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LI Wanxin (李万新)

BE (ME, Tsinghua), MA (ECON, Tsinghua), MS (STAT, Virginia Tech), PhD (POLICY, Virginia Tech)

Associate Professor of Environment and Society

Contact Information

Office: B5434 YUENG (AC1)
Phone: 34429651
Fax: 34420688
Email: wanxin.li@cityu.edu.hk
Web: ResearchGate page

Research Interests

  • Environmental and social governance
  • Policy design and analysis
  • Sustainable water management
  • Science and technology in society
  • Economic and social well-being
  • Research methods

Position Opening

  • PhD student, Postdoc & Research Assistant

    If you are interested in sustainability transitions such as low emission transportation, sustainable water management, and/or MRV issues in general, you are welcome to consider working together.

    A Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Social Sciences/Data Science/Law. Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese (including Putonghua) is required. Skills in bibliometric analysis, text analysis, statistical analysis are a big plus.

    An overall description of my research work can be found at the following op-ed article published in China Daily (https://www.chinadailyhk.com/article/294067#Eco-governance-key-to-carbon-neutrality).

    If you want to check out my background, please use the following link: (http://www.cityu.edu.hk/stfprofile/wanxin.li.htm) (https://www.linkedin.com/in/muzixin90/)

Associate Professor of Environment and Society at School of Energy and Environment; Visiting Associate Professor at School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University; Has worked with the World Bank, OECD, European Commission and UNEP in the past.

I am highly experienced with evidence-based and transdisciplinary policy research for achieving sustainability transitions. Having had the privilege working with the World Bank, OECD, and Tsinghua University, she contributed significantly to discovering why and how socio-technological innovations emerge and make impacts, in the context of the multi-level governance structure in China. Her research output appears in tier one academic journals such as Nature and Land Use Policy. Besides the academia, her work has been well received by policymakers, practitioners, and international organizations. For example, she was invited to speak at the OECD International Conference on Environmental Compliance Assurance in Paris, and the Trade and Environment Session of the WTO Public Forum in Geneva. She is also highly effective in guiding students to learn the craft of designing and executing problem driven independent projects. For example, the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens Green Ambassador Scheme that she directed was selected as one of the flagship projects presented at the Climate Change Stakeholder Engagement Forum held by the Hong Kong SAR Government on 12 July 2016.

Specialties: Policy design and analysis; Environmental and social governance; Behavioral studies; Science and technology in society; Economic and social well-being; Research methods.

Previous Experience

  • Oct 2014 - Dec 2018, Associate Professor, Department of Public Policy, City University of Hong Kong.
  • Jan 2008 - Sep 2014, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Policy, City University of Hong Kong.
  • Jun 2006 - Dec 2007, Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University.
  • Jul 2003 - May 2006, Consultant, Development Research Group, World Bank.
  • Aug 2000 - Jun 2003, Research Assistant, Center for Public Administration and Policy, Virginia Tech.
  • Jul 1995 - Jul 2000, Director of Student Affairs, Tsinghua University.

Research Grants

  • Capacity building for sustainable water governance in Hong Kong by socio-technological innovation, Public Policy Research Grant, Policy Innovation and Coordination Office, Amount: HKD $637,748, 16 May 2022 - 15 Nov 2023, Wanxin Li (PI), Alicia K. J. An (Co-I), David von Eiff (Co-I).
  • Evaluation of the China Coal Cap Project, CIFF, ClimateWorks, and William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Amount: USD $250,500, 1 Nov 2016 - 30 Jun 2021, Christine Wörlen (PI), Goerild Heggelund (Co-I), Wanxin Li (Co-I) .
  • Environmental information transparency in China: Analyzing individual, organizational and regional disparities in supply and demand, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (RGC), Amount: HKD $569,600, Dec 2014 - Mar 2017, Wanxin Li (PI).
  • Alternative policymaking towards better campus sustainability–printing policy formulation & advocacy, City University Campus Sustainability Fund, Amount: HKD $275,825, Mar 2014 - Jun 2015, Wanxin Li (PI), Johnny Chan (Co-I).
  • Identifying, measuring and cultivating values and behaviors for sustainability among CityU students, City University Campus Sustainability Fund, Amount: HKD $380,000, Feb 2012 - Jun 2014, Wanxin Li (PI), Johnny Chan (Co-I).
  • Adopting alternative policy instruments for environmental governance during the 12th Five-Year Plan, Ministry of Environmental Protection of PRC (MEP), Amount: CNY $120,000, Sep 2010 - Dec 2011, Wanxin Li (PI).
  • Investing in social capital – How are the families and schools preparing children for productive social and civic life in Shenzhen, China, City University Start Up Grant, Amount: HKD $99,839, Jun 2009 - May 2011, Wanxin Li (PI), Maggie Lau (Co-I).
  • Mainstreaming the environment in mainland China: Commitment, drivers, agents, and implications, City University Strategic Research Grant, Amount: HKD $179,000, Jun 2009 - Jan 2011, Wanxin Li (PI), Graeme Lang (Co-I).
  • Environment-related Innovation: Eco-innovation policies in China, OECD, Amount: EUR $15,000, Jun 2008 - May 2009, Xavier Leflaive (PI), Wanxin Li (Co-I).
  • Analysis and forecasting of regional pollution distribution based on location factors and micro-analysis of firm behavior, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Amount: CNY $300,000, Jan 2008 - Dec 2010, Wanxin Li (PI).
  • Environmental Compliance Assurance Systems: A Cross-Country Analysis, OECD, Estimated Amount: EUR $120,000, Mar 2007 - May 2008, Eugene Mazur (PI), Wanxin Li (Co-I).
  • National Key Project for the Eleventh-Five Year Plan “Suzhou circular economy development: Technology development and application”, Ministry of Science and Technology of PRC (MOST), Amount: CNY $75,000,000, Dec 2006 - Oct 2010, Jining Chen (PI), Yiying Jin (Co-I), Wanxin Li (Co-I), Genfa Lu (Co-I), Zongguo Wen (Co-I), Jing Wu (Co-I).
  • Institutional Strategies for Sustainable Development, World Bank Institute, Amount: CNY $100,000, Oct 2006 - Dec 2007, Wanxin Li (PI).
  • Environmental Performance Country Review: China, OECD, Estimated Amount: EUR $100,000, Mar 2006 - Dec 2006, Krzysztof Michalak (PI), Wanxin Li (Co-I).
  • The Institutional Impact of Environmental Performance Information Disclosure in Developing Countries–A Case Study of China’s “Green Watch”, Urban China Research Network, Amount: USD $3,000, Feb 2004 - May 2005, Wanxin Li (PI).

Publications Show All Publications Show Prominent Publications


  • Chen, Yiu Por (Vincent). , Zhuo, Zihan. , Huang, Zeying. & Li, Wanxin. (Aug 2022). Environmental regulation and ESG of SMEs in China: Porter hypothesis re-tested. Science of the Total Environment.
  • Xu, Ying. , Li, Wanxin. & Chi, Shangxin. (Jun 2021). Altruism, environmental concerns, and pro-environmental behaviors of urban residents: A case study in a typical Chinese city Frontiers in Psychology. 12. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.643759
  • Li, Wanxin. & Puppim de Oliveira, Jose A. (May 2021). Environmental governance for sustainable development in Asia. Journal of Environmental Management. 290. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112622
  • Li, Wanxin. , von Eiff, David. & An, Alicia Kyoungjin. (Jul 2020). Analyzing the effects of institutional capacity on sustainable water governance. Sustainability Science. doi:10.1007/s11625-020-00842-6
  • Li, Wanxin. & Huang, Chunlei. (Jun 2020). Acquiring air quality monitoring data through the hierarchy or the market: A case study of Shandong province, China. Science of the Total Environment. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138089
  • Li, Wanxin. , Lee, Patrick K. H. , Chan, Johnny C. L. & Tan, Hongze. (Oct 2019). Cultivating environmentally responsible citizens in a local university in Hong Kong - evaluating the cognitive, attitudinal, and behavioral outcomes. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education. doi:10.1080/10382046.2019.1678274
  • Cai, Bofeng. , Li, Wanxin. , Dhakal, Shobhakar. & Wang, Jianghao. (2018). Source data supported high resolution carbon emissions inventory for urban areas of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region: Spatial patterns, decomposition and policy implications. Journal of Environmental Management. 206. 786 - 799. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.11.038
  • Li, Wanxin. (Jan 2017). An institutional analysis of central-local relations on land use decision-making in China. Journal of China University of Geosciences (Social Sciences Edition). 17/1. 135 - 148.
  • Li, Wanxin. & Mauerhofer, Volker. (Aug 2016). Behavioral patterns of environmental performance evaluation programs. Journal of Environmental Management. 182. 429 - 435. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.07.085
  • Li, Wanxin. (Mar 2016). Failure by design - national mandates and agent control of local land use in China. Land Use Policy. 52. 518 - 526. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2014.12.010
  • Li, Wanxin. (Sep 2015). Health implications of environmental and social resources for preadolescents in urban China. Habitat International. 50. 347 - 353. doi:10.1016/j.habitatint.2015.09.009
  • Li, Wanxin. & Lang, Graeme. (Aug 2015). Effects of green school and parents on children’s perceptions of human-nature relationships in China. Child Indicators Research. 8/3. 587 - 604. doi:10.1007/s12187-014-9265-3
  • Carlsson, Fredrik. , Lampi, Elina. , Li, Wanxin. & Martinsson, Peter. (Feb 2014). Subjective well-being among preadolescents and their parents – Evidence of intergenerational transmission of well-being from urban China. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. 48. 11 - 18. doi:10.1016/j.socec.2013.10.003
  • Zhuo, Zihan. , Li, Wanxin. & Bai, Chongen. (Sep 2013). Has environmental governance made a difference on SO2 emissions from coal fired power plants in two bordering provinces in China? (in Chinese). China Population Resources and Environment. 23/11. 96 - 100.
  • Li, Wanxin. & Higgins, Paul. (Jan 2013). Controlling local environmental performance: An analysis of three national environmental management programs in the context of regional disparities in China. Journal of Contemporary China. 22/81. 409 - 427. doi:10.1080/10670564.2012.748961
  • Li, Wanxin. (Jan 2013). Participatory decision-making, sustainable development and the pursuit of happiness: Bhutanian experiences (in Chinese). Journal of Public Administration. 2013/1. 75 - 90.
  • Li, Wanxin. (Sep 2012). Advocating environmental interests in China. Administration & Society. 44/6s. 26 - 42. doi:10.1177/0095399712460079
  • Li, Wanxin. & Li, Duoduo. (May 2012). Environmental information transparency and implications for green growth in China. Public Administration and Development. 32/3. 324 - 334. doi:10.1002/pad.1626
  • Li, Wanxin. , Liu, Jieyan. & Li, Duoduo. (Mar 2012). Getting their voices heard: Three cases of organizing for environmental protection. Journal of Environmental Management. 98. 65 - 72. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2011.12.019
  • Li, Wanxin. & Lau, Maggie. (Mar 2012). Interpersonal relations and subjective well-being among preadolescents in China. Child Indicators Research. 5/4. 587 - 608. doi:10.1007/s12187-012-9137-7
  • Li, Wanxin. (Sep 2011). Engaging with the climate change regime: China’s challenges and activities. The China Monitor. 66. 4 - 9.
  • Li, Wanxin. (Jun 2011). Self-motivated vs. Forced disclosure of environmental information in China—A comparative case study of the pilot disclosure programs. The China Quarterly. 206. 331 - 351. doi:10.1017/S0305741011000294
  • Lau, Maggie. & Li, Wanxin. (May 2011). The extent of family and school social capital promoting positive subjective well-being among primary school children in Shenzhen, China. Children and Youth Services Review. 33/9. 1573 - 1582.
  • Li, Wanxin. , Leflaive, Xavier. , Li, Duoduo. & Zhang, Jingjing. (Mar 2010). Eco-innovation policies in China (in Chinese). Science Focus. 2. 10 - 26.
  • Li, Wanxin. (Sep 2009). Small but effective moves towards a greener China. Nature. 460/7256. 683 - 684.
  • Li, Wanxin. & Chan, Hon S. (Feb 2009). Clean air in urban China: The case of inter-agency coordination in Chongqing’s Blue Sky Program. Public Administration and Development. 29/1. 55 - 67. doi:DOI: 10.1002/pad.501
  • Li, Wanxin. & Zusman, Eric. (Aug 2006). Translating regulatory promise into environmental progress: Institutional capacity and environmental regulation in China. Environmental Law Reporter: News & Analysis. 36/8. 10616 - 10623.
  • Li, Wanxin. (Jul 2006). Environmental governance: Issues and challenges. Environmental Law Reporter: News & Analysis. 36/7. 10505 - 10525.


  • OECD(2009). Eco-Innovation Policies in the People’s Republic of China. Paris:  OECD Publishing (single authored by Wanxin Li).

Book Chapter

  • Li, Wanxin. , Zusman, Eric. & Chen, Jining. (2019). Collaboration and innovation for inclusive green growth at a community level in Suzhou, China. Social work and sustainability in Asia. (pp. 188 - 198). London and New York. Routledge.
  • Li, Wanxin. , Zusman, Eric. , Chen, Jining. & Menikpura, Nirmala. (Fall 2016). Generation and Distribution of Waste Management Co-benefits in Suzhou, China. Urbanization and Climate Co-Benefits: Implementation of win-win interventions in cities. (pp. 204 - 211). London. Routledge. 978-1138953444.
  • Harrison, Nick. , Levy, Kelly. , Li, Wanxin. , Allen, Ashley. , Boyd, Anya. , Dane, Anthony. , Musingi, John Kioko. , Singh, Amrikha. , Talberth, John. , Webb, Jeremy. & Woerlen, Christine. (Jun 2014). Chapter 9: Monitoring and evaluation. Green growth best practice: Lessons from country experiences. (pp. 213 - 228). Seoul. Global Green Growth Institute.
  • Li, Wanxin. (Feb 2014). Specific operational mechanisms and practices for public participation in environmental planning and assessments. EU-China Environmental Governance Programme. Beijing.
  • Li, Wanxin. (Nov 2013). Environmental monitoring and reporting in China. EU-China Environmental Governance Programme. Beijing.
  • Li, Wanxin. , Grimm, Sven. & Esterhuyse, Harrie. (Sep 2013). China-Africa cooperation: Joint engagement in adaptation to changing climate. Climate Change and Global Governance: International Regimes in a Changing Environment. (pp. 529 - 547). Germany. Nomos Publishers.
  • Li, Wanxin. , Liu, Jieyan. & Li, Duoduo. (Feb 2013). Public participation in environmental protection in China. Social Issues in China: Gender, Ethnicity, Labor, and the Environment. (pp. 291 - 309). New York. Springer.
  • Li, Wanxin. (Oct 2012). Environmental governance. Towards a China environmental performance index. Beijing. Chinese Academy of Environmental Planning.
  • Li, Wanxin. & Michalak, Krzysztof. (Sep 2007). Environmental compliance and enforcement in China. The Compliance Handbook: Technology, Finance, Environmental, and International Guidance plus Best Practices. (pp. 379 - 390). New Jersey. John Wiley & Sons.

External Services

Public Service

  • 2012 - Now, Secretary General, World Alliance for Low Carbon Cities.Finland & China.
  • 2011 - Now, Advisory Board, Professional Association for China’s Environment.China.
  • 2009 - Now, China Steering Committee, R20 Regions of Climate Action.Switzerland.
  • 2006 - Now, Advisory Board, EcoLinx Foundation.U.S.A..

Professional Activity

  • 2012 - Now, Refree, National Research Foundation of South Africa.South Africa.
  • 2010 - Now, Refree, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).China.
  • 2009 - Now, Editorial Board, Journal of Public Administration.

Service in CityUHK

Administrative Assignment

  • 2021 - Now, Quality Assurance Committee, member.
  • 2019 - Now, Academic Conduct Committee, member.

Research / Thesis Supervision

  • 2012 - Now, Master in Economics.
  • 2011 - Now, Bachelor in Environmental Policy.
  • 2006 - Now, PhD in Public Policy.

Teaching Service

  • Jan 2022 - Now, Undergraduate, Urban sustainability in Hong Kong.
  • Sep 2019 - Now, PhD, Environmental Assessment.
  • Sep 2009 - Now, Undergraduate, Energy and Environmental Policies.
  • Sep 2009 - Jun 2018, Undergraduate, Introduction to Environmental Policy and Governance.
  • 2008 - 2013, Undergraduate, Policy Analysis and Evaluation.

Conferences Attended

  • 4 Mar 2014 - 5 Mar 2014, invited presentation @ 1st Global Conference of PAGE (Partnership for Action on Green Economy) after Rio+20 – Progress and Prospects, United Arab Emirates.
  • 26 Nov 2013, invited presentation @ EU-China Environmental Governance Programme: Policy Dialogue, China.
  • 3 Jun 2013 - 4 Jun 2013, invited presentation @ Green Growth Knowledge Platform’s Practitioners' Workshop: Building Pathways to Greener Growth, Indonesia.
  • 18 Mar 2013, invited presentation @ International workshop on “Public Participation in Environmental Matters in East Asia: multifaceted perspectives”, Japan.
  • 26 Jul 2012 - 27 Jul 2012, Symposium on Co-benefits in Urban Asia, Japan.
  • 17 May 2012, invited presentation @ Greening China and her relations with Africa – Environmental sustainability in Sino-African cooperation, FOCAC and beyond, South Africa.
  • 20 Sep 2011, invited presentation @ WTO 2011 Public Forum, Trade and Environment Session, Encouraging Innovation and the Deployment of Environmental Technologies, Switzerland.
  • 9 Dec 2010 - 10 Dec 2010, invited presentation @ International Workshop “Promoting National Coherence of Environmental Enforcement in China”, China.
  • 3 Nov 2009 - 6 Nov 2009, Environment for Development 3rd Annual Conference, Kenya.
  • 12 Oct 2009 - 13 Oct 2009, invited presentation @ China Conference on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data Management in Energy Intensive Industries and the Power Sectors, China.
  • 17 Nov 2008 - 18 Nov 2008, invited presentation @ International Conference Environmental Compliance Assurance: Trends and Good Practices, France.

Call for Collaboration

  • Institution building for climate finance and carbon neutrality

    Climate finance in various forms such as ESG investing and carbon emissions trading, has become mainstreamed globally. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of those market mechanisms has been largely compromised by a lack of integrity in the monitoring/measurement, verification and reporting of ESG performance and carbon emissions embedded in business operations. The third parties are contracted to provide carbon emissions data for regulators, green investors, and the public, who are the principals financing climate actions and bearing the consequences of climate change. According to transaction cost economics, the principal bears the following three contractual hazards, asset specificity, observability and enforceability, which are contingent upon the ex ante screening, contract design and execution, and ex post evaluation. The centralization and marketization reform in air quality monitoring in 2015 was found to be partially effective in addressing asset specificity and enforceability. However, resorting to the market is not a panacea because the emitters and local government are still motivated to form a shadow clientele relationship with those qualified data providers, given climate finance and government responsibility system offer economic gain and career prospects, respectively. The public interest litigation initiated by the China Federation for Environmental Protection in July 2022 against the consulting firm and power generator it served for falsifying carbon emissions data offers ad hoc evidence on the perennial challenge of holding the agents accountable for environmental information provision that sets necessary foundation for climate finance to work. A country-wide systematic review is in order to stocktake and diagnose contract terms and practices of the environmental monitoring services industry, given the regional variations in local contexts and the power and reach of the local government. Without the ground work, it is impossible to build necessary institutions and a professional work force for creating a level playing field and achieving carbon neutrality in the future.

  • Environmental information transparency in China

    The supply of and demand for environmental information transparency in China has not been well understood. Individual officials, firm managers, investors, the general public, and NGOs all play an important role in this. They are motivated and constrained by their own cognitive and affective capacities as well as the professional, institutional, and social contexts in which they work and live. Thus, this project presents a good opportunity to break new grounds in establishing linkages between research across individual, organizational, and regional levels as well as across different disciplines such as psychology, decision science, law, and institutional economics. Of course, research methodology will need to be discussed and explored. You are welcome to get in touch if you find the topic interesting.

Last update date : 30 Apr 2023