Qingpeng Zhang is an Associate Professor with the Institute of Data Science and the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, LKS Faculty of Medicine at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). He is also an Adjunct Professor (previously a full-time Associate Professor) with the Department of Data Science (DS) at CityU, where he served as the inaugural internship coordinator and BScDS deputy program leader.
His research interests include healthcare data analytics, medical informatics, AI in drug discovery and network science. His research has been published in leading journals such as Nature Human Behaviour, Nature Communications, PNAS, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, JAMIA, and MIS Quarterly, as well as featured in press such as The Washington Post, The New York Times, New York Public Radio, The Guardian and Ming Pao.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine and a Senior Member of IEEE. He serves as an Associate Editor for npj Digital Medicine, BMJ Mental Health, IEEE TITS, IEEE TCSS, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (2021), and PLoS ONE.
Awards and Achievements
- 2022 “The President's Award” City University of Hong Kong.
- 2022 “Excellent Doctoral Dissertation in Behavioral Heath Award (supervisor)” The Hong Kong Society of Behavioral Health.
- 2022 “International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva Silver Metal” International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva.
- 2021 “Outstanding Research Award for Junior Faculty” City University of Hong Kong.
- 2021 “Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award” IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society.
- 2021 “The Outstanding Group in the National Science and Technology System against the COVID-19 Epidemic” 抗疫先進集體, Ministry of Science and Technology of China. Core team member, led by Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Automation.
Previous Experience
- Jul 2020 - Jul 2023, Associate Professor, City University of Hong Kong. School of Data Science.
- Jan 2014 - Jun 2020, Assistant Professor, City University of Hong Kong. School of Data Science (2018-2020) and Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management (2014-2018).
- Aug 2012 - Jan 2014, Postdoctoral Scholar, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The Tetherless World Constellation, Department of Computer Science.
- May 2011 - Aug 2011, PhD Intern, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The Center for Adaptive Supercomputing Software-Multithreaded Architectures (CASS-MT).
- Jun 2010 - Aug 2010, Visiting Scientist, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Institute of Automation.
- Aug 2009 - May 2012, Research and Teaching Assistant, The University of Arizona. The Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering and the Department of Management Information Systems.
- Ni, Y. , Lu, Y. , Jing, F.†. , Wang, Q. , Xie, Y. , He, X. , Wu, D. , Tan, R.K.J. , Tucker, J.D. , Yan, X. , Ong, J.J. , Zhang, Q. , Huang, S. , Dai, W. , Huang, L. , Mei, W. & Tang, W. (in press). A Machine Learning Model in Identifying Sexual Health Influencers to Promote the Secondary Distribution of HIV Self-testing among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men who Have Sex with Men in China: A Quasi-experimental Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. doi:10.2196/50656
- Tse, W. , Khandaker, G.M. , Zhou, H. , Luo, H. , Yan, W.C. , Siu, M.W. , Poon, L.T. , Lee, E.H.M. , Zhang, Q. , Upthegrove, R. , Osmo, E.F. , Perry, B.I. & Chan, S.K.W. (in press). Assessing the Generalisability of the psychosis metabolic risk calculator (PsyMetRiC) for young people with first-episode psychosis with validation in a Hong Kong Chinese Han population. The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific.
- Lu, Yi.†. , Chu, Q. , Li, Z. , Wang, M. , Gatenby, R. & Zhang, Q.*. (in press). Deep reinforcement learning identies personalized intermittent androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. Briefings in Bioinformatics. bbae071 doi:10.1093/bib/bbae071
- Li, S. , Zhou, Z. , Liao, M. , Liao, Z. , He, K. , Qu, W. , Li, J. , Kamel, I.R. , Chu, Q. , Zhang, Q. & Li, Z. (in press). Incremental value of automatically segmented perirenal adipose tissue for pathological grading of clear cell renal cell carcinoma: a multicenter cohort study. International Journal of Surgery. doi:10.1097/JS9.0000000000001358
- Luo, T. , Cao, Z. , Zhao, P. , Wang, J. & Zhang, Q. (in press). Modeling the Coupling Propagation of Information, Behavior, and Disease in Multi-Layer Heterogeneous Networks. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. doi:10.1109/TCSS.2023.3306014
- Chan, P.S.F. , Fang, Y. , Cheung, D.H. , Zhang, Q. , Sun, F. , Mo, P.K.H. & Wang, Z. (in press). The effectiveness of Chatbots in Increasing Uptake, Intention, and Attitudes Related to Any Type of Vaccination: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. doi:10.1111/aphw.12564
- Gao, Y. , Lau, T.F. , Zhang, Q. , Ming, W.K. , Shen, F. , Huang, Y.H.C. & Jiang, L.C. (in press). The Impact of Expert Opinions in COVID-19 News Coverage on Vaccination During the Fifth Outbreak in Hong Kong: A Time Series Analysis. Health Communication. doi:10.1080/10410236.2024.2344283
- Yang, Y. , Xie, Y.J. , Yang, L. , Cheng, K. , Zhang, Q. , Li, Y. , Hao, C. , Wang, H.H.X. , Zhou, Q. & Leung, A.Y.M. (Nov 2024). Community-based participatory research (CBPR) approaches in vaccination promotion: a scoping review. International Journal of Equity in Health. 23. 227 doi:10.1186/s12939-024-02278-1
- Luo, Y.†. , Yip, S.F.P. & Zhang, Q.*. (Nov 2024). Positive association between Internet use and mental health among adults aged ≥50 years in 23 countries. Nature Human Behaviour. doi:10.1038/s41562-024-02048-7
- Yang, H. , Ni, S. , Huo, H. , Yang, Y. , Liu, S. & Zhang, Q. (Nov 2024). Variable Neighborhood Search and Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Integrated Optimization of Maintenance Windows and Train Timetables. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 25/11. 16370 - 16391. doi:10.1109/TITS.2024.3432672
- Zhang, N. , Liu, D. , Zhao, J. , Tse, G. , Zhou, J. , Zhang, Q. , Lip, G. & Liu, T. (Oct 2024). Circulating ketone bodies, genetic susceptibility, with left atrial remodeling and atrial fibrillation: A prospective study from the UK Biobank. Heart Rhythm. doi:10.1016/j.hrthm.2024.10.028
- Yao, Y.†. , Chen, F.Y.H. & Zhang, Q.*. (Oct 2024). Optimized patient-specific immune checkpoint inhibitor therapies for cancer treatment based on tumor immune microenvironment modeling. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 25/6. bbae547 doi:10.1093/bib/bbae547
- Xie, Y.J. , Tian, L. , Deng, Y. , Yang, L. , Cheung, K. , Li, Y. , Wang, H.H. , Hao, C. , Siu, G.K.H. , Zhang, Q. , Molassiotis, A. & Leung, A.Y.M. (Aug 2024). Use of the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model in Piloting Vaccine Promotion and Infection Self-Protection: Intervention Development and Effectiveness Examination. Vaccines. 12/9. 979 doi:vaccines12090979
- Zhou, J. , Liu, W. , Zhou, H. , Lau, K.K. , Wong, G.H.Y. , Chan, W.W.C. , Zhang, Q. , Knapp, M. , Wong, I.C.K. & Luo, H. (May 2024). Identifying dementia from cognitive footprints in hospital records among Chinese older adults: a machine-learning study. The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific. 46. 101060 doi:10.1016/j.lanwpc.2024.101060
- Cheung, D.H. , Chen, S. , Fang, Y. , Sun, F. , Zhang, Q. , Yu, F.Y. , Mo, P.K.H. & Wang, Z. (Apr 2024). Influences of mpox disease perceptions, sources and contents of information exposure on mpox vaccine uptake among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Hong Kong, China. Vaccine. 42/9. 2337 - 2346. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2024.02.083
- Xie, Y.J. , Liao, X. , Lin, M. , Yang, L. , Cheung, K. , Zhang, Q. , Li, Y. , Hao, C. , Wang, H.H. , Gao, Y. , Zhang, D.D. , Molassiotis, A. , Siu, G.K.H. & Leung, A.Y.M. (Mar 2024). Community Engagement in Vaccination Promotion: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JMIR Public Health & Surveillance. 10. e49695 doi:10.2196/49695
- Yang, H. , Ni, S. , Huo, H. , Ye, X. , Lv, M. , Zhang, Q. & Chen, D. (Mar 2024). Integrated robust optimization of maintenance windows and train timetables using ADMM-driven and nested simulation heuristic algorithm. Transportation Research Part C. 160. 104526 doi:10.1016/j.trc.2024.104526
- Gao, X. , Zhang, N. , Lu, L. , Gao, T. , Chou, O.H.I. , Chang, C. , Wai, A.K.C. , Lip, G.Y.H. , Zhang, Q. , Tse, G.*. , Liu, T.*. & Zhou, J.†*. (Mar 2024). New-onset syncope in diabetic patients treated with sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors versus dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors: a Chinese population-based cohort study. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. 10/2. 103 - 117. doi:10.1093/ehjcvp/pvad086
- Ye, Y.†. , Ni, K.† (joint first author). , Jing, F.†. , Zhou, Y. , Tang, W.*. & Zhang, Q.*. (Feb 2024). Model-informed targeted network interventions among MSM social networks in Zhuhai, China. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 11/1. 238 - 246. doi:10.1109/TCSS.2022.3216756
- Ye, Y.†. , Cao, Z. , Zeng, D.D. & Zhang, Q.*. (Feb 2024). Supply chain loss from easing COVID-19 restrictions: an evolutionaryeconomic-epidemiological modelling study. Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 480/2283. 0803 (cover feature) doi:10.1098/rspa.2023.0803
- Ren, H. , Jing, F.†. , Chen, Z. , He, S. , Zhou, J. , Liu, L. , Jing, R. , Lian, W. , Tian, J. , Zhang, Q.*. , Xu, Z.†*. & Cheng, W.†*. (Jan 2024). CheXMed: A multimodal learning algorithm for pneumonia detection in the elderly. Information Sciences. 654. 119854 doi:10.1016/j.ins.2023.119854
- Liu, L. , Xu, D. , Zhao, P. , Zeng, D.D. , Hu, P.J.H. , Zhang, Q. , Luo, Y. & Cao, Z. (Dec 2023). A cross-lingual transfer learning method for online COVID-19-related hate speech detection. Expert Systems with Applications. 234. 121031 doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2023.121031
- Xu, R.†. , Zhang, Q. & Tan, S. (Dec 2023). The Formation of Reciprocal Social Support in Online Support Groups: A Network Modeling Approach. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 10/6. 3370 - 3384. doi:10.1109/TCSS.2022.3197641
- Qu, W. , Yang, J.†. , Li, J. , Yuan, G. , Li, S. , Chu, Q. , Xie, Q. , Zhang, Q. , Cheng, B. & Li, Z. (Nov 2023). Avoid nondiagnostic EUS-FNA: A DNN model as a possible gatekeeper to distinguish pancreatic lesions prone to inconclusive biopsy. The British Journal of Radiology. 96/1151. 20221112 doi:10.1259/bjr.20221112
- Jing, F.†. , Ye, Y.†. , Zhou, Y. , Ni, Y. , Yan, X. , Lu, Y. , Ong, J.J. , Tucker, J.D. , Wu, D. , Xiong, Y. , Xu, C. , He, X. , Huang, S. , Li, X. , Jiang, H. , Wang, C. , Dai, W. , Huang, L. , Mei, W. , Cheng, W.†. , Zhang, Q.*. & Tang, W.*. (Nov 2023). Identification of Key Influencers for Secondary Distribution of HIV Self-Testing among Chinese MSM: A Machine Learning Approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 25. e37719 doi:10.2196/37719
- Zhang, Q.*. (Nov 2023). Online health communities provide important support in China. Nature Human Behaviour. doi:10.1038/s41562-023-01766-8
- Zhang, Q.*. , Yang, J.†. , Zeng, D.D. , Feng, Y. & Wong, I.C.K. (Oct 2023). Risk of drug-drug interactions in China's fight against COVID-19 and beyond. Pharmacological Research. 196. 106903 doi:10.1016/j.phrs.2023.106903
- Wang, Z. , Chan, P.S.F. , Fang, Y. , Yu, F.Y. , Ye, D. , Zhang, Q. , Wong, M.C.S. & Mo, P.K.H. (Sep 2023). Efficacy of a Chatbot-delivered tailored online intervention on seasonal influenza vaccination uptake among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA Network Open. 6/9. e2332568 doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.32568
- Yao, Y.†. , Zhou, H.†. , Cao, Z. , Zeng, D.D. & Zhang, Q.*. (Sep 2023). Optimal Adaptive Nonpharmaceutical Interventions to Mitigate the Outbreak of Respiratory Infections Following the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Study in Hong Kong, China. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 30/9. 1543 - 1551. doi:10.1093/jamia/ocad116
- Chau, Y.L.A. , Yoo, J.W. , Zhou, J. , Guo, C.L. , Wong, W.T. , Chang, C. , Liu, T. , Jeevaratnam, K. , Zhang, Q. , Tse, G. & Lee, S. (Sep 2023). Risk Factors of Dementia in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: The Hong Kong Diabetes Study. Aging and Health Research. 3/3. 100155 doi:10.1016/j.ahr.2023.100155
- Zhang, Q. (Aug 2023). Complex Interplay between Population Immunity and Viral Dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120/35. e2312198120 doi:10.1073/pnas.2312198120
- Zhang, Y. , Sun, K. , Wen, D. , Lv, H. & Zhang, Q. (Aug 2023). Deep Learning for Metro Short-Term Origin-Destination Passenger Flow Forecasting Considering Section Capacity Utilization Ratio Short-Term Origin-Destination Passenger Flow Forecasting using Attention-Driven Spatio-Temporal Convolution Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 24/8. 7943 - 7960. doi:10.1109/TITS.2023.3266371
- Xu, Z.†. , Chan, C.S. , Fung, J. , Tsang, C. , Zhang, Q. , Xu, Y. , Cheung, F. , Cheng, W.†. , Chan, E. & Yip, P.S.F. (Aug 2023). Developing and validating a parser-based suicidality detection model in text-based mental health services. Journal of Affective Disorders. 335. 228 - 232. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2023.04.128
- Wang, W.†. , Zhang, Q. , Thomson, P. , Sharma, D. , Ramamurthy, P. & Choi, S.W. (Aug 2023). Predicting oral cancer survival—Development and validation of an Asia-Pacific nomogram. Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine. 52/7. 628 - 636. doi:10.1111/jop.13454
- Zhou, J.†. , Li, A. , Tan, M. , Lam, M.C.Y. , Hung, L.T. , Siu, R.W.H.S. , Lee, S. , Lakhani, I. , Waleed, K.B. , Liu, T. , Jeevaratnam, K. , Zhang, Q.*. & Tse, G.*. (Aug 2023). P-wave durations derived from automated electrocardiogram analysis for predicting atrial fibrillation and mortality in heart failure. ESC Heart Failure. 10/2. 872 - 883. doi:10.1002/ehf2.14230
- Jing, F.†. , Zhang, Q.*. , Tang, W. , Wang, Z. , Lau, J.T.F. & Li, X. (Aug 2023). Reconstructing the Social Network of HIV Key Populations from Locally Observed Information. AIDS Care. 35/8. 1243 - 1250. doi:10.1080/09540121.2021.1883514
- Qu, W. , Zhou, Z. , Yuan, G. , Li, S. , Li, J. , Chu, Q. , Zhang, Q. , Xie, Q. , Kamel, I.R. & Li, Z. (Jul 2023). Is the radiomics-clinical combined model helpful in distinguishing between pancreatic cancer and mass-forming pancreatitis?. European Journal of Radiology. 164. 110857 doi:10.1016/j.ejrad.2023.110857
- Nakatsuji, M. , Ozeki, Y. , Tateishi, S. , Kano, Y. & Zhang, Q. (Jul 2023). Knowledge-aware Response Selection with Semantics underlying Multi-Turn Open-Domain Conversations. World Wide Web. 26. 3373 - 3388. doi:10.1007/s11280-023-01164-0
- Zhang, Q.*. , Ye, Y.†. & Zeng, D.D. (Jul 2023). Travel restrictions cannot prevent the introduction of new COVID variants. Journal of Travel Medicine. 30/5. taad066 doi:10.1093/jtm/taad066
- Liang, X. , Li, J. , Fang, Y. , Zhang, Q. , Wong, M.C.S. , Yu, F.Y. , Ye, D. , Chan, P.S.F. , Kawuki, J. , Chen, S. , Mo, P.K.H. & Wang, Z. (Jun 2023). Associations between COVID-19 Vaccination and Behavioural Intention to Receive Seasonal Influenza Vaccination among Chinese Older Adults: A Population-Based Random Telephone Survey. Vaccines. 11/7. 1213 doi:10.3390/vaccines11071213
- Chen, S. , Zhang, Q. , Chan, C.K. , Yu, F.Y. , Chidgey, A. , Fang, Y. , Mo, P.K.H. & Wang, Z. (Jun 2023). Evaluating an Innovative HIV Self-Testing Service With Web-Based, Real-Time Counseling Provided by an Artificial Intelligence Chatbot (HIVST-Chatbot) in Increasing HIV Self-Testing Use Among Chinese Men Who Have Sex With Men: Protocol for a Noninferiority Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols. 12. e48447 doi:10.2196/48447
- Lam, I.C.H. , Wong, C.K.H. , Zhang, R. , Chui, C.S.L. , Lai, F.T.T. , Li, X. , Chan, E.W.Y. , Luo, H. , Zhang, Q. , Man, K.K.C. , Cheung, B.M.Y. , Tang, S.C.W.T. , Lau, C.S. , Wan, E.Y.F. & Wong, I.C.K. (Jun 2023). Long-term post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 infection: a retrospective, multi-database cohort study in Hong Kong and the UK. eClinicalMedicine. 60. 102000 doi:10.1016/j.eclinm.2023.102000
- Chung, C.T. , Lakhani, I. , Chou, O.H.I. , Lee, T.T.L. , Dee, C. , Ng, K. , Wong, W.T. , Liu, T. , Lee, S. , Zhang, Q. , Cheung, B.M.Y. , Tse, G. & Zhou, J.†. (Jun 2023). Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors versus dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors on new-onset overall cancer in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a population-based study. Cancer Medicine. 12/11. 12299 - 12315. doi:10.1002/cam4.5927
- Li, L.†. , Zhou, J.†. , Zhuang, J. & Zhang, Q.*. (May 2023). Gender-Specific Emotional Characteristics of Crisis Communication on Social Media: Case Studies of Two Public Health Crises. Information Processing and Management. 60/3. 103299 doi:10.1016/j.ipm.2023.103299
- He, C.†. , Liu, F. , Wu, J. & Zhang, Q. (May 2023). Research on the formation mechanism of research leadership relations: An exponential random graph model analysis approach. Journal of Informetrics. 17/2. 101401 doi:10.1016/j.joi.2023.101401
- Hsu, Y.C.†. , Junus, A. , Zhang, Q. , Wong, C. , Lam, T.M. , Cheung, F. , Liu, J. , Lui, I.D. & Yip, P.S.F. (Apr 2023). A network approach to understand co-occurrence and relative importance of different reasons for suicide: A territory-wide study using 2002-2019 Hong Kong Coroner’s Court reports. Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific. 36. 100752 doi:10.1016/j.lanwpc.2023.100752
- Liang, P. , Yang, J.†. , Wang, W. , Yuan, G. , Han, M.*. , Zhang, Q.*. & Li, Z.*. (Apr 2023). Deep Learning Identifies Intelligible Predictors of Poor Prognosis in Chronic Kidney Disease. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 27/7. 3677 - 3685. doi:10.1109/JBHI.2023.3266587
- Zhou, J.†. , Zhang, Q. (joint first author). , Zhou, S.*. , Li, X.*. & Zhang, M. (Mar 2023). Unintended Emotional Effects of Online Health Communities: A Text Mining-Supported Empirical Study. MIS Quarterly. 47/1. 195 - 226. doi:10.25300/MISQ/2022/17018
- Liu, W.†. , Pan, J.†. , Zhang, X. , Gong, X.†. , Ye, Y.†. , Zhao, X.†. , Wang, X. , Wu, K. , Xiang, H. , Yan, H. & Zhang, Q.*. (Feb 2023). Cross-platform Product Matching Based on Entity Alignment of Knowledge Graph with RAEA Model. World Wide Web. 26. 2215 - 2235. doi:10.1007/s11280-022-01134-y
- Zhang, Q.*. , Leung, E. , Lau, J.T.F. , Tsoi, K.K.F. , So, H.Y. , Ho, W.W.S. & Cheung, S.C.Y. (Feb 2023). High-dimensional machine learning to predict hospital readmission among older people with chronic kidney disease: abridged secondary publication. Hong Kong Medical Journal. 29/1(Suppl 1). S24 - S26.
- Ren, H. , Sun, Y. , Xu, C. , Fang, M. , Xu, Z.†. , Jing, F.†. , Wang, W.†. , Tse, G. , Zhang, Q. , Cheng, W.†. & Jin, W. (Feb 2023). Predicting Acute Onset of Heart Failure Complicating Acute Coronary Syndrome: an Explainable Machine Learning Approach. Current Problems in Cardiology. 48/2. 101480 doi:10.1016/j.cpcardiol.2022.101480
- Zhou, J.†. , Lee, S. , Liu, Y. , Chan, J.S.K. , Li, G. , Wong, W.T. , Jeevaratnam, K. , Cheng, S.H. , Liu, T. , Tse, G.*. & Zhang, Q.*. (Feb 2023). Predicting Stroke and Mortality in Mitral Regurgitation: A Machine Learning Approach. Current Problems in Cardiology. 48/2. 101464 doi:10.1016/j.cpcardiol.2022.101464
- Cheng, W.†. , Zhou, H.†. , Ye, Y.†. , Chen, Y.†. , Jing, F.†. , Cao, Z. , Zeng, D.D.*. & Zhang, Q.*. (Jan 2023). Future Trajectory of Respiratory Infections Following the COVID-19 Pandemic in Hong Kong. Chaos. 33. 013124 doi:10.1063/5.0123870
- He, K. , Zhang, Y. , Li, S. , Yuan, G. , Liang, P. , Zhang, Q. , Xie, Q. , Xiao, P. , Li, H. , Meng, X. & Li, Z. (Jan 2023). Incremental Prognostic Value of ADC Histogram Analysis in Patients with High-risk Prostate Cancer Receiving Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy after Radical Prostatectomy. Frontiers in Oncology. 13. 1076400 doi:10.3389/fonc.2023.1076400
- Chang, C. , Zhou, J. , Chou, O. , Chan, J. , Leung, K. , Lee, T. , Wong, W. , Wai, A. , Liu, T. , Zhang, Q. , Lee, S. & Tse, G. (Jan 2023). Predictive value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio for atrial fibrillation and stroke in type 2 diabetes mellitus: The Hong Kong Diabetes Study. Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism. 6/1. e397 doi:10.1002/edm2.397
- Wang, X. , Hao, W. , Qin, Y. , Liu, B. , Liu, P. , Song, Y. & Zhang, Q. (2023). FPIRPQ: Accelerating Regular Path Queries on Knowledge Graphs. World Wide Web. 26. 661 - 681. doi:10.1007/s11280-022-01134-y
- Song, Y. , Qin, Y. , Hao, W. , Liu, P. , Li, J. , Choudhury, F.M. , Wang, X. & Zhang, Q. (2023). Optimizing subgraph matching over distributed knowledge graphs using partial evaluation. World Wide Web. 26. 751 - 771. doi:10.1007/s11280-022-01075-6
- Lee, S. , Zhou, J.†. , Bazoukis, G. , Letsas, K.P. , Liu, T. , Wong, W.T. , Wong, I.C.K. , Mok, N.S. , Mak, C. , Zhang, Q.*. & Tse, G.*. (Dec 2022). Comparing the performance of published risk scores in Brugada syndrome: a multi-center cohort study. Current Problems in Cardiology. 47/12. 101381 doi:10.1016/j.cpcardiol.2022.101381
- Xu, Z.†. , Chan, C.S. , Zhang, Q. , Xu, Y. , He, L. , Cheung, F. , Yang, J. , Chan, E. , Fung, J. , Tsang, C. & Yip, P.S.F. (Dec 2022). Network-based prediction of the disclosure of ideation about self-harm and suicide in online counseling sessions. Communications Medicine. 2. 156 doi:10.1038/s43856-022-00222-4
- Chai, Y. , Ge, J. , Chai, Y. , Wang, X. & Zhang, Q. (Nov 2022). Correlation Expert Tuning System for Performance Acceleration. Big Data Research. 30. 100345 doi:10.1016/j.bdr.2022.100345
- Yang, J.†. , Li, Z. , Wu, W.K.K. , Yu, S. , Xu, Z.†. , Chu, Q.*. & Zhang, Q.*. (Nov 2022). Deep Learning Identifies Explainable Reasoning Paths of Mechanism of Action for Drug Repurposing from Multilayer Biological Network. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 23/6. bbac469 doi:10.1093/bib/bbac469
- Chaovalitwongse, W.A. , Yuan, Y. , Zhang, Q. & Liu, J. (Nov 2022). Innovative applications of big data and artificial intelligence. Frontiers of Engineering Management. 9. 517 - 519. doi:10.1007/s42524-022-0234-0vvvv
- Lee, S. , Zhou, J.†. , Liu, T. , Zhang, Q. & Tse, G. (Oct 2022). Gender-specific clinical risk scores incorporating blood pressure variability for predicting incident dementia. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 29/10. 1825 - 1826. doi:10.1093/jamia/ocac117
- Xie, R.†. , He, C.†. , Qiao, S. , Li, X. , Wu, J. , Tang, W. , Cui, W. & Zhang, Q.*. (Oct 2022). The Impacts of Centers for AIDS Research Program and its Enlargement on HIV/AIDS Research Collaboration. Science and Public Policy. 49/5. 714–727 - 727. doi:10.1093/scipol/scac021
- Xu, Z.†. , Zhang, J. , Zhang, Q.*. , Xuan, Q. & Yip, S.F.P. (Sep 2022). A Comorbidity Knowledge-Aware Model for Disease Prognostic Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. 52/9. 9809 - 9819. doi:10.1109/TCYB.2021.3070227
- Cheng, W.†. , Du, Y. , Zhang, Q.*. , Wang, X. , He, C.†. , He, J. , Jing, F.†. , Ren, H. , Tian, J. & Xu, Z.†*. (Sep 2022). Age-related changes in the risk of high blood pressure. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. 9. 939103 doi:10.3389/fcvm.2022.939103
- Li, L.†. , Wen, H. & Zhang, Q. (Sep 2022). Characterizing the role of Weibo and WeChat in sharing original information in crisis. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. 31/2. 236 - 248. doi:10.1111/1468-5973.12433
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- Lee, S. , Zhou, J.†. , Jeevaratnam, K. , Wong, W.T. , Wong, I.C.K. , Mak, C. , Mok, N.S. , Liu, T. , Zhang, Q. & Tse, G. (2021). Paediatric/young versus adult patients with long QT syndrome. Open Heart. 8/2. e001671 doi:10.1136/openhrt-2021-001671
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- Lee, S. , Zhou, J.†. , Guo, C.S. , Wong, W.T. , Liu, T. , Wong, I.C.K. , Jeevaratnam, K. , Zhang, Q.*. & Tse, G.*. (2021). Predictive scores for identifying patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus at risk of acute myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death. Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism. 4/3. e00240 doi:10.1002/edm2.240
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- Tse, G. , Lee, S. , Zhou, J.†. , Liu, T. , Wong, I.C.K. , Mak, C. , Mok, N.S. , Mok, N.S. , Jeevaratnam, K. , Zhang, Q. , Cheng, S.H. & Wong, J. (2021). Territory-wide Chinese cohort of congenital long QT syndrome: random survival forest and Cox analyses. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. 8. 608592 doi:10.3389/fcvm.2021.608592
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- Yang, J.†. , Zhang, Q.*. , Cao, Z. , Gao, J. , Pfeiffer, D. , Zhong, L.†. & Zeng, D.D.*. (2021). The impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on the prevention and control of COVID-19 in New York City. Chaos. 31/2. 021101 - (fast track; featured as Editor's Pick). doi:10.1063/5.0040560
- Xu, Z.†. , Yang, J.†. , Lau, K.K. , Yip, S.F.P. , Wong, I.C.K.*. & Zhang, Q.*. (Nov 2020). Understanding the association between antidepressants and the risk of being diagnosed with dementia in older people: a self-controlled case series study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 78/2. 735 - 744. doi:10.3233/JAD-200875
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- Guo, M.†. , Liao, X. , Liu, J. & Zhang, Q. (2020). Consumer Preference Analysis: A Data-driven Multiple Criteria Approach Integrating Online Information. Omega. 96. 102074 doi:10.1016/j.omega.2019.05.010
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- Zhou, J.†. , Zhang, Q.*. & Li, X. (2020). Fuzzy Factorization Machine. Information Sciences. 546. 1135 - 1147. doi:10.1016/j.ins.2020.09.067
- Tse, G. , Zhou, J.†. , Li, S. , Liu, T. , Bazoukis, G. , Mililis, P. , Wong, I.C.K. , Chen, C. , Xia, Y. , Kamakura, T. , Aiba, T. , Kusano, K. , Zhang, Q.*. & Letsas, K.P.*. (2020). Incorporating latent features of electrocardiographic depolarization-repolarization indices by nonnegative matrix factorization improves risk stratification in Brugada syndrome. Journal of the American Heart Association. 9. e012714 doi:10.1161/JAHA.119.012714
- Tse, G. , Zhou, J.†. , Woo, S.W. , Ko, C.H. , Lai, W.R.C. , Liu, T. , Liu, Y. , Leung, K.S.K. , Li, A. , Li, S. , Li, K.H.C. , Lakhani, I.*. & Zhang, Q.*. (2020). Multi-modality machine-learning approach for risk stratification in heart failure with left ventricular ejection fraction ≤ 45%. ESC Heart Failure. 7/6. 3716 - 3725. doi:10.1002/ehf2.12929
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- Luo, H. , Lau, K.K. , Wong, G. , Chan, W.C. , Mak, H.K.F. , Zhang, Q. , Knapp, M. & Wong, I.C.K. (2020). Predicting dementia diagnosis from cognitive footprints in electronic health records: a case–control study protocol. BMJ Open. 10/11. e043487 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-043487
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- Wong, ZSY. , Zhou, J.†. & Zhang, Q. (Jan 2019). Artificial Intelligence for infectious disease Big Data Analytics. Infection, Disease & Health. 24. 44 - 48. doi:10.1016/j.idh.2018.10.002
- Xu, Z.†. , Zhang, Q.*. , Chen, D. & He, Y. (2019). Characterizing the Connectivity of Railway Networks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 21/4. 1491 - 1502. doi:10.1109/TITS.2019.2909120
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- Wang, P. & Zhang, Q. (2019). Train delay analysis and prediction based on big data fusion. Transportation Safety and Environment. 1/1. 79 - 88. doi:10.1093/tse/tdy001
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Conference Paper
- Yuan, C. , Guo, M.†. , Xiang, C. , Wang, S. , Song, G. & Zhang, Q. (in press). An Actor-critic Reinforcement Learning Model for Optimal Bidding in Online Display Advertising. The Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) 2022.
- Guo, M.†. , Zhang, W. , Yuan, C. , Jia, B. , Song, G. , Hua, H. , Wang, S. & Zhang, Q. (Oct 2024). A Bayesian Multi-Armed Bandit Algorithm for Bid Shading in Online Display Advertising. 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'24). (pp. 4506 - 4513). doi:10.1145/3627673.3680107
- Qin, Y. , Wang, X. , Hao, W. , Liu, P. , Song, Y. & Zhang, Q. (Feb 2023). OntoCA: Ontology-Aware Caching for Distributed Subgraph Matching. APWeb-WAIM 2022. LNCS, volume 13421. (pp. 527 - 535). Nanjing. China: doi:10.1007/978-3-031-25158-0_42
- Wang, Y. , Chai, Y. & Zhang, Q. (September 24-25 Sep 2022). WALOR: Workload-driven Adaptive Layout Optimization of Raft Groups for Heterogeneous Distributed Key-Value Stores. The 19th Annual IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2022). Jinan. China: .
- Sun, D. , Chai, Y. , Liu, C. , Sun, W. & Zhang, Q. (Jul 2022). R2B: high-efficiency and fair I/O scheduling for multi-tenant with differentiated demands. The 59th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference. (pp. 883 - 888). San Francisco. USA: ACM. doi:10.1145/3489517.3530521
- Satti, D.I., Zhou, J., Lee, S., Liu, X., Lee, T.T.L., Zhou, O.H.I., Chang, C., Roever, L., Wong, W.T., Wai, A.K.C., Liu, T., Zhang, Q., Tse, G. (Apr 2022). Hip fractures risk in edoxaban versus warfarin users: a propensity score-matched population-based cohort study with competing risk analyses. American College of Cardiology 71st Annual Scientific Session & Expo. Washington DC. USA: .
- Lee, Y.H.A., Zhou, J., Hui, J., Zhou, O., Lee, T., Leung, K., Wai, A., Lee, S., Liu, F.Z., Liu, T., Chang, C., Cheung, B., Zhang, Q., Tse, G. (Apr 2022). Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio, blood pressure variability and incident cardiovascular events in patients attending family medicine clinics. American College of Cardiology 71st Annual Scientific Session & Expo. Washington DC. USA: .
- Chan, J.S.K., Zhou, J., Li, A., Tan, M., Wong, W.T., Ciobanu, A., Gkouziouta, A., Letsas, K., Liu, T., Liu, Y., Zhang, Q., Tse, G. (Feb 2022). Clustering analysis based on automated electrocardiographic measurements to identify prognostically distinct phenotypes in patients hospitalized for heart failure: a retrospective cohort study. ESC Asia 2021 with APSC & AFC Virtual Congress (poster presentation). European Heart Journal 43(Suppl_1). (pp. ehab849.044 doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehab849.044
- Chan, J.S.K., Zhou, J., Satti, D.I., Lee, T.T.L., Chou, O.H.I., Wai, A.K.C., Ciobanu, A., Liu, Y., Liu, T., Zhang, Q., Tse, G. (Feb 2022). High visit-to-visit cholesterol variability predicts new-onset heart failure and adverse cardiovascular events: a retrospective population-based cohort study. ESC Asia 2021 with APSC & AFC Virtual Congress (oral presentation). European Heart Journal. 43(Suppl_1). (pp. ehab849.153 doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehab849.153
- Lakhani, I., Zhou, J., Li, A., Lee, S., Liu, T., Zhang, Q., Tse, G. (Feb 2022). Predictions of arrhythmic, heart failure and mortality outcomes in pericarditis using automated electrocardiogram analysis: a retrospective cohort study. ESC Asia 2021 with APSC & AFC Virtual Congress (oral presentation). European Heart Journal. 43(Suppl_1). (pp. ehab849.111 doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehab849.111
- Lee, S., Zhou, J., Lakhani, I., Yang, L., Liu, T., Zhang, Y., Xia, Y., Wong, W.T., Chan, E.W.Y., Wong, I.C.K., Tse, G., Zhang, Q. (Feb 2022). Programmed Cell Death 1 (PD-1) and Programmed Cell Death Ligand 1 (PD-L1) inhibitors and adverse cardiovascular events: a population-based study. European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Asia 2021 with Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology (APSC) and ASEAN Federation of Cardiology (AFC). European Heart Journal. 43(Suppl_1). (pp. ehab849.161 - (Winner of the Young Investigator Award)). doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehab849.161
- Luo, T. , Cao, Z. , Zhao, P. , Zeng, D.D. & Zhang, Q. (Nov 2021). Evaluating the Impact of Vaccination on COVID-19 Pandemic Used a Hierarchical Weighted Contact Network Model. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI). doi:10.1109/ISI53945.2021.9624841
- Yang, Y. , Cao, Z. , Zhao, P. , Zeng, D.D. , Zhang, Q. & Luo, Y. (Nov 2021). Extracting Impacts of Non-pharmacological Interventions for COVID-19 From Modelling Study. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI). doi:10.1109/ISI53945.2021.9624840
- Lee, S., Zhou, J., Letsas, K.P., Li, K.H.C., Liu, T., Zumhagen, S., Schulze-Bahr, E., Tse, G., Zhang, Q. (Sep 2021). Pairwise Feature Interactions to Predict Arrhythmic Risk of Brugada Syndrome. 2021 Computing in Cardiology (CinC). doi:10.23919/CinC53138.2021.9662913
- Dong, C. , Zhang, J. , Lin, D. , Zhang, Q. , Yan, Z. , Yu, Y. , Kang, C. & Hu, B. (2021). An Integrated System for Online Pharmacy Drug Product Matching. The IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI 2021). Virtual. IEEE.
- Leung, K.S.K., Zhou, J., Lee, S., Lakhani, I., Liu, T., Tse, G. (2021). Associations of triglyceride level and variabilities with lung-related infections, cancer and mortality outcomes: a territory-wide cohort study. British Cardiovascular Society Annual Conference. Manchester. U.K.: .
- Lee, S., Zhou, J., Li, K.H.C., Leung, K.S.K., Lakhani, I., Liu, T., Wong, I.C.K., Mok, N.S., Jeevaratnam, K., Zhang, Q., Tse, G. (2021). Brugada syndrome in Hong Kong: long term outcome prediction through machine learning. European Heart Rhythm Association Congress 2021.
- Lee, S., Zhou, J., Zhang, Q., Tse, G. (2021). Comparing dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors and sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors on new-onset heart failure and myocardial infarction. British Cardiovascular Society Annual Conference. Manchester. U.K.: .
- Ju, C., Zhou, J., Lee, S., Tan, M.S., Liu, T., Wu, W.K.K., Jeevaratnam, K., Chan, E.W.Y., Wong, I.C.K., Wei, L., Zhang, Q., Tse, G. (2021). Derivation of electronic frailty index for short-term mortality in heart failure: a machine learning approach. ESC Congress 2021 – The Digital Experience. Virtual Congress.
- Kong, D., Zhou, J., Lee, S., Leung, K.S.K., Liu, T., Sawant, A.C., Corbelli, J., Wai, A.K.C., Chang, C., Zhang, Q. (2021). Edoxaban versus warfarin on stroke risk in patients with atrial fibrillation: a territory-wide cohort study. British Cardiovascular Society Annual Conference. Manchester. U.K.: .
- Chen, Y., Zhou, J., Lee, S., Liu, T., Wu, W., Hothi, S., Zhang, Q., Tse, G., Wang, Y. (2021). Electronic frailty index for predicting mortality outcome of patients undergoing transaortic valvular implantation. ESC Acute CardioVascular Care Congress 2021 (published in European Heart Journal Acute Cardiovascular Care). 10/1. (pp. zuab020.211 doi:10.1093/ehjacc/zuab020.211
- Chan, J.S.K., Zhou, J., Lee, S., Li, A., Tan, M., Leung, K.S., Jeevaratnam, K., Liu, T., Zhang, Q., Tse, G. (2021). Fragmented QRS is Independently Predictive of Long-Term Adverse Clinical Outcomes in Asian Patients Hospitalized for Heart Failure: A Retrospective Cohort Study. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2021 (Circulation Vol 144, Issue Suppl_1, Abstract 12408).
- Lee, S., Zhou, Woo, J.W., Chau, Y.L.A., Kong, D., Wai, A.K.C., Leung, K.S.K., Liu, T., Jeevaratnam, K., Cheung, B.M.Y., Zhang, Q., Tse, G. (2021). Higher Alkaline Phosphatase Mean and Variability Predict Heart Failure and All-cause Mortality. ESC Heart Failure 2021 Congress. Virtual Congress.
- Lee, S., Zhou, Jeevaratnam, K., Wong, W.T., Wong, I.C.K., Mak, C., Mok, N.S., Liu, T., Zhang, Q., Tse, G. (2021). Paediatric/young versus adult patients with congenital long QT syndrome or catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. ESC Congress 2021 – The Digital Experience. Virtual Congress.
- Lee, S., Zhou, J., Guo, C.L., Wu, W.K.K., Wong, W.T., Liu, T., Wong, I.C.K., Jeevaratnam, K., Zhang, Q., Tse, G. (2021). Risk stratification score for acute myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death in type 2 diabetes mellitus. ESC European Association of Preventive Cardiology Congress 2021.
- Yu, S. , Zheng, J. , Chen, J. , Xuan, Q. & Zhang, Q. (Jul 2020). Unsupervised Euclidean Distance Attack on Network Embedding. The 5th IEEE International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (IEEE DSC). Hong Kong. China: IEEE.
- Lee, S., Liu, T., Zhou, J., Zhang, Q., Wong, W.T., Tse, G. (2020). HbA1c Variability to Predict Diabetic Complications and Mortality: a 10-year Single-Center Cohort Study. Great Wall International Congress of Cardiology 2020/Asian Heart Society Congress 2020 (Awarded First Prize for English Speaking Competition to S. Lee). Beijing. China: .
- Lee, S., Zhou, J., Guo, C.L., Wu, K.K.W., Wong, W.T., Liu, T., Wong, I.C.K., Jeevaratnam, K., Zhang, Q., Tse, G. (2020). Risk stratification of cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death in type 2 diabetic patients receiving insulin therapy: a territory-wide observational cohort study. Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Virtual Congress 2020.
- Xu, Z. , Zhang, J. , Zhang, Q. & Yip, S.F.P. (2019). Explainable Learning for Disease Risk Prediction Based on Comorbidity Networks. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2019). Bari. Italy: IEEE.
- Tse, G. , LI, K.H.C. , Zhou, J. , Mililis, P. , Asvestas, D. , Leung, K.S.K. , Bazoukis, G. , Chan, C.P. , Chan, Y.S. , Ho, J. , Liu, T. , Zhang, Q. & Letsas, K.P. (2019). Novel electrocardiographic indices of cumulative depolarization-repolarization abnormalities predict inducible ventricular arrhythmias in Brugada syndrome. ESC Asia with APSC & AFC 2019. Singapore.
- Li, Z. , Wang, X. , Li, J. & Zhang, Q. (2019). Structural Role Enhanced Attributed Network Embedding. 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2019). Hong Kong. China: ACM.
- Li, K.H. , Ho, J. , Xu, Z. , Lakhani,, I. , Bazoukis, G. , Liu, T. , Wong, W.T. , Cheng, S.H. , Chan, M.T.V. , Gin, T. , Wong, M.C.S. , Wong, I. , Wu, W.K.K. , Zhang, Q. & Tse, G. (2019). The NPAC score for predicting survival after incident acute myocardial infarction. ESC Congress 2019 together with World Congress of Cardiology (published in European Heart Journal as supplement). 40/1. (pp. P5014 Paris. France: European Society of Cardiology. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehz746.0192
- Wang, H. & Zhang, Q. (2017). Semantic Expansion Network based Relevance Analysis for Medical Information Retrieval. International Conference for Smart Health. Hong Kong.
- Xu, R. & Zhang, Q. (Jan 2016). Social Dynamics of the Online Health Communities for Mental Health. International Conference of Smart Health. 9545. (pp. 267 - 277). Phoenix. USA: doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29175-8_25
- Huang, J. , Zhang, Q. , Li, L. , Yang, Y. , Chiaradia, AJF. , Pryor, M.R. & Webster, C.J. (2016). Pleasant Urban Experiences: ReExamining Place-Making Theories Using Social Media Data in High-Density Cities. the 52nd International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) Congress. Durban. South Africa: ISOCARP.
- Halcrow, C. & Zhang, Q. (Jun 2015). A values and psychological attribute approach to the analysis of the Scottish Independence Referendum context in Twitter. ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci'15). Oxford. UK: University of Oxford.
- Zhang, Q. , Makni, B. & Hendler, J. (Aug 2014). The Twitter Observatory: Exploring Social and Semantic Relationships in Social Media. 8th Chinese Semantic Web & Web Science Conference (CSWS 2014). Wuhan. China: WHU.
- Zeng, K. , Wang, X. , Zhang, Q. , Zhang, X. & Wang, F.-Y. (Jul 2014). Behavior Modeling of Internet Water Army in Online Forums. The 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC 2014). (pp. 9858 - 9863). Cape Town. South Africa: IFAC.
- Gloria, M.J.K. , McGuinness, D.L. , Luciano, J.S. & Zhang, Q. (2013). Exploration in Web Science: Instruments for Web Observatories. 1st International Web Observatory Workshop (WOW'13, in conjunction with WWW'13). Rio de Janeiro. Brazil: IW3C2.
- Dominic, D. , Zhang, Q. , Gloria, M.J.K. & Hendler, J. (2013). Large Scale Social Network Analyss Using Semantic Web Technologies. Semantics for Big Data (S4BD), AAAI 2013 Fall Symposium. Arlington, VA. USA: AAAI.
- Wang, T. , Zhang, Q. , Fu, J. , Wang, X. & Zheng, S. (2013). What is the Difference of Human Flesh Search Dissemination?. Pacific AsiaWorkshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics, (PAISI’13, in conjunction IJCAI’13). Beijing. China: IJCAI.
- Gloria, M.J.K. , Bazan, S. & Zhang, Q. (2013). When Freedom Goes Global: Are We All Equally Safe On Social Media?. ACM Web Science 2013 (WebSci’13). Paris. France: ACM.
- Zhang, Q. , Feng, Z. , Zeng, D. & Wang, F.-Y. (2010). Modeling Cyber-Enabled Crowd-Powered Search. The Second China National Conference on Social Computing (NCSC'10). Beijing. China: CAA and ACM.
Book Chapter
- Shu, X. , Yu, B. , Ruan, Z. , Zhang, Q. & Xuan, Q. (2021). Information Source Estimation with Multi-Channel Graph Neural Network. Graph Data Mining: Algorithm, Security and Application. (pp. 1 - 27). Singapore. Springer. 978-981-16-2608-1. doi:10.1007/978-981-16-2609-8_1
- Yu, S. , Zheng, J. , Wang, Y. , Chen, J. , Xuan, Q. & Zhang, Q. (2021). Network Embedding Attack: An Euclidean Distance Based Method. MDATA: A New Knowledge Representation Model: Theory, Methods and Applications. Springer. 978-3-030-71589-2. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-71590-8_8
- Xu, R. , Zhou, J. , Zhang, Q. & Hendler, J. (2017). Research on Online Health Communities, A Systematic Review. Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (2nd edition). Springer.
- Zhang, Q. , DiFranzo, D. & Hendler, J. (2017). Social Networking on the World Wide Web (2nd edition). Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (2nd edition).
- Cao, J. , Duan, D. , Yang, L. , Zhang, Q. , Wang, S. & Wang, F.-Y. (2016). Social influence analysis in the big data era - A review. Big Data over Networks. Cambridge University Press. 9781107099005. doi:10.1017/CBO9781316162750.012
- Ma, ZS. , Zhang, C. , Zhang, Q. , Li, J. , Qi, L. & Yang, X. (2016). A Brief Review on the Ecological Network Analysis with Applications in the Emerging Medical Ecology. Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Protocols. Springer. doi:10.1007/8623_2016_204
- Xu, D. , Meng, C. , Zhang, Q. , Bhardwaj, P. & Son, Y.-J. (2014). A Hybrid Simulation-based Duopoly Game Framework for Analysis of Supply Chain and Marketing Activities. Applications of Multi-Criteria and Game Theory Approaches. (pp. 227 - 261). Springer. 978-1-4471-5294-1.
- Zhang, Q. , Dominic, D. & Hendler, J. (2014). Social Networking on the World Wide Web. Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining. (pp. 1879 - 1892). New York. Springer. 978-1-4614-6169-2. doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-6170-8_104
- Dr. Yitao Lu (Ph.D. Jointly supervised with Prof. Clint Ho 2020-2024, Current: Y-intercept)
- Dr. Dandan Wang (Ph.D. Jointly supervised with Prof. Feicheng Ma, Wuhan University and Prof. Linyan Li 2021-2024, Current: Hong Kong Baptist University)
- Dr. Zhiheng Lyu (Ph.D. Jointly supervised with Prof. Kowk Leung Tsui, Virginia Tech and Prof. Linyan Li 2019-2024, Current: China Mobile Research Institute)
- Dr. Hanchu Zhou (Ph.D. Jointly supervised with Prof. Helai Huang, Central South University 2019-2023, Current: Central South University)
- Dr. Jiannan Yang (Ph.D. 2019-2023, Current: The University of Hong Kong)
- Dr. Yang Ye (Ph.D. 2019-2023, Current: Yale University)
- Dr. Weilan Wang (Postdoc 2021-2023, Current: National University of Singapore)
- Ms. Xinru Fang (RA 2022, Current: The Boston Consulting Group)
- Dr. Yu Cheng (Ray) Hsu (Ph.D. Jointly supervised with Prof. Kwok Leung Tsui, Virginia Tech 2020-2022, Current: The University of Hong Kong)
- Mr. Yishun Luo (RA 2021-2022, Current: The University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)
- Mr. Wenlong Liu (M.S. and RA 2021-2022, Current: The University of Hong Kong)
- Ms. Xinxin Gong (RA 2021-2022, Current: Huawei)
- Dr. Jin Wang (Postdoc 2021, Current: Rutgers Business School, Rutgers University)
- Dr. Fengshi Jing (Ph.D. 2018-2021, Next: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Current: City University of Macau)
- Dr. Chaocheng He (Ph.D. Jointly supervised with Prof. Jiang Wu, Wuhan University 2018-2021, Current: Wuhan University)
- Dr. Mengzhuo Guo (Ph.D. Jointly supervised with Prof. Xiuwu Liao, Xi'an Jiaotong University 2018-2021, Next: Tencent, Current: Sichuan University)
- Dr. Jiandong Zhou (Ph.D. 2018-2021, Next: The University of Oxford, University of Warwick, Current: The University of Hong Kong)
- Mr. Xinmiao Qu (M.S. 2020-2021, Current: China Telecom Global)
- Mr. Kaichen Tang (M.S. 2019-2020, Current: The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston)
- Mr. Zhe Yuan (M.S. 2019-2020, Current: Huawei)
- Dr. Zhongzhi Xu (Ph.D. 2017-2020, HKSBH Excellent Doctoral Dissertation in Behavioral Heath Award, Next: The University of Hong Kong, Current: Sun Yat-sen University)
- Dr. Lu Zhong (Ph.D. 2015-2019, Current: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
- Mr. Chenhan Zhang (M.S. 2018-2019, Next: Southern University of Science and Technology, Current: University of Technology Sydney)
- Dr. Jiaqi Zhou (Ph.D. 2015-2018, Current: Alibaba)
- Dr. Haolin Wang (Ph.D. Jointly supervised with Prof. Jiahu Yuan, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2015-2018, Current: Chongqing Medical University)
- Dr. Lifang Li (Ph.D. jointly supervised with Prof. Jun Tian, Xi'an Jiaotong University 2015-2018, Next: South China University of Technology, Current: King's College London)
- Dr. Yingli Wang (Ph.D. jointly-supervised with Prof. Xiaoguang Yang, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2016-2018, Next: Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Ms. Yi Chai (M.S. 2016-2017, RA 2017-2018, Next: obtained Ph.D. from The University of Hong Kong, Current: The University of Hong Kong)
- Dr. Ronghua Xu (Ph.D. 2014-2017, Current: Zhejiang University of Technology)
- Ms. Manqing Dong (M.S. 2015-2016, Next: obtained Ph.D. from The University of New South Wales, Current: eBay)
Press coverage (till 07/2023)
- Preparing for coming RSV, influenza epidemics (American Institute of Physics, Eurekalert, Pharmacy Times, Deutsches Ärzteblatt, and others), 17/1/2023.
- Répartition des vaccins dans le monde, Découverte S35E07 (CBC/Radio-Canada), 23/10/2022; Youtube version (with English subtitles).
- 善用知識圖譜 度身定製療法, 文匯報 (Wen Wei Po), 10/05/2022
- 以流動人口反推感染新冠人數, 文匯報 (Wen Wei Po), 10/05/2022
- Enhanced vaccine donation drive can end COVID-19 pandemic. CityU News, 28/02/2022; Eurekalert, ScienMag, 大公報.
- CityU research estimates vaccine donation from high to low- and middle-income countries will help end COVID-19 pandemic. CityU Research Stories, 17/02/2022 (English/Chinese); also featured in 集智 and The Croucher Foundation.
- The benefits of vaccinating the world are clear. The catch is the price tag. The Washington Post, 10/02/2022
- World better protected against Covid if rich nations donated 50% of vaccines to low-income countries, The Guardian, 01/02/2022
- COVID-19: 46% vaccine redistribution best for high- and low-income countries alike, Nature Asia, 01/02/2022; also featured in Science Alert, COSMOS Magazine, and others.
- "A big win-win": Vaccine sharing could protect against future COVID-19 waves, Gavi (The Vaccine Alliance), 31/01/2022
- Using AI for accurately predicting synergistic cancer drug combinations, CityU Research Stories, 02/12/2021 (English/Chinese); also featured in EurekAlert!, ScienMag, Bioengineer, MedicalXPress, eCancer, and others.
- 传染病监测的数据科学方法特刊:大数据怎样应对大流行, 集智, 07/12/2021
- 《自然科学会报A》客座编辑张清鹏博士访谈, 英国皇家学会 (The Royal Society), 01/12/2021, link to the theme issue ‘Data science approaches to infectious disease surveillance’
- Outstanding Research Award recognises distinguished performance, CityU News, 25/11/2021
- Targeted Interventions To Contain Pandemics, Minimize Societal Disruption, American Institute of Physics, 19/10/2021; also featured in EurekAlert!, News Medical, Newswise, PhysOrg, Florida News Times, Nerdswire, ScienMag, and others.
- Why NYC School Closures Might No Longer Be Needed, Gothamist, 16/03/2021.
- Data science model emphasises the need for social distancing to combat Covid-19, CityU News, 21/02/2021; also featured in 有線寬頻, 商業電台, 信報, 香港經濟日報, 大公報, 星島日報, 香港01, 東方日報, 香港商報, 晴報, 頭條日報, 東網, 巴士的報, The Standard, PCHome, Yahoo! News, and others.
- Distancing more effective than school closures in reducing COVID-19 deaths, Global News, 10/02/2021.
- School closures may not reduce coronavirus deaths as much as expected, American Institute of Physics, 09/02/2021; also featured in EurekAlert!, Science Daily, PhysOrg, Daily Mail, Agencia SINC, Courthouse News, Congation Live, EXPLICA .CO, Tv6 News, and others, 09/02/2021.
- Mathematical model verifies a correct understanding of epidemic’s severity facilitates disease control, CityU Research Stories, 10/12/2020 (English/Chinese); also featured in PhysOrg, 27/01/2021 and Asia Research News, 27/01/2021
- 信貸擔保網絡於金融危機的演化, 信報 (Hong Kong Economic Journal), 10/08/2020
- First quantitative characterisation of the guarantee network’s evolution in a financial crisis, CityU Research Stories, 18/06/2020 (English/Chinese)
- 大數據監察 新冠病毒疫情期間的情緒變化, 明報 (Ming Pao), 10/05/2020
- How the Virus Got Out, The New York Times, 22/03/2020
- 數據科學看新型冠狀病毒, 信報 (Hong Kong Economic Journal), 13/03/2020
- 醫護界應用大數據成新趨勢 專才發展空間大, 明報 (Ming Pao), 10/04/2019
Last update date :
28 Nov 2024