Materials & Aids Permitted

List of Materials and Aids Permitted for Current Semester/Term Examination

Student ID Card
Student ID Card
  • Students must bring with their Student Identity Card and place it on the top right hand corner of their desk for the invigilators who will check the examination attendance register for students' eligibility to attend the examination.

Writing instruments
Writing instruments
  • Write in blue or black ink, legibly and clearly when answering examination questions.
  • Use HB pencils to complete multiple choice answer sheets.
  • Students may further consult their teachers on other specific writing instruments acceptable for individual examinations

Calculators (List of Approved Calculators)
  • Where calculators are permitted for use in an examination, they must be one of those models approved by the University, unless otherwise advised by the teacher.
  • Calculators are subject to inspection by invigilators. The use of unapproved calculator models will be regarded as use of unauthorised materials in an examination and will be considered as a form of academic dishonesty which may incur severe penalties.

Unauthorized Materials

  • Materials that are not specified by the course leaders.
  • All kinds of electronic devices (e.g. mobile phone, smart watch, tablet, electronic dictionary) irrespective of whether the devices are with cellular connectivity, mobile applications installed or wireless technologies supported, turned on or not and whether they contain material relevant to the examination.
Those unauthorized materials must be put inside a bag which can be closed properly. The belongings should placed in a designated place inside the examination venue as instructed by the Chief Invigilator. If they cannot put their belongings and materials properly inside their bags, invigilators can ask the students to take them to the front of the venue.

If any unauthorized materials are found during an examination, the students involved will be subject to disciplinary action which may lead to a failed grade in the concerned course.

If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the page contents and the Academic Regulations (AR), rules and guidelines, the AR, rules and guidelines shall prevail.