28 June 2019

Dear alumni,

At CityU, our curricula are designed to promote knowledge creation, original discoveries and innovative thinking by integrating teaching and research at all levels. One realisation of this concept is Hong Kong’s first School of Data Science (SDSC). The UGC-approved undergraduate programme offered by the School, which will start in September 2019, is a direct response to the increased demand for professionals in this burgeoning field, one that is revolutionising societal and economic development.

The integration of teaching and research also spurs creativity. The “ANiMAL: Art Science Nature Society” exhibition, which was on show at CityU from October 2018 to January 2019, recently won Gold at the MUSE Awards at the Alliance of American Museums Convention. This exhibition, combining the strengths of the School of Creative Media and the National Palace Museum (NPM) in Taipei, was recognised in the category of “Onsite Digital Experience”. In addition, it highlighted research from the Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences into One Health with a focus on the growing threats to animal life posed by climate change. The next collaboration with NPM will focus on digitising Chinese art stored in NPM and other galleries around the world.

I would also like to recommend the current exhibition “Art Deco. The France-China Connection” at the CityU Exhibition Gallery (18/F, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building). Due to popular demand, the exhibition will be extended to 21 July. The origins of Art Deco in France and its shared influences with China are explored through more than 300 precious artefacts from France, Hong Kong and Shanghai.

Soulware: The American Way in China’s Higher EducationCultural interflow knows no borders. My new book Soulware: The American Way in China’s Higher Education introduces the concept of “soulware” into global higher education and analyses its importance for internationalisation and the pursuit of excellence and improvements in investigating, creating, innovating and transferring knowledge. With this book, I also introduce CityU, its value and spirit to a range of international stakeholders. Royalties from this book will be donated to student scholarships.

CityU has attained marked achievements in professional education and discovery-driven research despite our relatively short history. We count on the unwavering support of the CityU alumni community to help us advance.

Way Kuo
President and University Distinguished Professor

President's Blog ─ Way to Kuo