHDIA Student Research Award 2019/20

20 NOV 2020

Congratulations to our PhD graduates Dr. WANG Zixun, under the supervision of Prof. SHI Peng, and PhD student Mr. HUANG Jianpan, under the supervision of Dr. Kannie CHAN, on receiving the Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Device Industries Association (HKMHDIA) Student Research Award 2019-20. The title of Dr. WANG’s awarded thesis was “Nanoscale Biointerface-assisted Molecular Fishing of Biomarkers from Live Cells for Minimum-invasive Dissection of Cellular Activity and Heterogeneity” whereas Mr. HUANG’s awarded thesis was titled “Developing Advanced CEST MRI Techniques to Noninvasively Detect Central Nervous System Diseases at Early Stage”.

HKMHDIA Student Research Award aims to promote both basic and applied academic research that may have significant impact on the future development of medical and health device industries in Hong Kong.

Last modified on 20 November, 2020