Dr Guo Luo received his BSc in Applied Mathematics from Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) University in 2001, MPhil in Computer Science from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2003, and PhD in Mathematics from the Ohio State University in 2009. Before joining City University in 2014, he worked as a von Karman Instructor at California Institute of Technology. His research interests include formation of finite-time singularities in 3D Navier-Stokes / Euler equations and other related problems, efficient numerical solution of singular or nearly singular partial differential equations, mesh adaptation strategies, computational fluid dynamics, and scientific computing.
- Luo, Guo. & Hou, Tom. (Nov 2014). Toward the finite-time blowup of the 3D axisymmetric Euler equations: a numerical investigation. Multiscale Model. Simul. 12 (4). 1722 - 1776.
- Luo, Guo. & Hou, Tom. (Aug 2014). Potentially singular solutions of the 3D axisymmetric Euler equations. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111 (36). 12968 - 12973. doi:10.1073/pnas.1405238111
- Hou, Tom. , Lei, Zhen. , Luo, Guo. , Wang, Shu. & Zou, Chen. (May 2014). On finite time singularity and global regularity of an axisymmetric model for the 3D Euler equations. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 212 (2). 683 - 706. doi:10.1007/s00205-013-0717-6
- Hou, Tom. & Luo, Guo. (Nov 2013). On the finite-time blowup of a 1D model for the 3D incompressible Euler equations. arXiv:1311.2613 [math.AP].
- Costin, Ovidiu. , Luo, Guo. & Tanveer, Saleh. (2011). Integral formulation of 3D Navier-Stokes and longer time existence of smooth solutions. Comm. Contemp. Math. 13 (3). 407 - 462.
- Luo, Guo. & Maz'ya, Vladimir. (2010). Wiener type regularity of a boundary point for the 3D Lame system. Potential Anal. 32 (2). 133 - 151.
- Costin, Ovidiu. , Luo, Guo. & Tanveer, Saleh. (2008). An integral equation approach to smooth 3D Navier-Stokes solution. Phys. Scr. T132. 014040 .
- Costin, Ovidiu. , Luo, Guo. & Tanveer, Saleh. (2008). Divergent expansion, Borel summability and three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A. 366. 2775 - 2788.
- Luo, Guo. & Maz'ya, Vladimir. (2007). Weighted positivity of second order elliptic systems. Potential Anal. 27 (3). 251 - 270.
- Luo, Guo. & Heng, Pheng Ann. (2005). LV shape and motion: B-spline-based deformable model and sequential motion decomposition. IEEE T. Inf. Technol. B. 9 (3). 430 - 446.
Last update date :
29 May 2015