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New and Non-invasive Way to Detect Alzheimer's Disease Early

New and Non-invasive Way to Detect Alzheimer's Disease Early
New and Non-invasive Way to Detect Alzheimer's Disease Early
14 MAY 2020

Dr. Kannie W.Y. CHAN and her team have collaborated with researchers at Johns Hopkins University in the United States and developed a new, non-invasive way to detect Alzheimer’s disease at early stages. In this preclinical study, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is used to trace glucose in the lymphatic system of mouse brains, as abnormal clearance rate of lymphatic system is associated with early pathology of Alzheimer's disease.

Dr. Chan pointed out that this approach can be translated robustly into clinical arena, since both natural glucose and MRI machines are commonly-used in clinics and hospitals. Early identification and intervention of Alzheimer’s disease can halt or slow down its progression into a devastating stage that affects the daily life of patients. The research team hope that further investigations in humans could support further clinical trials towards a non-invasive way to screen for Alzheimer's disease.

Press coverage:
(15 May 2020) 城大新技術 及早識別老人癡呆症 [Oriental Daily News]
(15 May 2020) Glucose-measuring Imaging Technique May Identify the Early Stages of Alzheimer's [Technology Networks]
(15 May 2020) 城大新成像法 早10年發現腦退化 [Startup Beat]
(15 May 2020) 城大新成像法 早10年發現腦退化 [Hong Kong Economic Journal]
(15 May 2020) 城大新招測早期無症狀腦退化 [Wen Wei Po]
(14 May 2020) Breakthrough technology indicates earlier detection for Alzheimer’s disease [CityU NewsCentre]
(14 May 2020) Early detection of Alzheimer's disease with dynamic MR measurement of glucose in brain [DOTmed]
(14 May 2020) New MRI technique for early detection of Alzheimer's [Healthcare In Europe]
(14 May 2020) MRI monitoring of brain glucose levels may help detect Alzheimer’s disease [Physicsworld]
(14 May 2020) New Alzheimer's analysis may detect disease up to 10 years before symptoms [South China Morning Post]
(14 May 2020) 城大研磁力共振成像法測早期阿茲海默症 [Ta Kung Pao]
(14 May 2020) 城大團隊研發非入侵方式助早期診斷阿茲海默症 [CRHK]
(14 May 2020) 城大研發非侵入式方法有助早期檢測阿茲海默症 [RTHK]
(13 May 2020) Early detection of Alzheimer's disease with dynamic MRI measurement of glucose in brain [Medical Xpress]
(13 May 2020) 檢測早期阿茲海默症新方法︰動態磁力共振掃描大腦葡萄糖水平 [eurekalert中文]
(29 July 2020) 有一種忘記 陳葦恩 [Eastweek] 2020-07-29 A022-025 人物傳奇

Last modified on 14 May, 2020