Building a Good Relationship with your Fieldwork Instructor



Building a Good Relationship with your Fieldwork Instructor

1. Anxieties

2. Student learning problems...

2.1 Problems

2.2 Students feelings

These feelings originate in earlier relationships and can be transferred to this one,

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The End of Section 2

3. Regular Weekly Supervision

Instructor may feel angry and resentful if

4. What about between sessions?

5. Who is accountable in an agency?

6. What is expected of me?

7. Students needs constructive criticisms

8. What if problems occur?

9. Three-party Relationship

Barriers to Building a good relationship

Insecurity due to

5. faced with looking at the question of activity versus performance;

9. fears on being expected to reveal one’s inner self;

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The End

作者:T.Y. Lee

