Operational Grades
They do not earn credit units and are not counted in the calculation of a student's Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) or Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).
Grade Point Averages (GPA)
GPA are indicators of a student's academic performance. It includes failed courses, excludes operational grades and is weighted by the credit units for each course taken.

- The Semester GPA (SGPA) is calculated for all courses taken in one semester. It reflects the student's performance for in the semester.
- The Cumulative GPA (CGPA) is calculated for all courses taken by the student during the prograeme of. It reflects the student's performance for all semesters up to the latest term of study. The computation is the same as the SGPA except that for course repeats, only the latest attempt is included in the CGPA calculation.
- GPA are calculated up to 2 decimal digit with the 3rd digit truncated.
- Both the SGPA and CGPA are shown on students' online grade display and transcripts.
Dean's List

- Students who have earned 12 credit units or more with a GPA of 3.7 or greater and no failures over a semester can be recommended for the Dean's List.
- Eligibility of part-time students for the award will be assessed once a year at the end of Semester B taking into account courses taken in Semesters A and B.
- The award of Dean's List will be shown on a student's transcript.
Course Repeat Rules
- Students may repeat a course, or an equivalent course, to recover a failure or to improve a course grade of D.
- After the first attempt, only two repeat attempts are permitted.
- Students fail a required course in their study programme the third time will result in termination of studies.
- Course grades for all attempts will appear on the student's transcript, but only the latest grade earned will be included in the calculation of CGPA.

Substitute Course
- A substitute course can be approved by the Dean of the major/minor-offering academic unit under exceptional circumstances for a student to replace the required course with another.
- The approved substitute course can be used to recover a failure for the required course but CANNOT be used to improve a course grade of D.
- Course substitution is not applicable for GE courses or electives, of which students have more than one course to choose from to fulfil award requirements.

Terminology in Online Grade Display
Earned Hours
GPA Hours
Exclude/ Include
Academic Standing
Maximum Credit Units Permitted
Total Credit Units Completed
If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the page contents and the Academic Regulations (AR), rules and guidelines, the AR, rules and guidelines shall prevail.