Y-Dang Troeung (pronounced e-dang trung) specializes in the field of transnational Asian literature and film. She completed her PhD in English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University (Canada). She is currently completing her book manuscript, Forms of Refuge: Cold War Calculations and Transpacific Refugee Critique, which is a study of the afterlife of the Cold War in Southeast Asia. Through attention to the understudied site of Cambodia and the Cambodian diaspora, the project considers how refugee cultural forms imagine complex modes of survival in the aftermath of war. She is also working on two other projects: a study of the global politics of refugee sponsorship and a collaborative project on Afro-Asian connections and circulations in the Global South.
Her publications can be found in the journals Modern Fiction Studies, Canadian Literature, Interventions, University of Toronto Quarterly, Rethinking History, MELUS, ARIEL, Concentric, and Topia. She serves as a member of the steering committee of the International Autobiography Association (IABA) Asia-Pacific and a member of the management committee of the Southeast Asia Research Centre (SEARC) at CityU. At CityU, she teaches the courses Asian Literature in English (GE2404), Film Studies (GE3401/EN2808), Literature and Adaption (EN2718), and Postcolonial Literature and Culture (EN6509). In 2015, she was the recipient of City University of Hong Kong's Teaching Excellence Award and was CityU's official nominee for the 2015 UGC Teaching Award.
Award and Achievement
- Mar 2015 “Teaching Excellence Award” City University of Hong Kong . [URL]
- Sep 2015 “Nominee, 2015 UGC Teaching Grant” University Grants Committee. [URL]
Research Grant
- Creative Pedagogy for Teaching Human Rights, Teaching Excellence Award Grant, City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HKD $148,100, 1 Jul 2015 - 30 Jun 2017, Y-Dang Troeung (PI).
- Reframing Human Rights Discourse: Justice and Cambodian Life Stories in English , Early Career Scheme (ECS) GRF Grant, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, Amount: HKD $386,660, 1 Jan 2014 - 31 Dec 2016, Y-Dang Troeung (PI).
- Exploring English Cinema through the Production of Creative Video Projects, Teaching Start-up Grant, City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HKD $35,200, 1 Jan 2013 - 31 Dec 2013, Y-Dang Troeung (PI).
- Troeung, Y-Dang. & Thien, Madeleine. (2016). "To the Intellectuals of the West": Rithy Panh's The Elimination and Genealogies of the Cambodian Genocide. Topia: Canadian Journal of Postcolonial Studies. No 35 (Spring 2016). 155 - 171.
- Troeung, Y-Dang. (2016). Book Review: Ingratitude: The Debt-Bound Daughter in Asian American Literature, written by erin Khuê Ninh. The Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry. Vol 3, Issue 2. 1 - 2. doi:10.1017/pli.2016.7
- Troeung, Y-Dang. & Lê, Việt. (2016). Refugee Crossings on the 40th Anniversary of the Vietnam War: An Interview with Andrew Lam. MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the United States. Volume 43, Issue 3. 1 - 10.
- Troeung, Y-Dang. & Patterson, Christopher. (2016). The Psyche of Neoliberal Multiculturalism: Queering Memory and Reproduction in Larissa Lai's Salt Fish Girl and Chang-rae Lee's On Such a Full Sea. Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies. Vol 42, Issue 1. 73 - 98. doi:10.6240/concentric.lit.2016.42.1.04
- Troeung, Y-Dang. (2015). Book Review: War, Genocide, and Justice: Cambodian American Memory Work, written by Cathy J. Schlund-Vials. Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas. Vol 1. Issue 1-2. 185 - 188. doi:10.1163/23523085-00101012
- Troeung, Y-Dang. (2015). Buried History and Transpacific Pedagogy: Teaching the Vietnamese Boat People’s Hong Kong Passage. ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature. Volume 46, Issue 1-2. 239 - 255.
- Troeung, Y-Dang. (2015). Human Rights and the Literary Self-Portrait: Vann Nath's A Cambodian Prison Portrait: One Year in the Khmer Rouge's S-21. Rethinking History: Journal of Theory and Practice. Vol. 19, Issue 2. 235 - 251. doi:10.1080/13642529.2014.973715
- Troeung, Y-Dang. (2015). Iterations of War and its Literary Counterforces: Vaddey Ratner’s In the Shadow of the Banyan and Kosal Khiev’s Why I Write. Melus: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States. Vol. 40, Issue 2. 1 - 21. doi:10.1093/melus/mlv011
- Troeung, Y-Dang. (2013). Articulate Silences Revisited: Vietnamese Women's Diasporic Stories. Contemporary Women's Writing. Volume 7, Issue 1. 113 - 117. doi:10.1093/cww/vps021
- Troeung, Y-Dang. , Antwi, Phanuel. , Brophy, Sarah. & Strauss, Helene. (2013). Not Without Ambivalence: An interview with Sara Ahmed on Postcolonial Intimacies. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies. Vol. 15, Issue 1. 110 - 126. doi:10.1080/1369801X.2013.771011
- Troeung, Y-Dang. , Antwi, Phanuel. , Brophy, Sarah. & Strauss, Helene. (2013). Postcolonial Intimacies: Gatherings, Disruptions, Departures. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies. Volume 15, Issue 1. 1 - 9. doi:10.1080/1369801X.2013.770994
- Troeung, Y-Dang. (2013). Witnessing Cambodia's Disappeared. University of Toronto Quarterly. Volume 82, Issue 2. 150 - 167. doi:10.3138/UTQ.82.2.150
- Troeung, Y-Dang. (2010). 'A gift or a theft depends on who is holding the pen': Postcolonial Collaborative Autobiography and Monique Truong’s The Book of Salt. Modern Fiction Studies. Volume 56, Issue 1. 113 - 135. doi:10.1353/mfs.0.1664
- Troeung, Y-Dang. (2010). Forgetting Loss in Madeleine Thien's Certainty. Canadian Literature. Issue 206. 91-108 .
Book Chapter
- Troeung, Y-Dang. , Patterson, Christopher. , Lim, Shirley Geok-lin. & Gui, Weihsin. (Forthcoming 2016). Asian Literature in English. The Handbook of Asian Englishes, edited by Kingsley Bolton and Thomas A. Kirkpatrick. Wiley Blackwell.
Service in CityUHK
Research / Thesis Supervision
- 2014 - 2017, Completed, PhD Committee, Benedict Rowlett.
- 2011 - 2015, Completed, PhD Committee, Chris Hill.
- 2010 - 2014, Completed, PhD Supervisor, Stephanie Han Yoo, "Writing Beyond the Nation: Globality, Aesthetics, and the Asian American Novel, 2000-2010".
Last update date :
03 Apr 2018