Professor Santiago ALONSO SOUSA

DVM, Cert AVP, Dip ABVP (equine practice), MRCVS
American and HK specialist in Equine Practice

Clinical Assistant Professor

Office: Room 312, 3/F, Block 1B, To Yuen Building
Tel. no.: +852 3442-9161
Web: CityU Scholars
Prof. Santiago ALONSO SOUSA


Graduated from CEU Cardenal Herrera University (Spain) in 2015, Prof. Santiago Alonso completed an equine rotating internship in Canada followed by an equine surgical internship at Hagyard Equine Medical Institute (USA). These two years further strengthened his conviction to acquire wider knowledge in equine practice. In 2018, he undertook a residency in equine practice in the United Arab Emirates and passed the Board examination of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (ABVP) in Equine Practice in 2021. During his residency, he was involved in the publication of multiple papers relating to equine practice, one of which was presented at the ACVS surgery summit 2020.

Prof. Alonso has worked in private equine practice in Scotland after completing his residency, where provided ambulatory service with special emphasis on orthopaedic conditions. He has completed a postgraduate certificate in Advance Veterinary Practice with Liverpool University and is actively involved in the ABVP outreach program.

In 2022, he moved to Hong Kong and joined the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences (VCS) at the Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences, City University of Hong Kong.