A slide presentation on selected concepts and procedures from Welfare Workers' Response to Homeless Welfare Applicants


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A slide presentation on selected concepts and procedures from Welfare Workers' Response to Homeless Welfare Applicants

Theoretical Contexts

The "role of welfare in support of capitalism" theory

The "incompetent client" theory

The "few resources versus many obstacles" theory

The "client/worker cultural mismatch" theory

The "street-level bureaucracy" theory


Use of Manuals, program operation, rules and regulation

Discussion with 8 key informants


Interviews with workers

Interviews with clients

Advantages and disadvantages of using guidelines

Findings 1

Illustration 1

Illustration 1 (Con't)

Illustration 1 (Con't)

Finding 2: Poorly defined eligibility criteria

Illustration 2

Finding 3: Rule/Reality Mismatch

Illustration 3

Finding 4: Lack of worker control over outcomes

Illustration 4

Finding 5: Worker/Claimant Mismatch

Illustration 5



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