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Prof. WONG Sing-wing, Dennis (黃成榮教授)

Dip(Swk) Shue Yan
MA York (UK)
PhD Bris. (UK)
Registered Social Worker


Contact Information

Office: B7413 AC1
Phone: 34428831
Fax: 34420283
Email: dennis.wong@cityu.edu.hk

Research Interests

  • Juvenile delinquency
  • Youth values
  • Bullying and school violence
  • Restorative justice
  • Parent-child relationship
Prof Dennis S.W. WONG, PhD (黃成榮教授) is currently Professor of Criminology & Social Work at Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences, City University of Hong Kong. His areas of teaching and research are criminology, youth studies, parents-child relationships, conflict management, and restorative justice. Dennis is honorary consultant on youth drugs abuse, school bullying, and offenders’ rehabilitation for governmental organizations in Hong Kong, Macau, and Singapore. He is a former member of Executive Board of Asian Criminological Society (ACS) and currently an active member of ACS, and also Chairman / board member for a number of non-governmental organizations. Apart from publishing articles in local and international journals, he has published six books related to youth delinquency, school bullying, alternative to prosecution, mediation, and restorative justice.


Awards and Achievements

  • 1996 “Teaching Excellence Awards” City University of Hong Kong.

Research Grants

  • Qualitative Research on Cannabis Use among Adolescents., Contract Research Grant, Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Amount: HKD $498,900, 1 Aug 2021 - 31 Mar 2024, Wong, Dennis S W (PI).
  • Understanding Social Cognitive Processes of Incarcerated Youth, Contract Research Grant, Hong Kong Police Force & Correctional Services Department, Amount: HKD $580,000, 1 Jul 2021 - 31 Mar 2023, Wong, Dennis S W (PI).
  • Restorative Justice for Delinquents in Hong Kong: The Way Forward, General Research Fund, Research Grant Council, 1 Jan 2019 - 31 Dec 2020, Dennis S W Wong (PI).
  • Prevention of Cyber Crime among Adolescents: A Quest for Intervention Model, Contract Research Grant, Hong Kong Federation Youth Groups , 1 Nov 2017 - 30 Sep 2020, Wong, D.S.W. (PI).
  • Breaking the Cycle – Study on Violence Prevention and Education of Teens, Contract Research Grant , TWGHs Cease Crisis Centre, 1 Oct 2017 - 31 Dec 2019, Wong, D.S.W. (PI).
  • Evaluative Study on “Project R”: Risk Factors for At-risk Youth, Contract Research , Hong Kong Federation Youth Groups, Aug 2015 - May 2017, Dennis S W Wong (PI).
  • Restorative Justice and its relevance to Chinese culture: Implications of restorative justice practices in Chinese communities , GRF, RGC, Jan 2015 - Dec 2017, Dennis S W Wong (PI).
  • An Exploratory Study of Cyberbullying among Adolescents in Hong Kong and Macau, Strategic Research Grant, CityU of Hong Kong, 2013 - 2014, Dennis S W Wong (PI), Lennon Chang (Co-I) & Oliver Chan (Co-I).
  • A Comparative Study of Cyber-bullying among Adolescents in Hong Kong and Taiwan, Strategic Research Grant, CityU of Hong Kong, 2012 - 2013, Dennis S. W. Wong (PI), Joseph Wu (Co-I), and Lennon Y C. Chang (Co-I).
  • Conceptualizing and Measuring Problematic Mobile Phone Use among Hong Kong Adolescents, Strategic Research Grant, CityU of Hong Kong , 2012 - 2013, Joseph K F Wu (PI) & Dennis S W Wong (Co-I).
  • Prevalence of Cyber Bullying among Secondary Students in Hong Kong, College Research Grant, 2011 - 2012, Wong, D.S.W. (PI).
  • Assessing and understanding problematic cellular phone use among Hong Kong adolescents, New Staff Start-up Grant, 2010 - 2012, Joseph K F Wu (PI), with W C Ho & Wong, D.S.W..
  • A Study on the long-term Effects of a Restorative Whole-school Approach to reducing Bullying in Schools, General Research Fund (GRF), granted by Research Grant Council, 2009 - 2012, Wong, D.S.W. (PI), with H.K. Cheng, C.M. Li and S.K. Ma.
  • Review the Rehabilitation Centre Programme for Correctional Services Department, Correctional Services Department, 2009 - 2010, T.W. Lo (PI), Wong, D.S.W., Chui, W.H., Lena, Y.Y. Zhong.
  • Macroeconomic Factors, Police and Crime in Hong Kong,1983-2006, Strategic Research Grant, 2008 - 2010, Lena Y.Y. Zhong (PI), with T.W. Lo and Wong, D.S.W..
  • Review of the System of Education and Supervision of Young Offenders in Macau, Legal Affairs Bureau, Government of Macau SAR, 2006 - 2008, T.W. Lo and Wong, D.S.W. (Co-PIs).
  • Enhancing Critical Thinking in Adolescent Idol Worship: An Integrated Study in Hong Kong and Mainland China, Strategic Research Grant, 2005 - 2007, X.D. Yue (PI), with Wong, D.S.W..
  • The “Whole-school Approach” in Tackling School Bullying in Large-size Chinese Schools: Its Development and Effectiveness, Competitive Earmarked Research Grant(CERG), Research Grant Council, 2004 - 2006, Wong, D.S.W. (PI), Raymond Ngan, Chris Cheng and Stephen Ma.
  • Perceiving Stars Idols as Role Models: Experimental Studies and Potential for Training Programs, Direct Allocation Research Grant, 2002 - 2004, X.D. Yue (PI), with Wong, D.S.W., C.K. Cheung (Co-I).
  • Broadening the Vision of City University Students, Quality Enhancement Fund, 2001 - 2002, Dennis S W Wong (PI), with T.M. Ho, Margaret Poon, Lilian Vrijmoed & Joseph Chan.
  • Bullying at Secondary School: Prevalence, Characteristics and Responding Strategies, Direct Allocation Research Grant, 2001, Wong, D.S.W. (PI).
  • Dimensions of Happiness among Young People in Hong Kong, Small Scale Research Grant, 2001 - 2002, Wong, D.S.W. (PI) and Wai-man Chan.
  • Understanding Adolescent Idol Worship in Chinese Societies: Comparison of Hong Kong and Mainland Young People, Strategic Research Grant, 2001 - 2002, X.D. Yue (PI), with N. Hamid, Wong, D.S.W., and C.K. Cheung.
  • Action Learning Project - Expanding the Vision of CityU Students through Cross-disciplinary Studies and Visits, Quality Enhancement Fund, 2000 - 2001, Margaret Poon and T.M. Ho (Co-PIs), with Lilian Virjmoed, Joseph Chan and Wong, D.S.W..
  • Effects of Social and Demographic Factors on Idol Worship in Chinese Society, Small Scale Research Grant, 1999 - 2000, X.D. Yue (PI), with Wong, D.S.W. & C.K. Cheung.
  • FHS Student Advising Scheme, Teaching Development Grant, 1999 - 2001, Jonathan Webster (PI), with Wong, D.S.W., J. Lam, K. Rose.
  • Multimedia Enhanced Learning Package for Incoming Students, Teaching Development Grant, 1999 - 2001, Johanna Klassen (PI), with L. Vrijmoed, E. Yu, P. Chudley, Wong, D.S.W., & B. Ma.
  • The Evaluation of Children and Youth Services in Hong Kong, Strategic Research Grant, 1994 - 1996, T.W. Lo (PI), Wong, D.S.W., W.T. Chan and S. Ma, Strategic Research Grant.

Publications Show All Publications Show Prominent Publications


  • Wong, D. S. W. (2023). Concerns about the meaning of ‘restorative justice’ from a Chinese criminologist’s perspective. The International Journal of Restorative Justice. 6 (3). 482 - 492. doi:10.5553/TIJRJ.000191
  • Wong, D. S.W. & Fung, C. S.Y. (2023). Juvenile Community Corrections in China: the Quest for a Restorative Approach. Asian Journal of Criminology. 18. 113 - 132. doi:10.1007/s11417-022-09381-8
  • Au, G. W.Y. & Wong, D. S.W. (2022). Desistance from crime among Chinese delinquents: The integrated effects of family bonding, prosocial models, and religious bonding. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19 (10). 5894 - 5910. doi:10.3390/ijerph19105894
  • WONG, D. SW. & FUNG, S. F. (2020). Development of the Cybercrime Rapid Identification Tool for Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17. 4691 doi:10.3390/ijerph17134691
  • Ip, M. W.S. , Manning, M. , Wong, G. T.W. & Wong, D. S.W. (2020). Exploring key risk factors of intimate partner violence among Chinese college students. Children and Youth Services Review. 117. 1 - 17. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105278
  • Wong, D. S.W. & Kwan, K. Y. (2020). Restorative justice for juvenile offenders in China: Current practices and challenges. China Journal of Social Work,. 13 (2). 127 - 137. doi:10.1080/17525098.2020.1774985
  • Chan, H. C. & Wong, D. S.W. (2020). The overlap between cyberbullying perpetration and victimisation: exploring the psychosocial characteristics of Hong Kong adolescents. Asian Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. 30 (3). 164 - 180. doi:10.1080/02185385.2020.1761436
  • Chan, H.C. & Wong, D.S.W. (2019). Traditional School Bullying and Cyberbullying Perpetration: Examining the Psychosocial Characteristics of Hong Kong Male and Female Adolescents. Youth and Society. 51 (1). 3 - 29.
  • Wong, D. S.W. & Tu, K. H.H. (2018). Restorative justice for delinquents in Hong Kong: current practices and challenges. Asian Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. 28 (3). 178 - 191.
  • Gao, Yunjiao. & Wong, D.S.W. (2018). Strains and delinquency of migrant adolescents in China: An investigation from the perspective of General Strain. Youth and Society. 50 (4). 506 - 528.
  • Liu, D. , Wong, D.S.W. & Roland, E. (2018). The Family-School Linkage in Addressing Bullying in Hong Kong: A Sociocultural Perspective. Chinese Education and Society. 51. 462 - 475.
  • Chan, H.C. & Wong, D.S.W. (2017). Coping with cyberbullying victimization: An exploratory study of Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice. 50. 71 - 82.
  • Wong, D.S.W. (2017). Review of Riccardo Berti, Victim-Offender Reconciliation in the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan. Asian Journal of Criminology. 12. 163 - 165.
  • Wong, D.S.W. , Au Yeung, C.T.Y. , Lee, S.S.T. & Yeung, D.K.Y. (2016). Cyberbullying Behaviour among Adolescents in Hong Kong: Preventing and Tackling Strategies. Journal of Youth Studies. 19(2). 11 - 23.
  • Gao, Y.J. , Wong, D.S.W. & Yu, Y.P. (2016). Maltreatment and delinquency in China: examining and extending the intervening process of General Strain Theory. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 60(1). 38 - 61.
  • Wong, D.S.W. (2016). Restorative justice at different levels of the criminal justice system in China: Challenges and paths forward. Restorative Justice: An International Journal. 4(1). 1 - 17.
  • Chan, H.C. & Wong, D.S.W. (2015). The overlap between school bullying perpetration and victimization: Assessing the psychological, familial, and school factors of Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 24(11). 3224 - 3234.
  • Chan, H.C. & Wong, D.S.W. (2015). Traditional school bullying and cyberbullying in Chinese societies: Prevalence and a review of the whole-school intervention approach. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 23. 98 - 108.
  • Cheung, C.K. , Yue, X.D. & Wong, D.S.W. (2014). Addictive internet use and parenting patterns among secondary school students in Guangzhou and Hong Kong. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 24(8). 2401 - 2409.
  • Wong, D.S.W. , Chan, Oliver. H C. & Cheng, Christopher. H K. (2014). Cyberbullying perpetration and victimization among adolescents in Hong Kong. Children and Youth Services Review. 36. 133 - 140.
  • Wong, D.S.W. (2014). Harmony comes first: challenges facing the development of restorative justice in Asia. Restorative Justice: An International Journal. 2/1. 1 - 8.
  • Mok, W.Y. & Wong, D.S.W. (2013). Restorative justice and mediation: Diverged or Converged?. Asian Journal of Criminology. 8/4. 335 - 347.
  • Wang, X.H. & Wong, D.S.W. (2012). Police social service work in China: Community policing with Chinese characteristics. Asia Pacific Journal of Police & Criminal Justice. 9/1. 34 - 54.
  • Wong, D.S.W. , Cheng, C.H.K. , Ngan, R.M.H. & Ma, S.K. (2011). Program effectiveness of a restorative whole-school approach for tackling school bullying in Hong Kong. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 55(6). 846 - 862.
  • Wong, D.S.W. & Mok, L.W.Y. (2011). Restorative Justice and Practices in China. British Journal of Community Justice. 8 (3). 23 - 35.
  • Lo, T W. , Cheng, H K. , Wong, D. S W. & Rochelle, T L. (2011). Self-esteem, self-efficacy and deviant behaviour of young people in Hong Kong. Advances in Applied Sociology. 1/1. 48 - 55.
  • Wong, D.S.W. & Lo, T.W. (2011). The Recent Development of Restorative Social Work Practices in Hong Kong. International Social Work. 54 (5). 701 - 716.
  • Wong, D.S.W. , Cheng, C.H.K. , Leung, S.O. & Ma, S.K. (2010). Cognitive and Moral Development of Adolescents: Implications to Law Reform of Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility. The Journal of Youth Research. 159. 24 - 31. (In Chinese).
  • Yue, X.D. , Cheung, C.K. & Wong, D.S.W. (2010). From Glamour-oriented Idolatry to Achievement-oriented Idolatry: A Framing Experiment among Adolescents in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. 13. 1 - 8.
  • Wong, D.S.W. , Cheng, C.H.K. & Ma, S.K. (2010). Program Effectiveness of Whole-school Approach for Tackling Bullying in Hong Kong Primary Schools. Educational Research Journal. 25 (1). 103 - 124. (In Chinese).
  • Lee, S.T. & Wong, D.S.W. (2010). School, parents, and peer factors in relation to Hong Kong students’ bullying. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. 15. 217 - 233.
  • Li, C.M. , Wang, X.H. & Wong, D.S.W. (2009). Community policing and juvenile crime prevention: Operation breakthrough in Hong Kong. Journal of Chinese People’s Public Security University (Social Sciences Edition). 25(5). 13 - 18 (In Chinese).
  • Wong, D.S.W. (2009). Concepts, practices, and development of restorative justice in Hong Kong. Journal of Youth Studies. 12(23). 139 - 149.
  • Liu, J.H. , Ng, S.H. , Conaco-Gastardo, C. & Wong, D.S.W. (2008). Action Research: A Missing Component in the Emergence of Social and Cross-cultural Psychology as a Fully Inter-connected Global Enterprise. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 2 (3). 1162 - 1181.
  • Wong, D.S.W. , Lo, D.P.P. , Lo, T.W. & Ma, S.K. (2008). School Bullying among Hong Kong Chinese Primary School Children. Youth and Society. 40 (1). 35 - 54.
  • Wong, D.S.W. (2007). Juvenile delinquency and prevention strategies in Hong Kong. Youth Studies. 139. 13 - 17.
  • Lo, T.W. , Wong, D.S.W. & Maxwell, G. (2006). Community Support and Diversionary Measures for Juvenile Offenders in Hong Kong: Old Legacy, New Age. Asian Criminology. 1. 9 - 20.
  • Lo, T.W. , Wong, D.S.W. & Maxwell, G. (2006). Diversion from Youth Courts in Five Asia Pacific Jurisdictions: Welfare or Restorative Solutions. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 50 (1). 5 - 20.
  • Yue, X.D. , Wong, D.S.W. & Cheung, C.K. (2006). Emulative Idol Perception: An Experimental Study among Secondary Students in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Journal of Youth Studies. 9(2). 129 - 141.
  • Wong, D.S.W. (2005). A Study of Children's Shoplifting Behaviour: Implications to Preventive Measures. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth,. 12 (1-2). 49 - 68.
  • Lo, T.W. , Wong, D.S.W. & Ma, S.K. (2005). Supportive Services for Immigrant Youths in Hong Kong. International Social Work. Vol. 48 No. 4. 441 - 453.


  • Wong, D. S.W. & Gavrielides, T. (2019). Restorative Justice in Educational Settings and policies – Bridging the East and West. U.K.: RJ4All Publications. 978-1-911634-07-2.

Book Chapter

  • Lui, W.C.Y. & Wong, D.S.W. (2019). Application of restorative justice in Education Setting - Blooming hope amid the fall of Restorative Justice development in Hong Kong. Wong D.S.W and Gavrielides T. (eds), Restorative Justice in Educational Settings and policies – Bridging the East and West. (pp. 136 - 148). London. RJ4All Publications.
  • Wong, D.S.W. & Lui, W.C.Y. (2018). Restorative interventions in Chinese communities: Culture-specific Skills for healing youth offenders and their families. Gavrielides, T. (ed.), Routledge International Handbook of Restorative Justice. (pp. 299 - 312). New York. Routledge.
  • Wong, D.S.W. & Au Yeung, C.T.Y. (2017). The service model of Project R: five-step recovery through life coaching. Project R - Assisting Arrested Youth. (pp. 20 - 29). Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.
  • Wong, D.S.W. & Mok, L.W.Y. (2017). The preliminary conceptual framework for desistance among adolescents. Project R - Assisting Arrested Youth. (pp. 46 - 57). Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.
  • Wong, D.S.W. , Au Yeung, C.T.Y. & Chau, A.N.Y. (2017). Evaluation on the effectiveness of Project R. Project R - Assisting Arrested Youth. (pp. 30 - 45). Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.
  • Wong, D. S W. (2013). Restorative Justice for Juvenile Delinquents in Hong Kong and China. In K.S. van Wormer and L. Walker (eds.), Restorative Justice Today: Practical Applications. (pp. 53 - 62). Thousands Oaks. SAGE.
  • Wu, J. K F. & Wong, D. S W. (2013). Psychosocial correlates of friendship in school. In S. Kaufmann and V. Meyer (eds.), Friendship: Culture variations, developmental issues and impact on health. (pp. 159 - 168). New York. Nova Publishers.
  • Wong, D. S W. & Mok, L. W Y. (2013). Evolution of restorative justice practices for juvenile offenders in the People's Republic of China. J. Liu, S. Jou and B. Hebention (eds.), Handbook of Asian Criminology. (pp. 393 - 406). New York. Springer.
  • Wong, D. S W. & Mok, L. W Y. (2012). Restorative justice and practices in Hong Kong and Macau. In R. Thilagaraj, J.H. Liu & S. Latha (Eds.), Crime and Criminal Justice in Asia. (pp. 111 - 128). New Delhi. Mittal Publications.
  • Wong, D.S.W. (2010). Adolescent Bullying: The Whole School Approach. Dussich, J. and Schellenberg, J. (Eds.). Restorative Justice in Unlikely Places. Criminal Justice Press. (pp. 181 - 194). Boulder, Colorado. Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Wong, D.S.W. (2008). Advocating the Use of Restorative Justice for Misbehaving Students and Juvenile Delinquents in Hong Kong. K. Van Wormer (ed.), Restorative Justice across the East and the West. (pp. 11 - 31). Taoyuan; Manchester. Casa Verde Publishing.
  • Ho, B.C.O. & Wong, D.S.W. (2006). Sexual Health and Unwanted Pregnancy among Adolescents: Implications for Sex Education in Hong Kong. H.S. Holgate, R. Evans & F.K.O. Yuen (eds.). Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood: Global Perspectives, Issues and Interventions. (pp. 95 - 111). London;New York. Routledge.
  • Lo, T.W. , Maxwell, G.M. & Wong, D.S.W. (2005). Conclusions: Models of Alternatives to Prosecution in Youth Justice. Lo, T.W., Wong, S.W. and Maxwell, G. (eds.), Alternatives to Prosecution: Rehabilitative and Restorative Models of Youth Justice. (pp. 279 - 297). Singapore. Marshall Cavendish.
  • Maxwell, G.M. , Lo, T.W. & Wong, D.S.W. (2005). Introduction: The Changing Themes in Youth Justice. Lo, T.W., Wong, S.W. and Maxwell, G. (eds.), Alternatives to Prosecution: Rehabilitative and Restorative Models of Youth Justice. (pp. 1 - 19). Singapore. Marshall Cavendish.
  • Wong, D.S.W. (2005). Measures for protecting juveniles and delinquency control in China. Lo, T.W., Wong, S.W. and Maxwell, G. (eds.), Alternatives to Prosecution: Rehabilitative and Restorative Models of Youth Justice. (pp. 236 - 256). Singapore. Marshall Cavendish.

External Services

Public Service

  • 1 Apr 2023 - 31 Mar 2025, Long-term Prison Sentences Review Board, Security Bureau.Hong Kong Government of SAR.
  • 1 Jan 2023 - 31 Dec 2024, Chairman , Treatment and Rehabilitation Sub-committee, ACAN .Hong Kong Government of SAR.
  • 1 Apr 2017 - 31 Mar 2023, Convenor, Research Advisory Group, Narcotics Division, Security Bureau, Hong Kong Government of SAR.
  • 2017 - 2021, Convenor, Asia Pacific Forum of Restorative Justice .
  • 1 Jan 2016 - 31 Dec 2025, Chairman , Board of Directors, Centre for Restoration on Human Relationships.
  • 2016 - 2018, Member of Executive Committee, Asian Criminological Society .
  • 2015 - 2020, Honorary Advisor, Staff Training Institute of Correctional Services Department.Hong Kong.
  • 2011 - Now, Member , Board of Directors, Excel Life and Development Services.
  • 2008 - Now, President, The Hong Kong Juvenile Delinquency Research Society.
  • 2006 - 2007, Honorary Advisor, Hong Kong Police College.
  • 2005 - 2008, Member, AIDS Advisory Council - Community Forum.
  • 2003 - 2006, Member, Community Health Services Governing Committee, Haven of Hope Christian Service.
  • 2002 - 2008, Member, Action Committee against Narcotics.
  • 2001 - Now, Associate Fellow, Research Society of Juvenile Delinquency, Macau.
  • 2001 - 2006, Member, Management Committee of Red Ribbon Centre for AIDS Prevention.
  • 1999 - Now, Approved Manager, Hop Yat Church Primary School.
  • 1999 - Now, Member, Board of Directors, Wu Oi Christian Drug Rehabilitation Services.

Service in CityU

Administrative Assignment

  • 1 Oct 2019 - 10 Nov 2020, Acting University Librarian, Run Run Shaw Library, City University of Hong Kong .
  • 1 Sep 2019 - 31 Dec 2019, Associate Dean (Faculty and Research), College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences.
  • 15 Apr 2019 - 31 Jul 2019, Acting Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences .
  • 1 Nov 2018 - 14 Apr 2019, Associate Dean, Research and Post-graduate Studies.
  • 1 Sep 2016 - 31 Aug 2020, Leader, Discipline in Sociology and Criminology.
  • 1 Mar 2011 - 30 Oct 2018, Associate Dean, Student Life and Learning .

Research / Thesis Supervision

  • 1 Sep 2009 - 30 Jun 2025, PhD in Social Work / Criminology .

Teaching Service

  • 1 Sep 2015 - 31 Aug 2020, 4 , Key Issues of Criminology in Contemporary Societies.
  • 1 Sep 2005 - 30 Jun 2025, 4, Conflict Management and Mediation .
  • 1 Sep 2005 - 30 Jun 2025, 4 , Working with Young People and Offenders .

Commendation & Awards

  • Winner, Teaching Excellence Awards, 1996/97

Last update date : 16 Jun 2024