Guidelines Governing the Cross-Institutional GE Course Enrolment Scheme for Undergraduate Students

Guidelines Governing the Cross-Institutional GE Course Enrolment Scheme for Undergraduate Students

General Principles

Interested students should seek endorsement from their home institution and submit the application to the host institution via their home institution before the course starts.
It is at the discretion of the host institution to accept applications, considering its quota availability and other relevant factors. Course quotas will normally be assigned with priority to students of the host institution. They will be available to students of the partner institution for enrolment should there be any remaining quota.
Students admitted to a CIGE course will be officially registered as visiting students at the host institution and are required to participate fully in the course, including the completion of coursework and examinations, if applicable.
If students who are admitted to a course cannot sit for the examination of the home institution since it clashes with the examination in the host institution, the home institution should provide invigilation of the make-up examination of their own course, if any, for these students.
Grades will be given to students at the end of the course, and a transcript will be sent to the home institution. To comply with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance requirement, students’ consent will be sought during the course application stage, for the release of their course results to their home institution.
It is also at the sole discretion of the home institution to decide how the grades should be used and whether credit transfer will be granted.
Waiver of fees will be granted to these students.
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