Information for Outgoing CityUHK Students
Information for Outgoing CityUHK Students
- Interested CityUHK students should complete the application form and forward it to the Talent and Education Development Office, with the endorsement of the course leader/programme leader, for onward transmission to HKBU for consideration.
- During their study at HKBU, CityUHK students should continue to observe the University’s rules and regulations.
- Credits gained can be counted as fulfilling the University’s requirements for degree studies, unless otherwise specified by the department, college/school. However, credits gained in CIGE course(s) will not be counted in the calculation of students’ GPA.
- Failure to show up at the registered class without proper notification may result in actions deemed appropriate by both institutions.
- Non-local students are not eligible to apply for CIGE, as, according to the immigration policy, their visas only permit them to study at CityUHK. Therefore, applications from non-local students will not be accepted.
- Students are required to
- fill in an e-application form,
- submit a scanned copy of the approval form to Talent and Education Development Office of CityUHK ( through email by 5:00 pm, 10 December 2024.
- Application for courses NOT on the CIGE lists will NOT be processed.
- Successful applicants are required to participate fully in the course, including the completion of coursework and examinations, if applicable. Students should also observe the rules and regulations provided by HKBU for course registration.
- Students will be informed of the course registration and examination details by HKBU.
- Successful applicants are advised to apply for a JULAC card from CityUHK to gain access to HKBU’s Library.
- Requests for withdrawal from a course should be submitted by 4:00 pm, 20 January 2025. Late applications will normally not be entertained. No replacement of courses is allowed after withdrawal of the original course.
- Grade result sheet/transcript will be sent to the student through the Talent and Education Development Office. The Academic Regulations and Records Office (ARRO) will record the credits gained as transferred credits in the student record.