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Prof Dong SUN elected Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering

Prof Dong SUN elected Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering
Prof Dong SUN elected Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering
24 JUN 2019

Professor Dong SUN, Head and Chair Professor of Biomedical Engineering, was inducted as Fellow into the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), in recognition of his achievements in microrobotics for biological cell manipulation and cell surgery, as well as his other pioneer works in robotics and automation, during the ceremony which took place in Quebéc City on 21 June 2019, in conjunction with the Academy’s 2019 Annual General Meeting and Symposium.

CAE confers fellowships on individuals since 1987, which is to recognize their remarkable contributions to engineering in Canada, or countries in rest of the world. A CAE fellowship is regarded as one of the highest honours in engineering. Prof Sun is grateful that CAE has been a platform enabling him to contribute to robotics and biomedical engineering, and hopes to share his experience to enlighten young people to strive for excellence in their researches.

Prof Sun, joined CityU in 2000, is concurrently the Director of the university’s Centre for Robotics and Automation. Apart from nurturing research students and building up collaborations with industry, Prof Sun has been devoted to conduct research on precision medicine using technologies, and has invented the first magnetic 3D-printed microscopic robot in the world that is capable of carrying stem cells into the body to repair damaged tissue or treat tumours. This technology reduces the side effects that may be caused by drugs or drug resistance problems and can serve as an alternative to the traditional invasive surgery.

Press coverage:
(18 July 2019) CityU robotics and biomedical engineer elected Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering [China Daily Hong Kong Edition]
(24 June 2019) CityU robotics and biomedical engineer elected Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering [CityU News Centre]
(24 June 2019) 城大學者獲選加拿大工程院院士 [Sing Pao]
(24 June 2019) 城大孫東獲選加拿大工程院士 [Hong Kong Economic Journal]
(24 June 2019) 城大學者孫東膺加國工程院院士 [Wen Wei Po]
(24 June 2019) 城大教授孫東獲選加拿大工程院院士 [Hong Kong Commercial Daily]
(24 June 2019) 城大學者獲選加國工程院士 [Lion Rock Daily]

Last modified on 24 June, 2019