Dr. Qiang Zhou received a B.E. in Automotive Engineering (2005) and a M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (2007) from the Department of Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua University, China, a M.S. in Statistics (2010) and a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering (2011) at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Before joining CityU in 2012, he worked as a research associate at UW-Madison (2011-2012).
His research area focuses on industrial data analytics for engineering decision making and system performance improvement. Methodologies from applied statistics, data mining, and signal processing are major tools used in his research. Application areas of his research include semiconductor manufacturing, nanomaterial fabrication, automobile industry, telecommunications, computer simulations, etc. Dr. Zhou is a member of INFORMS, IIE, IEEE and ASQ.
Award and Achievement
- 2013 “Early Career Award” Hong Kong Research Grants Council .
- Li, J. & Zhou, Q. (2016). A general approach for monitoring autocorrelated categorical processes. Journal of Quality Technology. tentatively accepted.
- Liu, Y. , Shi, Y. , Zhou, Q. & Xiu, R. (2016). A Sequential Sampling Strategy to Improve the Global Fidelity of Metamodels in Multi-Level System Design. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 53(6). 1295 - 1313.
- Zhou, Q. , Jin, T. , Qian, P.Z.G. & Zhou, S. (2016). Bi-directional Sliced Latin Hypercube Designs. Statistica Sinica. 26(2). 653 - 674.
- Huang, X.*. , Xu, J.*. & Zhou, Q. (2016). Diagnosis of Multi-scale Spatial Point Interaction via Decomposition of the K Function-based T2 Statistic. Journal of Quality Technology. tentatively accepted.
- Yang, W. , Zhou, Q. & Tsui, K.L. (2016). Differential Evolution-Based Feature Selection and Parameter Optimization for Extreme Learning Machine in Tool Wear Estimation. International Journal of Production Research. 54(15). 4703 - 4721.
- Wang, D. , Tsui, K.L. & Zhou, Q. (2016). Novel Gauss-Hermite Integration Based Bayesian Inference on Optimal Wavelet Parameters for Bearing Fault Diagnosis. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processin. 72. 80 - 91.
- Wang, D. , Zhou, Q. & Tsui, K.L. (2016). On the distribution of the modulus of Gabor wavelet coefficients and the upper bound of the dimensionless smoothness index in the case of additive Gaussian noises: revisited. Journal of Sound and Vibration. accepted.
- Li, Y.*. , Zhou, Q. , Huang, X.*. & Zeng, L. (2016). Pairwise Estimation of Multivariate Gaussian Process Models With Replicated Observations: Application to Multivariate Profile Monitoring. Technometrics. tentatively accepted.
- Li, Y*. & Zhou, Q. (2016). Pairwise Meta-Modeling of Multivariate Output Computer Models Using Nonseparable Covariance Function. Technometrics. 58(4). 483 - 494.
- Wang, D. , Yang, F. , Tsui, K.L. , Zhou, Q. & Bae, S.J. (2016). Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on Spherical Cubature Particle Filter. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 65(6). 1282 - 1291.
- Huang, X*. , Zhou, Q. , Zeng, L. & Li, X. (2015). Monitoring Spatial Uniformity of Particle Distributions in Manufacturing Processes Using the K Function. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. accepted.
- Son, J. , Zhou, Q. , Zhou, S. & Salman, M. (2015). Prediction of the Failure Interval with Maximum Power based on Remaining Useful Life Distribution. IIE Transactions.
- Tsui, K.L. , Chen, N. , Zhou, Q. , Hai, Y. & Wang, W. (2015). Prognostics and Health Management: A Review on Data Driven Approaches. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Article ID 793161 .
- Zeng, L. , Neogi, S. & Zhou, Q. (2015). Robust Phase I Monitoring of Profile Data with Application in Low-E Glass Manufacturing Processes. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 33(4). 508 - 521.
- Zhou, Q. , Zhou, J. , De Cicco, M. , Li, X. & Zhou, S. (2014). Detecting 3D Spatial Clustering of Particles in Nanocomposites based on Cross-sectional Images. Technometrics. 56(2). 212 - 224.
- Zhang, Z. , Zhou, Q. & Kusiak, A. (2014). Optimization of Wind Power and Its Variability with Computational Intelligence. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. 5(1). 228 - 236.
- Zhou, Q. , Zhou, S. , Mao, X. & Salman, M. (2014). Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Individual Units Subject to Hard Failure. IIE Transactions. 46(10). 1017 - 1030.
- He, Q. , Wang, X. & Zhou, Q. (2014). Vibration sensor data denoising using time-frequency manifold for machinery fault diagnosis. Sensors. 14(1). 382 - 402.
- Son, J. , Zhou, Q. , Zhou, S. , Mao, X. & Salman, M. (2013). Evaluation and Comparison of Mixed Effects Model based Prognosis for Hard Failure. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 62(2). 379 - 394.
- Zhou, Q. , Zeng, L. , De Cicco, M. , Li, X. & Zhou, S. (2012). A Comparative Study on Clustering Indices for Distribution of Nanoparticles in Metal Matrix Nanocomposites. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology. 5(4).
- Lam, K.-M. , Zeng, L. , Zhou, Q. , Tran, R. & Yang, J. (2012). On Assessing and Testing Spatial Uniformity of Particle Distributions in Quality Control of Manufacturing Processes. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 32(1). 154 - 166.
- Zeng, L. , Zhou, Q. , De Cicco, M. , Li, X. & Zhou, S. (2012). Quantifying Boundary Effect of Nano-particles in Metal Matrix Nanocomposite Fabrication Processes. IIE Transactions. 44(7). 1 - 17.
- Zhou, Q. , Qian, P.Z.G. & Zhou, S. (2012). Surrogate Modeling of Multistage Assembly Processes Using Integrated Emulation. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. 134(1). 011002.1 - 011002.10.
- Zhou, Q. , Qian, P.Z.G. & Zhou, S. (2011). A Simple Approach to Emulation for Computer Models With Qualitative and Quantitative Factors. Technometrics. 53(3). 266 - 273.
- Loose, J.P. , Zhou, Q. , Zhou, S. & Ceglarek, D. (2010). Integrating GD&T into dimensional variation models for multistage machining processes. International Journal of Production Research. 48(11). 3129 - 3149.
- Zhou, Q. , Zeng, L. & Zhou, S. (2010). Statistical Detection of Defect Patterns Using Hough Transform,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing. 23(3). 370 - 380.
- Huang, Y. , Zeng, F. , Chen, Q. , Zhou, Q. & Chen, F. (2007). Characteristics of Common-mode Conducted Current in Electric Vehicle. Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy. 2007/03.
- Huang, Y. , Zeng, F. , Chen, Q. , Zhou, Q. & Chen, F. (2006). Adaptive Control of the Hybrid Power System in Fuel Cell City Bus. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2006/09.
Conference Paper
- Chen, X. & Zhou, Q. (Dec 2014). Sequential Experimental Designs for Stochastic Kriging. 2014 Winter Simulation Conference.
For prospective students
- I am actively looking for qualified Ph.D. students with background in engineering or statistics. If you are interested, please send me your resume, transcripts and English score (any of TOEFL/IELTS/CET-6). Ph.D. students will be provided with full financial support. For application details, see http://www.sgs.cityu.edu.hk/prospective/apply/procedures
Full time Research Assistant positions are also available and interested candidates are welcome to contact me anytime.
Last update date :
12 Nov 2015