You will find information on how to get to and around CityUHK, accommodation available, group visits as well as useful information on Hong Kong.
Getting to CityUHK
CityUHK is situated at the heart of Kowloon Tong. The Campus is accessible by various means of public transportation. Taking MTR is one of the convenient ways to reach the Campus, it is just a 5-minute walk from Kowloon Tong Station via Festival Walk Shopping Centre. CityUHK is also just 30-minute ride away from the Hong Kong International Airport (airport).
A Way-finding system is delicately designed and installed on Campus for providing an user-friendly navigation. In view of the extensive campus areas, a “Gathering Point System” on Campus is adopted to create the sense of place.
The Campus is open from 0700 to 2300 hours daily to CityUHK ID cardholders including staff members, family members and students. Entry control is implemented. Visitors invited by Departments must apply in advance.
City University of Hong Kong welcomes you to our campus to meet our cheerful and diligent students, who are excited to share with you their unique university life at CityUHK.